Khamis, 19 Mei 2011



My journey - Wong Hon Wai 黃漢偉

Posted: 19 May 2011 07:06 AM PDT

My journey - Wong Hon Wai 黃漢偉

Enakmen Warisan Pulau Pinang melindungi bangunan warisan yang dikenal pasti

Posted: 18 May 2011 05:06 PM PDT

Special Interview by Guang Min Daily on Heritage Enactment.

黃漢偉澄清檳遺產法案條文 歷史古屋轉手受限 普通老厝照常買賣

2011-05-18 18:50







大藍圖將出爐 鑑定範圍包括威省古厝


魏宗贤文打烟之声 Gwee Tong Hiang for Bentayan

Posted: 19 May 2011 03:38 AM PDT

魏宗贤文打烟之声 Gwee Tong Hiang for Bentayan


Posted: 19 May 2011 02:03 AM PDT

Lim Guan Eng

Posted: 19 May 2011 01:03 AM PDT

Lim Guan Eng

Home Minister must take firm action against Utusan Malaysia (en/cn)

Posted: 19 May 2011 12:07 AM PDT

Datuk Paul Low, President of Transparency International Malaysia, has recently come forward to state clearly and unequivocally that there was no pact or pledge between Christian and DAP leaders, or anyone else for that matter, on the evening of May 5 or at any other time during the Unashamedly Ethical Conference in Penang.

As an invited guest speaker, he was a witness to the entire night's proceedings, and as an upstanding man of the community and president of the anti-graft body Transparency International Malaysia, he is as reliable a witness as any.

Therefore, this confirms that the seditious report carried by Utusan on its front-page entitled 'Kristian Agama Rasmi' that claimed a conspiracy between Christians and the DAP to replace Islam with Christianity as the official religion and to install a Christian Prime Minister is nothing more than an unsubstantiated and malicious lie.

In light of Datuk Paul Low's statement, the Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein must now take firm action against the UMNO-owned paper, which has so far been let off with a measly warning letter.

Such a light action does not befit the severity of the transgression, as the Utusan's irresponsible reporting has caused much confusion and incited racial and religious misgivings amongst Malaysians. Most notably, it was the catalyst for Ibrahim Ali's call for a crusade or holy war against Christians. I am sure that anyone would agree the repercussions have been extremely damaging to the fabric of Malaysian society.

Therefore, Datuk Seri Hishamuddin has no choice but to initiate stern and severe action on the newspaper, so as to send a clear signal that the BN Government upholds their supposedly 1Malaysian spirit of peace and harmony across all races and religions.

It is only by taking a firm stand and meting out appropriate punishment to the Utusan Malaysia, would Malaysians be able to close this sorry chapter and move forward together in peace and harmony.


———- Chinese Translation————–










BN’s ETP Has Failed To Win The Corruption War, Improve Transparency And Accountability(en/bm/cn)

Posted: 19 May 2011 12:04 AM PDT

BN's Economic Transformation Programme(ETP) Has Failed To Win The Corruption War, Improve Transparency And Accountability By Failing To Prevent The Slide In Malaysia's Competitiveness By Six Rungs From 10th In 2010 To 16 In 2011.

BN's much vaunted ETP has shown signs of failure when it is unable to prevent the slide in Malaysia's competitiveness under the Institute of Management Development (IMD) 2011 World Competitive Rankings to fall by six rungs from 10th in 2010 to 16 this year. Clearly the ETP has neither succeeded in winning the fight against graft nor in improving accountability and transparency.

Even Transparency International has expressed concerns that corruption has either worsened or stagnated with Malaysia Corruption Perception Index is now at a low-time low of No. 56 in 2010. In 2002 Malaysia was at an all-time high of No.33.

Malaysia's CPI score in 2010 was trimmed slightly from 4.5 the year before to 4.4 out of 10, with 10 being the least corrupt, putting the country on par with Namibia and Turkey. Malaysia inability to fight corruption is due to its stubborn refusal to adopt international best practices in good governance such as open tenders, performance-based and stern action against corruption and financial malpractices.

Corruption was estimated to have cost Malaysia RM28 billion annually and some have even estimated US$100 billion have been lost since the 80s. It is not surprising that the severity of the problem was exposed by the Washington-based Global Financial Integrity report that nearly RM 888 billion of illicit money was secretly taken out of the country over a nine year period from 2000-2008. Much of the illicit money can be traced to corruption and criminal activities.

Many of our greatest losses in our financial scandals goes unpunished. In fact the whistle-blower is not protected by subjected to the highest risk of punishment. Sometimes those responsible for being part of the scandal can even challenge and threaten to sue those trying to clean up.

With the 1st quarter 2011 GDP growth slowing down to 4.6% from the 4.8% fourth quarter 2010 growth, it is a big challenge for the ETP to achieve the projected 6% annual growth for 2011. Three areas must be addressed if the ETP is to have any desired impact to improve competitiveness.

Apart from corruption and failure to punish the corrupt, Malaysia's competitiveness has also been affected by the brain drain of our human talents and poor broadband connectivity. Malaysia has poor broadband service and low broadband penetration rate of less than 50%. Coupled with more than 2 million Malaysians from the best and brightest migrating overseas since Merdeka, Malaysia's slide in competitiveness is expected and unsurprising.

Press Statement By DAP Secretary-General And MP For Bagan Lim Guan Eng In Kuala Lumpur On 19 May 2011.

———– Malay Translation ————-

Kenyataan Akhbar oleh Setiausaha Agung DAP merangkap Ahli Parlimen Bagan, YAB Lim Guan Eng pada 19 Mei 2011 di Kuala Lumpur.

Program Transformasi Ekonomi (ETP) Kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) telah gagal dalam memerangi gejala rasuah, memperbaiki ketelusan dan akauntabiliti berikutan kegagalan mempertahankan kedudukan daya saing Malaysia dari anak tangga ke 10 pada tahun 2010 ke tangga 16 pada tahun 2011.

ETP yang menjadi kebanggaan Barisan Nasional telah menunjukkan tanda- tanda kegagalan apabila gagal mempertahankan kedudukan daya saing Malaysia di bawah Institut Pembangunan Pengurusan (IMD) dalam daya saing antarabangsa 2011 apabila jatuh 6 anak tangga dari tangga ke -10 pada tahun 2010 ke tangga ke- 16 pada tahun 2011. Jelas sekali ETP tidak berjaya untuk memenangi perang melawan rasuah mahupun memperbaiki ketelusan dan akauntabiliti.

Malah Tranparency International turut menyatakan keprihatinan bahawa rasuah bukan sahaja telah memburukkan tetapi juga telah membawa Indeks Persepsi Rasuah (CPI) Malaysia ketika ini ke tangga yang rendah iaitu di tempat ke- 56 pada tahun 2010. Pada tahun 2002, Malaysia berada di tangga ke- 33.

Indeks Persepsi Rasuah (CPI) Malaysia pada tahun 2010 menurun sedikit iaitu daripada 4.5 pada tahun sebelumnya kepada 4.4 daripada mata penuh 10; di mana markah 10 adalah paling rendah rasuah, menjadikan Malaysia setaraf dengan Negara Namibia dan Turki. Ketidakmampuan Malaysia memerangi rasuah adalah disebabkan penolakan keras untuk melaksanakan amalan terbaik antarabangsa dalam corak pemerintahan seperti sistem tender terbuka, penilaian berasaskan prestasi dan tindakan tegas dalam melawan gejala rasuah dan pengurusan kewangan yang salah.

Amalan rasuah dianggarkan bernilai RM28 bilion setahun dan ada yang menganggarkan sebanyak US$100 telah hilang sejak tahun 80-an. Hal ini tidak menghairankan apabila permasalahan ini telah didedahkan oleh Washington melalui laporan Global Financial Integrity bahawa hampir RM888 bilion wang haram telah dipindahkan secara diam-diam ke luar Negara sejak 9 tahun lalu iaitu dari tahun 2000- 2008. Sebahagian besar wang haram dikesan melalui kegiatan rasuah dan jenayah.

Kebanyakan kerugian besar dalam skandal kewangan dibiarkan tanpa sebarang hukuman. Bahkan whistle-blower tidak dilindungi untuk berdepan dengan risiko hukuman yang berat. Kadang kala mereka yang bertanggungjawab dengan skandal masih boleh mencabar dan mengancam untuk mengambil tindakan kepada mereka yang cuba membersihkannya.

Selain daripada rasuah dan kegagalan untuk menjatuhkan hukuman kepada pesalah rasuah, daya saing Malaysia juga telah dipengaruhi oleh pemikiran sempit daripada bakat luar dan perkhidmatan jalur lebar yang lemah. Malaysia mempunyai perkhidmatan jalur lebar yang rendah dengan capaian internet yang kurang daripada 50 peratus. Ditambah dengan lebih daripada 2 juta rakyat Malaysia yang terbaik dan bijak telah berhijrah ke luar Negara sejak Malaysia mencapai kemerdekaan, kedudukan daya saing Malaysia adalah seperti yang telah dijangka dan tidak mengejutkan.

————— Chinese Translation ——————–




就连国际透明组织也已经表达了他们对国内贪污问题恶化或停滞的关注, 我国贪污印象指数在2010年排名第56位创新低,在2002年马来西亚的排名曾位居33名。





政府除了无法肃贪、惩贪,我们的竞争力也因人才外流及差劲的宽频联系而受到严重影响。 马来西亚的服务水平低落、覆盖率低于50%的宽频设备,加上独立至今200万名优秀人才移民国外,难怪我国的竞争力继续下滑。


Penang Targets RM 6.1 Billion Investments In 2011 To Attract High Value-Added, High-Tech, Knowledge Based Companies(en/bm/cn)

Posted: 19 May 2011 12:00 AM PDT

Penang Targets RM 6.1 Billion Investments In 2011 To Attract High Value-Added, High-Tech, Knowledge Based Companies That Engender High-Income, Technology Transfer and Innovative Industries.

The Penang State Government is targeting to achieve RM6.1 billion investments for this year, which is 50% of the record RM 12.2 billion in 2010 and topped the investment charts for the first time in Malaysia. A lower figure has been set to attract high value-added, high-tech, knowledge based companies that engender high-income, technology transfer and innovative industries. Additionally the Gartner September 2010 report indicates that worldwide semiconductor revenue growth is expected to decrease from 31.5% in 2010 to 4.6% in 2011. This means that the growth rate will taper off.

At the same time, there is a need to "digest" (consolidate) the record investments last year so that the workers and skills shortage engendered does not overspill and damage the industry. According to the latest MIDA, the first three months of 2011 saw a total of RM1.8 billion approved from 20 projects for Penang.

Penang accounts for 15 percent of the total investments approved for the country of RM12.2 billion during January to March 2011. The FDI approved for Penang amounting to RM 991 million constitute 21 percent of the total FDI approved for Malaysia. Penang currently placed fourth in Malaysia.

In 2010, Penang's RM12.2 billion investments are expected to generate 21,000 new jobs. With the current full employment situation in the State, the State authorities have to deal with various challenges such human resource and SME (small and medium enterprise) development.

In response to these challenges, the State Government, through investPenang, has initiated several programmes like the SME Market Advisory, Resource and Training (SMART) Centre and the Career Assistance & Training (CAT) Centre to address the worker shortage. The SMART Centre was set up specifically to facilitate all SMEs in the State to expand their business through the provision of various activities carried out by the centre.

Further the state government is also collaborating closely with the PSDC to address the skills shortages. Establishing the Penang Science Council has also demonstrated a commitment to train and retrain new talents as well as establish Penang as a centre of excellence for science and technology.

The CAT Centre that was set up in early 2009 to assist the retrenched workers and the unemployed has been recently streamlined with a revised role and responsibility to attract and retain talents. The mission of CAT Centre is to rebrand Penang as the place to work and live, with a new motto "My Penang, My Workplace" emphasising opportunity, economics and liveability.

Penang can lead again by not only be a sweatshop but also the smartshop of the manufacturing industry in Malaysia.

Press Conference Statement By Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng After The investPenang Board Meeting In Penang On 19 May 2011.

——– Malay Translation ———-

Kenyataan Media oleh Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng pada 19 May 2011 di Invest Penang:

Pulau Pinang menyasarkan RM6.1 bilion Pelaburan untuk tahun 2011 bagi menarik tambah nilai yang lebih tinggi, berteknologi tinggi, industri berasaskan pengetahuan yang dapat menghasilkan pendapatan yang lumayan, perpindahan teknologi serta industri yang inovatif.

Kerajaan Negeri Pulau Pinang menyasarkan untuk mencapai RM6.1 bilion dalam pelaburan untuk tahun ini di mana 50% daripada RM12.2 bilion pada tahun 2010 dan menduduki tangga pertama dalam pelaburan untuk pertama kalinya di Malaysia. Angka yang lebih rendah telah ditetapkan untuk menarik tambah nilai yang lebih tinggi, berteknologi tinggi, industri berasaskan pengetahuan yang dapat menjana pendapatan yang lebih tinggi, perpindahan teknologi dan industri yang inovatif. Tambahan daripada itu, laporan Gartner pada September 2010 menunjukkan bahawa pertumbuhan pendapatan semi konduktor dunia dijangka akan menurun daripada 31.5% pada tahun 2010 ke 4.6% pada tahun 2011. ini bermakna kadar pertumbuhan akan lebih meruncing.

Pada masa yang sama, terdapat keperluan untuk memperkukuhkan (menggabung atau menyatukan) rekod pelaburan pada tahun lalu agar kekurangan tenaga kerja dan pekerja mahir tidak akan melimpah ruah dan merosakkan industri. Menurut laporan terbaru MIDA, pada tiga bulan pertama tahun 2011 telah menyaksikan keseluruhan RM1.8 bilion telah diluluskan daripada 20 projek untuk Pulau Pinang.

Pulau Pinang menyumbang 15 peratus daripada jumlah keseluruhan pelaburan yang telah diluluskan untuk negara iaitu RM12.2 bilion dari Januari hingga Mac 2011. FDI yang telah diluluskan untuk Pulau Pinang sebanyak RM991 juta merupakan 21 peratus daripada jumlah keseluruhan FDI yang telah diluluskan untuk Malaysia. Ketika ini Pulau Pinang menduduki tempat keempat di Malaysia.

Pada tahun 2010, RM12.2 bilion pelaburan di Pulau Pinang dijangka akan dapat menjana 21, 000 peluang pekerjaan baru. Dengan situasi negeri yang sifar pengangguran masa kini, pihak berkuasa negeri harus berhadapan dengan pelbagai cabaran seperti sumber manusia dan pembangunan SME (perusahaan kecil dan sederhana).

Dalam menangani cabaran ini, Kerajaan Negeri melalui investPenang telah merancang beberapa program seperti penubuhan Penasihat Pemasaran SME, Pusat Sumber dan Latihan (SMART) dan Pusat Kerjaya dan Latihan (CAT) untuk mengatasi masalah kekurangan pekerja. Pusat SMART ditubuhkan secara khusus untuk memudahkan semua SME di negeri ini untuk mengembangkan perniagaan mereka melalui penyediaan kepelbagaian aktiviti yang dilakukan oleh pusat tersebut.

Selain itu, Kerajaan Negeri juga turut bekerjasama secara erat dengan PSDC dalam usaha untuk mengatasi masalah kekurangan tenaga mahir. Pusat Pembangunan Kemahiran Pulau Pinang (PSDC) juga telah menunjukkan komitmen untuk melatih bakat-bakat baru serta menetapkan Pulau Pinang sebagai pusat kecemerlangan untuk perkembangan sains dan teknologi.

Pusat Kerjaya dan Latihan (CAT) yang ditubuhkan pada awal tahun 2009 bagi membantu para penganggur mereka yang diberhentikan telah digubal semula peranan dan tanggungjawabnya bagi menarik dan mengekalkan bakat sedia ada. Misi pusat CAT adalah untuk menjenamakan semula Pulau Pinang sebagai tempat yang sesuai untuk bekerja dan hidup dengan moto baru 'My Penang, My Workplace' dengan menitikberatkan peluang, ekonomi dan taraf hidup.

Pulau Pinang boleh kembali memimpin dengan bukan sahaja sebagai 'sweatshop' tetapi juga 'smartshop' dalam industri perkilangan di Malaysia.

————- Chinese Translation ————




同时, 我们有必须"巩固" 去年的投资记录,以让员工及技术短缺的问题不会扩大而破坏我们的工业。根据最新的大马工业发展局的记录,2011年首三个月,当局在槟城共批准了20个价值18亿令吉的项目。

在2011年1月至3月期间,槟城所获投资额占了全国总投资额122亿令吉的15%。 槟城的外国直接投资为9亿9100万令吉,占了我国外国直接投资总额的21%。槟城目前排名第四。

2010年,槟城所获的122亿令吉预料能制造 2万1000个就业机会。目前槟州处于充分就业,州政府要处理其它各种具挑战性的问题如:人力资源及中小型企业发展。

为了应付上述挑战,州政府通过投资槟城,主动发起各种计划如中小型企业市场咨 询、资源与培训中心(SMART)、就业及培训(CAT)中心来应付员工短缺的问题。SMART中心成立的目的就是要协助州内的中小型企业,通过该中心主办的各种活动来拓展他们的业务。

此外,州政府也与槟州技术发展机构紧密合作,应付员工短缺的问题。 我们也成立槟州科学理事会,展现我们立志培训及再培训人才,同时打造槟城成为卓越科学与技术中心。

CAT中心成立于2009年初 ,以协助被裁退及失业工人,目前,我们已经为该中心重新定位,让它担起吸引人才、留住人才的责任。CAT中心的任务就是为槟州重新打造品牌,让槟州成为一个适合工作和居住的地方,槟城的新口号将是"我的槟城,工作的好地方",强调机会、经济及活力。



Lim Kit Siang

Posted: 18 May 2011 11:29 PM PDT

Lim Kit Siang

PKR faces de-registration threat

Posted: 18 May 2011 11:16 PM PDT

By Shannon Teoh | May 19, 2011 The Malaysian Insider PETALING JAYA, May 19 — PKR risks being deregistered after it was given a show-cause letter by the Registrar of Societies (RoS) for allegedly violating the party's constitution. In the letter, the RoS said PKR had sacked a member without the matter being heard by [...]

‘Leaving behind a toxic legacy for decades’

Posted: 18 May 2011 10:14 PM PDT

By G Vinod | May 19, 2011 Free Malaysia Today PETALING JAYA: Two Australian environmental groups believe that the Lynas rare earth mine in Kuantan would leave a toxic legacy for decades. The environmental groups – Friends of the Earth Australia and the Conservation Council of Western Australia – said that by not revealing the [...]

1Malaysia: ‘Good slogan, poor product’

Posted: 18 May 2011 10:08 PM PDT

By Stephanie Sta Maria | May 19, 2011 Free Malaysia Today PETALING JAYA: The endorsement of unity as the golden key to nation-building is an age-old practice that has not always produced the envisioned borderless society. In the 1960s the military leaders of Burma promoted "Burmese nationalism", but this ideal disintegrated when the ethnic Burmese [...]

Why I am thinking of leaving

Posted: 18 May 2011 10:04 PM PDT

The Malaysian Insider | We asked readers to tell us why they migrated… or are even thinking of migrating. This is one of the stories. MAY 19 — I would like to tell you first-hand why I am thinking of migrating in the future: The salary base of Malaysian employees are low. I am a [...]

Reclaiming our truly Malaysian history

Posted: 18 May 2011 08:50 PM PDT

By Centre for Policy Initiatives Introduction by CPI Below is the first in the CPI series on 'Reclaiming our truly Malaysian history'. The post provides readers with information on the meeting held in Petaling Jaya on May 15 to launch the national campaign on reforming the history curriculum and textbooks. During the next few weeks [...]

Poor have no shield from subsidy cuts, says Pua

Posted: 18 May 2011 08:30 PM PDT

By Yow Hong Chieh | May 19, 2011 The Malaysian Insider KUALA LUMPUR, May 19 — Subsidy cuts will widen the gulf between rich and poor in Malaysia if the Najib administration does not cushion the impact of price hikes on lower income groups, DAP publicity chief Tony Pua has said. He said the lack [...]

10 days in May (17)

Posted: 18 May 2011 08:27 PM PDT

Tweets @limkitsiang:- Cabinet silence on Utusan “Christian Msia” bogey/Hisham condonation – thot of “Silence of the Lambs” not Hannibal horror film but metaphor Cabinet let Najib down- exposes Global Movement of Moderates call empty rhetoric. Have BN Ministers read Nades’ article? Nades asked:”If PM advocate moderation tolerance acceptance Y voices extremism overpowered threatened what [...]

No place in society for those who sow seeds of hatred

Posted: 18 May 2011 07:22 PM PDT

By R. Nadeswaran | 18 May 2011 The Sun THE hallowed corridors of the renowned Sheldonian Theatre at Oxford University have been the scene of the entry of many luminaries whose speeches elucidated its audience. Monday was no different when Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak delivered his address. The packed hall had students, [...]

Of online privacy, PR snafus, and self-righteousness

Posted: 18 May 2011 07:20 PM PDT

By Edwin Yapp | May 19, 2011 The Malaysian Insider MAY 19 — All's fair in love and war, so says the age-old adage. But while this might be true in the old days, all's not necessarily fair at all especially in the cyber age world. Late last week, news broke that Facebook has owned [...]

Native festival lacks spirit

Posted: 18 May 2011 07:17 PM PDT

By Luke Rintod | May 18, 2011 Free Malaysia Today KOTA BELUD: Sabah's main local native festival, Tadau Kaamatan or Harvest Festival, was a shadow of its old self this year. Decorated stalls that are normally put up by government agencies and private companies to exhibit and sell products were absent and uncollected garbage from [...]

Murder most foul: The truth still eludes us

Posted: 18 May 2011 07:16 PM PDT

Comments posted by Malaysiakini subscribers ‘For the two who were convicted of the crime – who has seen their faces? Are they in prison or are they relaxing outside their beach homes?’ Wikileaks releases cables on Najib and Altantuya Ferdtan: There is nothing new in the Wikileaks cables that we do not know about – [...]

Longing For A Free Mind (Part 11 of 14)

Posted: 18 May 2011 07:11 PM PDT

By M. Bakri Musa Q&A: Change, Corruption, and Talent Recruitment Q1: We went through a momentous change, a political tsunami as it were, with the 2008 general elections, yet things have remained unchanged. What would it take to effect real change in our country? A1: I understand and share your frustration. What will it take [...]

‘Tamil school problem still being ignored’

Posted: 18 May 2011 07:09 PM PDT

By Humayun Kabir | May 18, 2011 Free Malaysia Today IPOH: Tamil schools that were closed because of poor enrolment are not being substituted with new ones in semi-rural and urban areas to cater to the Indian community, the DAP claimed. Party national vice-chief M Kulasegaran said that nearly 60% of Indian parents preferred to [...]

Don’t give up on Malaysia

Posted: 18 May 2011 10:21 PM PDT

June Rubis The Malaysian Insider May 19, 2011 MAY 19 — Discovering the fresh corpse of an orangutan was probably the last straw. It had been shot several times and left to die on a riverbank. We discovered the corpse while paddling up a river in Batang Ai National Park. Killing an orangutan, a totally [...]

Finding the nation’s voice

Posted: 18 May 2011 05:18 PM PDT

Christopher Chong The Malaysian Insider May 19, 2011 MAY 19 — Everyone knows that a democracy is a political system where periodical elections take place. But democracy is much more than just elections. It involves the existence of a space which allows for people to freely debate on public issues and government policies as well [...]

Teoh’s death IS about the MACC

Posted: 18 May 2011 10:22 PM PDT

The Malaysian Insider May 18, 2011 MAY 18 — Datuk Seri Shafee Abdullah is right that that the public should focus on Teoh Beng Hock's death but wrong to say that the blunders of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) should not be in the picture. That is part of the task given to the Royal [...]

‘Christian Conspiracy’: Bona Fide or Bogus?

Posted: 18 May 2011 10:22 PM PDT

by Haider Yutim Malaysian Digest Wednesday, 18 May 2011 The nation is shaken again by an inter-religion strife after an arguably unsubstantiated news report from Utusan Malaysia entitled 'Kristian Agama Rasmi?'. The allegation of a 'Christian conspiracy' that came out on front-page was akin to pouring gasoline over sparks that's been kept under control by [...]

A desire for better quality of life

Posted: 18 May 2011 04:45 PM PDT

Setec The Malaysian Insider May 18, 2011 MAY 18 — My primary reasons are different from that of most migrants from Malaysia: 1) English as the first language — I believe English is the language for all; I do not believe in multi-lingualism, e.g. learning Chinese, Tamil, etc. I think this idea is not anti-nationalistic. [...]

10 days in May (16)

Posted: 18 May 2011 06:22 AM PDT

Tweets @limkitsiang:- Utterly incensed by Shafie’s outrageous defence MACC re TeohBengHock death – “Focus on Teoh death, not MACC clangers” Is Shafie attorney for 29mil Msians or 4MACC? Is he attorney 4justice/truth? Y ignore MACC blunders which can b telltale signs of crime? Shafie said “hallmark question” whthr TBH’s death is suicide or not.What [...]

Terbunuh kerana operasi cegah maksiat?

Posted: 18 May 2011 05:05 AM PDT

Prof Madya Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin May 18, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider Soalan: Dr Asri, semalam ada berita seorang telah terjatuh mati kerana lari dari intipan pihak pencegah maksiat sebuah jabatan agama. Bolehkah perkara macam ini berlaku. Bolehkah kita cegah maksiat sehingga menyebabkan orang mati? Minta tolonglah Dr Asri huraikan kes ini. Kenali [...]

Charles Santiago

Posted: 18 May 2011 11:10 PM PDT

Charles Santiago

Santiago: Subsidise the poor to help them cope

Posted: 18 May 2011 10:58 PM PDT

Source: Selangor Times


Posted: 18 May 2011 10:53 PM PDT

Source: Selangor Times

சிறுமி அனுஷா சித்ரவதை: குற்றவாளியைச் சட்டம் தண்டித்தாக வேண்டும் – சார்ல்ஸ் சந்தியாகோ

Posted: 17 May 2011 11:40 PM PDT

மூலம் :- மலேசியா இன்று

13 May | செய்தி.

அண்மையில் பாதுகாவலரால் சித்ரவதை செய்யப் பட்ட 13 வயது சிறுமி அனுஷாவின் பாட்டியான லீலாவதி காளிமுத்து நேற்று மாலை (வியாழக்கிழமை) தமது அலுவலகத்தில் கண்ணீர் கம்பலையுமாய் தனது பேத்தியின் நிலையைப் பற்றிய மனவேதனையைக் கொட்டித் தீர்த்தார் என கிள்ளான் நாடாளுமன்ற உறுப்பினர் சார்ல்ஸ் சந்தியாகோ கூறினார்.

சிறுமி அனுஷாவின் பெற்றோர் கருத்து வேறுபாட்டின் காரணமாக அவரது நான்காவது வயதிலேயே பிரிந்து விட்டதாகவும், அதற்குப் பிறகு பன்னிரண்டு வயது வரை தனது பாதுகாப்பில்தான் அனுஷா இருந்ததாகவும் பாட்டி லீலாவதி கூறினார்.

இவ்வாறு விளக்கமளிக்கையில், தனது மகனும் அனுஷாவின் தந்தையுமான சேகரன் கேட்டுகொண்டதுக்கிணங்க, அனுஷாவை அவரிடம் அனுப்பி விட்டதாகவும் கூறிய லீலாவதி, அனுப்பி நான்கு மாதம் கூட ஆகவில்லை, ஆனால் இப்படி கொடூரமாக சித்ரவதை செய்யப் பட்டிருப்பதை சொல்லி மலை மலையாய் கண்ணீர் துளியைச் சிந்தினார்.

பிள்ளைகள் எவ்வளவுதான் தவறுகள் செய்திருந்தாலும் அவர்களை கடுமையான முறையில் அடிப்பதோ அல்லது புண்படுத்தும் அதிகாரமோ பெற்றோர்களுக்கு இல்லை என கூறிய சார்ல்ஸ், உண்மையில் சொல்லப் போனால் அவர்களது மீது எந்த ஒரு புண்ணும் ஏற்படாமல் பார்த்துக் கொள்ளவதும் பிள்ளைகளைச் சுகாதாரமாக வளர்ப்பது பெற்றோர்களின் தலையாய கடமையாகும் எனவும் அவர் வலியுறுத்தினார்.

இவ்வாறு மனிதாபிமானம் இல்லாமல் கொடுமை படுத்துபவர் யாராகினும் எந்த ஒரு பாரபட்சமுமின்றி தண்டனை பெற்றே ஆக வேண்டும் என வலியுறுத்திய சார்ல்ஸ், அனுஷாவுக்கு தற்போது பாதுகாப்பும் அரவணைப்பும் மிக முக்கியம் என ஆலோசனைக் கூறினார்.

அதுமட்டுமின்றி, சம்பந்தப்பட்டவர்கள் மீது சட்ட நடவடிக்கை எடுக்கவும், தம்மால் முடிந்த வரையில் சட்டபூர்வமாக உதவிகள் வழங்கத் தயார் எனவும் சார்ல்ஸ் கூறினார்.


Posted: 18 May 2011 01:34 PM PDT


Posted: 18 May 2011 07:43 AM PDT

Posted: 18 May 2011 04:06 AM PDT

‘Tamil school problem still being ignored’

Posted: 17 May 2011 10:21 PM PDT

‘Tamil school problem still being ignored’

Posted: 17 May 2011 10:21 PM PDT

Tuduh DAP di belakang Kristian untuk apa?

Posted: 17 May 2011 06:28 PM PDT

Philosophy Politics Economics

Posted: 18 May 2011 09:49 AM PDT

Philosophy Politics Economics

Whose "opium" to cut?

Posted: 18 May 2011 02:03 AM PDT

Pakatan faults BN for subsidy 'opium' addiction
By Clara Chooi May 18, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, May 18 — Pakatan Rakyat (PR) lawmakers have blamed Barisan Nasional (BN) for failing to address the country's addiction to subsidies with alternatives, rebuking Datuk Seri Najib Razak for transferring the "opium' to cronies.

They said escalating cost of living and stagnant wages have made Malaysians dependent on subsidies, warning that any sudden removal would bankrupt people instead of encouraging competition and wiping out market distortions.

The PR lawmakers suggested the Najib administration take a more holistic approach to cut its burgeoning subsidy bill through a total restructuring of the system by reducing subsidies to corporate giants instead of to the poor, implementing a minimum wage council to boost salaries, and providing better public transportation system to reduce dependency on vehicle ownership and fuel consumption.

"What they are essentially doing shows that they are not serious in their intent to restructure subsidies in the country," said DAP publicity chief Tony Pua who agreed with Najib subsidies were like "opium" to the Malaysian economy but he blamed the government for failing to provide a proper alternative to consumers before reducing their access to the subsidy "opium".

He also complained that the administration was going about its subsidy removal plan in the wrong way by cutting from the "poor man on the street" and yet at the same time, still providing massive subsidies to big corporate giants.

"What Najib is doing instead is making this opium exclusive to Barisan Nasional (BN) cronies," the Petaling Jaya Utara MP told The Malaysian Insider.

He said in order to ease the people's addiction to the subsidy "opium", better alternatives should be made available like a good public transportation system.

"At this point in time, Malaysians consume a large amount of fuel, not just because we pay lower-than-market rates but because we have no other alternative but to own cars due to the lack of transportation infrastructure," Pua added.

He also suggested the government consider cutting back on its subsidies to corporate giants like the independent power producers (IPPs) and toll concessionaires instead of depriving the poor of financial aid.

For the full article, click here.

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