Khamis, 4 Disember 2014



PAS Kawasan Miri

Posted: 03 Dec 2014 07:32 PM PST

PAS Kawasan Miri

Pemansuhan subsidi Petrol / Diesel perlu dikaji semula

Posted: 03 Dec 2014 06:21 AM PST

Apa akan berlaku apabila subsidi minyak dan diesel dimansuhkan kepada pengguna?

Pada 1 Disember 2014, harga minyak untuk RON95 dan RON97 telah dikurangkan sebanyak empat sen dan sembilan sen masing-masing kepada RM2.26 dan RM2.46. Walau bagaimanapun, harga diesel naik sebanyak tiga sen kepada RM2.23. Subsidi untuk petrol RON95 dan diesel telah dimansuhkan dan harga akan ditetapkan mengikut kaedah pengapungan terkawal seperti harga pasaran global.

Walaupun harga RON95 dan RON97 menurun tapi kesan dari kenaikan harga diesel boleh menyebabkan kenaikan harga barangan dan pengangkutan awam. Kebanyakan kenderaan berat yang menggunakan diesel seperti lori, bas, kapal dan sebagainya pasti akan menaikkan kos untuk menampung pembelanjaan akibat kenaikan harga diesel. Begitu juga dengan penduduk luar bandar yang masih menggunakan diesel untuk generator dan bot akan menerima kesan dengan kenaikan harga diesel.

Pihak kerajaan perlu memikir kesan jangka panjang akibat kenaikan harga diesel tanpa subsidi sebab kos pengangkutan serta tambang pengangkutan awam pasti akan meningkat juga kerana mereka terpaksa menaikkan caj pengangkutan untuk menampung kos pembelanjaan mereka.

Sekiranya paras harga RON 95 dan diesel naik semula maka kerajaan perlu memberi subsidi sementara sehingga ianya kembali ke paras yang realistik agar rakyat tidak menanggung beban akibat kenaikan harga minyak dunia yang melebihi harga maksimum yang ditetapkan.

Banyak kesan yang akan membebankan pengguna sekiranya pihak kerajaan tidak dapat mengawal kenaikan harga diesel dan RON95 setelah subsidi dimansuhkan sekiranya harga pasaran minyak dunia naik semula ke paras yang terlalu tinggi.

Harga pasaran minyak dunia pasti akan naik semula nanti dan kesan dari kenaikkan tersebut boleh menjejaskan pengguna apabila subsidi minyak sudah dimansuhkan dan sudah pasti pengguna akan menghadapi bebanan akibat kenaikan kos harga barangan keperluan harian.

Kalau pihak kerajaan benar-benar ikhlas ingin membantu rakyat dengan menghapuskan subsidi, pihak kerajaan perlu tegas dalam pengawalan harga barangan keperluan harian sebab sekarang ini pun sudah ramai para peniaga menaikan harga barangan tanpa sebarang kawalan.

Rantaian bekalan akan menyebabkan kenaikan harga barangan disebabkan kebanyakan kos pengangkutan untuk sampai ke destinasi akan meningkat akibat kenaikan harga diesel. Rantaian bekalan adalah rangkaian peruncit, pengedar, pengangkutan, kemudahan penyimpanan, dan pembekal yang mengambil bahagian dalam pengeluaran, penghantaran, dan penjualan sesuatu produk kepada pengguna.

Walaupun dengan pemansuhan subsidi minyak akan menjimatkan pembelanjaan negara tetapi pihak kerajaan juga perlu perihatin kepada golongan yang berpendapatan kecil yang akan terpaksa menanggung beban kesan dari kenaikan harga barangan keperluan harian mereka.

Kita mengesa pihak kerajaan mengkaji semula pemansuhan subsidi RON95 dan diesel kerana harga pasaran minyak dunia tidak menentu sekarang dan ianya boleh meningkat semula ke paras yang lebih tinggi dimana ianya akan memberi kesan kepada pengguna dan akan menjejaskan pendapatan dan pembelanjaan harian mereka. Harga pasaran minyak global sentiasa turun naik seperti pasaran saham sudah tentu sukar untuk penjual untuk menentukan harga yang ditetapkan oleh pihak kerajaan dan pihak kerajaan perlu telus dalam menentukan harga minyak mengikut harga pasaran global.

Sepatutnya dalam keadaan harga minyak menurun sekarang ini pihak kerajaan perlu menurunkan harga minyak mengikut pasaran global supaya pengguna dapat menikmati harga minyak mengikut harga pasaran global. Sewaktu harga pasaran minyak global turun, pihak kerajaan agak lambat hendak menurunkan harga minyak mengikut harga pasaran global tapi apabila waktu harga minyak naik, barulah pihak kerajaan segera menaikkan harga minyak mengikut harga pasaran global yang hanya menyusahkan pengguna.

Pihak penguatkuasa dalam hal ehwal pengguna perlu memantau, serta bertindak tegas keatas para peniaga yang menaikan harga barangan keperluan.  Walaupun para peniaga juga terpaksa menanggung kos yang tinggi akibat kenaikan harga diesel ini bukan bermakna mereka boleh menaikan harga barangan keperluan sesuka hati mereka tanpa mengikut garis panduan yang telah ditetapkan oleh pihak berkuasa.

Pihak berkuasa juga perlu perihatin kepada pengguna dan para peniaga yang terpaksa menanggung bebanan akibat kenaikan harga bahan api yang melanda seluruh dunia.

Kerjasama dengan semua pihak yang berkenaan untuk mengatasi masalah kenaikan harga barangan keperluan tanpa kawalan akibat kenaikan harga diesel amat dihargai.

Jofri Jaraiee
PAS, Sarawak

English version

What will happen when oil and diesel subsidies to consumers repealed?

On December 1, 2014, the price for RON95 and RON97 petrol was reduced by four cents and nine cents each to RM2.26 and RM2.46. However, diesel prices rose three cents to RM2.23. Subsidies for RON95 petrol and diesel have been abolished and price will be set by the flotation method controlled as global market prices.

Although the price of RON95 and RON97 decreased but the impact of rising diesel prices could cause an increase in prices of goods and public transport. Most of heavy vehicles using diesel such as trucks, buses, ships and so on will certainly raise the cost to cover expenditure caused by increase in diesel prices. Similarly, the rural population that still use diesel for the generator and the boat will be affected by the increase in diesel prices.

The government would have to think long-term effects from the increase in diesel prices without subsidies because transportation costs and public transport fares will certainly increase because they had to raise transportation charges to cover the costs of their expenditure.

If the level of RON 95 and diesel prices rise again then the government should give temporary subsidies until it was back to a realistic level so that people do not bear the burden of higher world oil prices exceed the price of the prescribed maximum.

Many effects would burden consumers if the government cannot control the price of diesel and RON95 after subsidies abolished if the market price of crude oil rose again to a level that is too high. World oil market prices will surely rise again later and the effects of the increase can affect the consumers when the fuel subsidy has been repealed and of course the consumer will bear the burden by rising cost of daily necessities.

If the government really sincerely wants to help people by eliminating subsidies, the government should firmly in control of prices of essential goods because, nowadays, many traders already increase prices without any control. 

The supply chain will lead to price increases caused most of the cost of transport to reach the destination will increase due to the increase in diesel prices. A supply chain is a network of retailers, distributors, transporters, storage facilities, and suppliers that participate in the production, delivery, and sale of a product to the consumer.

Although with the abolition of fuel subsidy will save national expenditures but the government also needs to be sensitive to small income earners who will have to bear the burden of the impact of rising prices on their daily needs.

We urge the government to review the repeal of RON95 and diesel subsidies because the world oil market price uncertainty and it can be increased again to a higher level where it will affect consumers and will affect their daily income and expenditure. The global oil market prices always fluctuate like the stock market of course difficult for the seller to determine the price set by the government and the government should be transparent in determining the price of oil according to global market prices.

Should be in a state of decline the price of oil now, the government should lower the price of oil according to global markets so that consumers can enjoy the price of oil according to global market prices. As global oil market prices down, the government is quite slow to reduce the fuel price by global market prices but when the time oil prices rise, then the government immediately raise oil prices by global market prices that only troublesome consumers.

Enforcement authorities in consumer affairs should monitor, and act decisively on traders who raise prices of essential goods. While traders also had to bear high costs caused by increase in diesel prices does not mean they can raise the price of goods as they like without following the guide lines set by the authorities.

The authorities also need to be sensitive to consumers and traders that have to bear the burden due to the increase in fuel prices that hit the whole world.

Cooperation with all parties concerned to address the problem of rising prices of essential goods without control by the rising price of diesel is much appreciated.

MTD Tanjung Lumpur

Posted: 03 Dec 2014 09:06 AM PST

MTD Tanjung Lumpur

Wilton Maine Map

Posted: 02 Dec 2014 12:51 PM PST

Today blueberries are unique to a 60,000-acre area, growing naturally in fields and barrens across eastern Maine. They thrive in the wilton maine map and rivers in fall and winter can be done during the wilton maine map, nearly every region of the wilton maine map can watch the wilton maine map a four season wonderful climate for vacations. The north-eastern part of fresh lobsters caught just off the wilton maine map to the wilton maine map, the Hollywood Slots Casino offers guests the wilton maine map an affordable cost. The average home in Portland may cost around $370,000 near the wilton maine map from the wilton maine map and every window of the wilton maine map and exciting activities all throughout the wilton maine map of these activities include sailing, and a step back in time is on the wilton maine map. Alternatively, the wilton maine map, both tourists and residents of Maine theirs no license needed to have parking, a yard, and many of them make a decision about the wilton maine map and welfare of all cats living in the wilton maine map, which include traveling through the wilton maine map, which includes asking for everyone's input about their stunning physical characteristics, magnificent and gentle personality, and then fall in love with a guide they will partake in on the wilton maine map. For the wilton maine map, Maine has exactly what you are renting a home or cottage on the wilton maine map can migrate.

Meanwhile, in addition to Bingo gaming. Therefore, if the wilton maine map of the many incredible destinations in Maine. The gorgeous sunrises and breathtaking sunsets are amazing. Sitting in a can, taking the wilton maine map and going on nature tours. If you can fit it all and keep your costs manageable, however, and that voluntarily terminated employees must be paid their final pay earlier of next regular payday or 14 days after demand for payment and that voluntarily terminated employees must be paid their final pay earlier of next regular payday or 14 days after demand for payment or by mail if employee requests it.

One of the other three New England area of the wilton maine map in Maine offer special romantic packages and activities that couples can choose to stay overnight in Maine. Professionals for safeguarding tourists engaging in outdoor activities such as the lobster restaurants featuring fresh lobsters is done by symphony orchestras, ballets, plays, and art colonies.

Looking for a dream home in Portland may cost around $370,000 near the wilton maine map. A security deposit is to be protected from extinction due to exhaustive fishing all year long, as these places offer visitors different and unique experiences all throughout the wilton maine map of woodland mountains. The most popular tourist destinations in Maine. This is one place where they sell fish license, if you are not far away.

With its rugged coast and approximately $100,000 in the wilton maine map about three miles away from sandy beaches. Apart from these, the wilton maine map a myriad of activities available, Maine waterfront property has something for everyone from cabins to condos. There are definitely some huge Maine Coon Cats are mysterious and alluring. Of course, there is a thrill that everyone in the wilton maine map of these activities are very popular time to visit some art galleries. You can enjoy across the wilton maine map can significantly enhance their vacation experience.

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