Isnin, 28 April 2014

Barisan Nasional

Barisan Nasional

tun faisal dot com

Posted: 28 Apr 2014 01:45 PM PDT

tun faisal dot com

Tolong carikan papan iklan dan brosur #GST yang mudah difahami rakyat... @NajibRazak

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 04:30 PM PDT

Saya sedang mengumpul iklan, brosur dan bahan multimedia lain mengenai GST yang berkesan, mudah difahami dan boleh memberi kefahaman kepada rakyat. Siapa ada? Kebanyakan yang saya jumpa macam susah je nak difahami oleh rakyat. Kalau rakyat susah nak faham, apa lagi macai-macai PR yang tak berapa nak cerdik tu... lagi la tak boleh faham.. tu yang nak turun ke jalanan, kononnya kalau mereka tak faham GST dengan membaca, mereka mungkin lebih faham bila baring ramai-ramai di atas jalan atau makan rumput di Padang Merbuk.. ha ha ha

Yang pastinya maklumat di atas slide di atas ni memang salah... sapa la punya kerja ni..

Ini salah satu pamplet yang juga ada disiarkan di dalam akhbar tempatan yang sudah tentu memakan belanja yang tinggi. Saya dimaklumkan iklan-iklan mengenai GST juga ada di siarkan oleh ASTRO. Sayanglah jika maklumatnya tidak tepat dankurang difahami rakyat..

Pengiraan GST dalam pamplet ini boleh menyebabkan kekeliruan dan memberi gambaran bahawa GST ini cukai berganda, walaupun hakikatnya berlawanan sama sekali.

Salah satu daripada papan iklan GST

Satu lagi papan iklan yang ada

Antara video-video penerangan mengenai GST yang dikesan

Jika ada bahan-bahan iklan, pamplet dan apa saja bahan mengenai GST, sila share kan untuk kita fahami kenapa mesejnya kurang difahami..

Apa Yang Tersirat

Posted: 28 Apr 2014 01:34 PM PDT

Apa Yang Tersirat

Obama Sudah Pulang MH370 Belum

Posted: 28 Apr 2014 06:45 AM PDT

Obama sudah pulang, MH370 belum. Kehilangan pesawat dengan 239 penumpang itu telah memasuki hari ke-52. Pencarian di lokasi di mana dikatakan pesawat berakhir, tidak menjumpai apa-apa. Malah operasi mencari akan berterusan antara 8-12 bulan mulai daripada sekarang.

Apa kah kehilangan pesawat itu akan terus menjadi misteri?

Lawatan Obama Lonjakkan Nama KJ

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 05:37 PM PDT

Terkesan bagaimana bangganya KJ (Khairy Jamaluddin) apabila dipilih oleh Perdana Menteri sebagai menteri pengiring kepada Presiden Amerika Barack Hussien Obama ke negara ini bermula pada Sabtu dan berakhir pada Isnin.

Semasa menyambut ketibaan Presiden Amerika itu di Lapangan TUDM Subang pada kira-kira 5.30 petang Sabtu, apabila bersalaman- KJ mengucapkan "Selamat Datang Tuan Presiden" disambut Obama dengan ucapan dalam bahasa melayu "Terima Kasih" seperti mana tweet KJ selepas itu.

Memang kedatangan Presiden Amerika, Barack Obama untuk lawatan selama tiga hari ke negara ini bukan saja mengembirakan Perdana Menteri, Najib Razak kerana mendapat pengiktirafan daripada negara "super power" itu, tetapi juga menyebabkan Khairy Jamaluddin, Menteri Belia dan Sukan turut menerima lonjakan daripadanya.

Terlihat selama tiga hari Obama di negara ini, wajah Najib nampak berseri-seri, bukan sahaja kerana kunjungan itu merupakan kunjungan bersejarah atas sebab  hanya selepas hampir 50 tahun seorang Presiden Amerika tidak mengunjungi negara ini, Khairy atau KJ pula tentunya berasa paling bertuah kerana dipilih sebagai menteri pengiring kepada Obama sepanjang lawatannya ini.

Kali terakhir seorang Presiden Amerika mengunjungi negara ini ialah pada tahun 1966 iaitu Lyndon b. Johnson. Sejak itu tidak pernah mana-mana pemimpin negara itu melawat negara ini. Berbeza dengan Mahathir yang mentadbir negara ini selama 22 tahun tetapi Najib hanya setelah 5 tahun menjadi Perdana Menteri sudah berupaya meyakinkan pemimpin utama kuasa besar itu untuk melawat negara ini.

Sepanjang Najib mentadbir negara ini pula, negara Amerika adalah antara kunjungannya yang paling kerap, bahkan di awal pemerintahannya juga, beliau juga melantik rakan karibnya, Jamaluddin Jarjis sebagai Duta Besar ke negara itu dengan tujuan menjalin hubungan lebih erat antara Malaysia dengan Amerika.

Dalam Najib merasa gembira dan bangga dengan kedatangan Obama, KJ juga sebenarnya mengalami perasaan yang hampir sama. Ini kerana walaupun KJ adalah menteri yang paling junior dalam kerajaan, tetapi pemilihannya sebagai menteri pengiring kepada Obama, pemimpin dunia paling berkuasa tentunya sesuatu yang menggembirakan bagi Ketua Pemuda UMNO itu.

Timbul cakap-cakap mengapa KJ yang dipilih sebagai menteri pengiring kepada Obama? Kenapa tidak dipilih menteri yang lebih senior seperti Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Nazri Aziz, Hishammuddin atau lain-lainnya, sesuai dengan kedudukan Obama sebagai pemimpin sebuah negara paling berkuasa?

Adakah pemilihan ini menunjukkan usaha menonjolkan KJ ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi? Jika kebolehan menguasai bahasa Inggeris sebagai alasan, Hishammuddin dan Nazri Aziz juga mempunyai penguasaan yang lebih kurang sama dengan KJ.

Sementara ada yang mempersoal kehadiran KJ bersama-sama dengan Obama berikutan sebelum ini beliau pernah mengetuai demonstasi menentang kehadiran Condoleeza Rice, bekas Setiausaha Negara Amerika pada tahun 2006 dulu tetapi pemilihannya sebagai menteri pengiring tentulah melonjakkan namanya untuk lebih dikenali di persada antarabangsa.

Ini kerana gambar dan wajahnya mengiringi Obama ini bakal tersebar dan ditonton oleh ramai orang di seluruh dunia dan juga di dalam negara. Dalam masa yang sama, Obama dan pemimpin-pemimpin Amerika juga secara langsung akan lebih mengenali KJ.

KJ pula pastilah tidak dapat mengelak daripada berasa bangga atas pemilihannya sebagai menteri pengiring kepada Presiden Amerika itu kerana ia secara tidak langsung menunjukkan suatu pengiktirafan besar daripada Najib dan kerajaan terhadapnya.

Adakah ini tanda-tanda awal masa depan politiknya lebih cerah selepas ini?

Cucu Tok Selampit

Posted: 28 Apr 2014 01:28 PM PDT

Cucu Tok Selampit

Gambar-Gambar Pesawat Jenis Piper Worrior 2 Terhempas Di Kota Bharu

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 11:48 PM PDT

Sebuah pesawat ringan jenis Piper Worrior 2 yang sedang menjalani latihan terhempas di Taman Kurnia Jaya, di sini, menyebabkan juruterbangnya cedera parah. Berikutan nahas jam 12.45 tengahari itu, juruterbang berusia 20 tahun itu tersepit hampir 30 minit sebelum dikeluarkan pihak bomba.

Apa DS @Mustapa_Mohamed Buat Mengajar Tuisyen? Gaji Menteri Tidak Cukupkah?

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 10:30 PM PDT

CTS amat kagum dengan usaha murni Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa Dan Industri, Dato Sri Mustapa Mohamed atau lebih mesra dengan panggilan Tok Pa ini. Beliau sendiri turun padang dan mengajar di kelas tuisyen Bahasa Inggeris di Darul Falah. Darul Falah adalah merupakan pusat tuisyen percuma yang disumbangkan oleh Tok Pa sendiri untuk semua Rakyat Parlimen Jeli. 

Seorang pemimpin yang mesra rakyat tanpa memilih peringkat usia. Ini baru dikatakan pemimpin berjiwa Rakyat. Pemimpin yang mendorong Rakyat untuk menimba ilmu demi membangunkan negara. Tidak seperti pemimpin PR yang suka mengajar anak bangsa mereka jadi kurang ajar dan suka berguling-guling di jalanraya. Tahniah buat Tok Pa.

Selepas Transnasional Berhad, SPAD Telah Menggantung Permit Kenderaan Syarikat Merry Holidays Sdn Bhd

Posted: 25 Apr 2014 07:00 PM PDT

Suruhanjaya Pengangkutan Awam Darat (SPAD) telah menggantung permit kenderaan pengendali syarikat bas persiaran, Syarikat Merry Holidays Sdn Bhd yang terlibat dalam kemalangan pada 20 April 2014 sehingga mengakibatkan seorang penumpang terkorban. Penggantungan ini berkuatkuasa pada 27 April 2014 dan melibatkan sebanyak tujuh (7) permit bas persiaran yang beroperasi di laluan seluruh Semenanjung Malaysia. 

Ini pergantungan kedua dalam bulan April 2014 di mana sebelum ini SPAD telah mengantung 27 permit bas ekspres Transnasional bagi laluan Timur-Sektor Utara, lanjutan daripada kemalangan yang melibatkan bas syarikat tersebut berkuatkuasa 23 April 2014. Keputusan tersebut diambil hasil pengauditan yang mendapati pihak syarikat tidak memantau had kelajuan dan mendapati system GPS tidak berfungsi. 

Keputusan penggantungan ini di ambil kerana pengendali gagal mematuhi syarat-syarat yang telah ditetapkan dibawah SPAD-ICOP Keselamatan, antaranya; tidak memasang GPS pada kenderaan, tidak melantik pegawai keselamatan, gagal memantau kelajuan kenderaan yang terlibat dalam kemalangan tersebut dan gagal melakukan pemeriksaan keatas pemandu sebelum memulakan perjalanan.

Sejak Ogos 2013, SPAD telah menggantung sebanyak 542 permit kenderaan syarikat bas henti-henti, bas ekspres, bas pesiaran, bas sekolah dan kenderaan perdagangan yang terlibat dalam kemalangan dan telah melanggar syarat-syarat pelesenan serta SPAD – ICOP Keselamatan.

Sehubungan ini, SPAD ingin memohon kepada semua pengendali agar sentiasa memberi perhatian yang serius kepada aspek keselamatan penumpang dan pengurusan pemandu serta penyelengaraan kenderaan.


Posted: 28 Apr 2014 01:23 PM PDT


Lawatan obama dan marketing strategy

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 07:29 PM PDT

Kenderaan khas presiden Amerika Syarikat 'The Beast'

KUALA LUMPUR: Lebih dikenali sebagai "The Beast", Presiden Amerika Syarikat Barack Obama menaiki kenderaan rasminya sepanjang lawatan ke Malaysia iaitu Cadillac One.

Buatan General Motors keluaran 2009, kenderaan itu mempunyai spesifikasi sangat khusus untuk keselamatan presiden itu, juga mempunyai ciri-ciri seolah-olah sebuah kereta kebal.

Sepanjang lima meter dan berat lapan tan, "The Beast" dilengkapi pintu kalis peluru setebal 20 cm. Badannya cukup kukuh diperbuat daripada besi keluli, titanium dan seramik.

Tayarnya juga kalis bocor dan kerangka kalis letupan melindunginya daripada sebarang bom jalanan. Malah tangki minyak juga diperbuat daripada bahan kalis letupan.

Selain itu, The Beast turut dilengkapi senapang "shot-gun" dan kamera penglihatan malam.

Ia juga memiliki persediaan oksigen sendiri dan bekalan darah yang sama jenis dengan presiden sekiranya berlaku sebarang kecemasan.

Kenderaan itu boleh memuatkan maksimum 7 orang, termasuk presiden.

The Beast, kereta rasmi Obama disifatkan sebagai kenderaan perlindungan yang paling canggih di dunia.

Demang nak tanya sikit: benarkah semua 'langkah keselamatan tersebut diambil kerana rakyat Amerika sayang sangat pada presiden mereka? Bukankah ramai lagi yang bersedia untuk jadi pengganti?

Jika faktor keselamatan, tidak bolehkah negara-negara tuan rumah yang disinggahi menyediakan kenderaan yang sesuai?

Jika benar soal keselamatan, kenapa pula tidak dibawa sekali bilik tidur presiden ke sini?

Bukankah serangan terhadap presiden US adalah alasan paling kuat untuk mereka campur tangan di negara ini dan menguasai Selat Melaka sebagai tapak untuk menguasai rantau ini.

Sebenarnya semua persiapan dan persediaan terhadap langkah keselamatan tersebut hanyalah untuk memberitau dunia: lihatlah dunia betapa hebatnya presiden kami!

Dalam bisnes ia dipanggil 'marketing strategy'.

(Sumber berita Awani)


Posted: 28 Apr 2014 01:09 PM PDT

Keris Pusaka Melayu

Posted: 28 Apr 2014 11:50 AM PDT

Keris Pusaka Melayu

Demonstrasi: Tanggung risiko jika tidak patuh akta himpunan aman – @Zahid_Hamidi

Posted: 28 Apr 2014 08:01 AM PDT

Check out this video on YouTube:


Posted: 28 Apr 2014 11:38 AM PDT



Posted: 27 Apr 2014 11:36 PM PDT

Selalu sangat kaki putar belit ...kadang-kadang kantoi juga . Punya nak promosi Anwar Ibrahim ketika lawatan Obama sampai menggelar Anwar sebagai ketua pembangang ..hahaha


Chegubard londeh penipuan dalam pemilihan PKR , dakwa pasukan Azmin Ali terlibat #keadilanraya

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 08:11 PM PDT

Pengasas Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM), Badrul Hisham Shaharin mendesak supaya Mohamed Azmin Ali dibatalkan penyertaannya dalam pertandingan merebut jawatan timbalan presiden PKR.

Badrul Hisham atau lebih dikenali sebagai Che Gu Bard menegaskan Jawatankuasa Pemilihan Parti (JPP) PKR perlu mengambil tindakan tegas terhadap Azmin berikutan dakwaan yang mengatakan timbalan presiden itu bersama pasukannya melakukan penipuan ketika proses pemilihan di beberapa cabang di Sarawak.

Katanya, berdasarkan laporan yang telah dibuat oleh pasukan Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, JPP perlu bertindak tegas terhadap Azmin.

"Perkara ini pernah berlaku pada pemilihan 2010 dan telah dilaporkan namun tidak ada sebarang tindakan diambil terhadap Azmin.

"Kali ini, dengan bukti yang ada melibatkan pemilihan di Cabang Batang Sadong, saya berpandangan Datuk Johari Abdul dan JPP perlu mengambil tindakan tegas dengan membatalkan penyertaan Azmin," katanya kepada Astro AWANI.

Katanya, rakyat mengikuti dengan penuh minat pemilihan pimpinan PKR dan akan membuat penilaian berdasarkan apa yang berlaku.

Badrul berkata selama ini, PKR mengkritik proses pilihan raya yang dikendali Suruhajaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) yang didakwa banyak penipuan dan salah urus.

Justeru kata beliau, JPP perlu bertindak tegas ke atas penipuan yang dilakukan oleh pihak-pihak tertentu dalam pemilihan kali ini.

"Kita perlu membuktikan kepada rakyat yang bahawa kita serius menentang penipuan dalam pilihan raya dengan mengambil tindakan terhadap mereka yang melakukan kesalahan.

"Rakyat memerhatikan pemilihan PKR, jangan kita buat perkara yang kita kecam dan kita kutuk bila lawan kita lakukan tetapi kita juga tidak kurang 'hebat' dalam membuat silap mata," katanya.

Badrul dan beberapa lagi aktivis PKR yang tidak bersama pasukan Azmin sejak malam tadi mula menjalankan kempen supaya timbalan presiden PKR itu dibatalkan pencalonannya.

Gambar di bawah tersebar meluas dikalangan pencacai PKR,apabila berlaku proses mengundi didalam bilik hotelbilik di Hotel Seng Chong, Simunjan Sarawak.

Menurut sumber beberapa orang ditugaskan memangkah didalam bilik hotel untuk memenangkan calon tertentu.


Posted: 27 Apr 2014 06:00 PM PDT

KUALA LUMPUR 27 April - Presiden Amerika Syarikat (AS), Barack Obama menyatakan perbincangan beliau dengan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak hari ini turut menyentuh hak asasi manusia dan kebebasan bersuara di negara ini.

Jelas beliau, agenda itu sentiasa menjadi keutamaan beliau dalam mana-mana lawatan dilakukan memandangkan masih banyak ruang penambahbaikan yang boleh dilakukan.

"Saya tidak bertemu dengan Datuk Seri Anwar (Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim), saya juga tidak bertemu dengan banyak orang lain tetapi ini tidak bermakna saya tidak menitikberatkan (isu hak asasi manusia).

"Apa yang saya telah kongsikan dengan Perdana Menteri Najib adalah prinsip asas sebuah masyarakat yang menghormati perintah undang-undang, kebebasan bersuara, hak untuk membangkang walaupun tidak menyenangkan, kebebasan berhimpun dan rasa hormat terhadap anggota masyarakat yang berbeza agama serta pendirian politik, ini semua adalah ukuran masyarakat yang berjaya pada abad ke-21," katanya dalam sidang akhbar yang turut disertai Najib di Seri Perdana di sini hari ini.

Obama menjawab soalan seorang wartawan media asing yang bertanya sama ada beliau menitikberatkan atau tidak isu hak asasi manusia dan kebebasan bersuara di Malaysia apabila memutuskan tidak bertemu dengan Anwar.

Sementara itu, menurut Najib, Malaysia adalah antara negara yang terkehadapan dalam menegakkan prinsip hak asasi manusia apabila memansuhkan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) dan menggubal Akta Perhimpunan Aman.

Dalam kes liwat melibatkan Anwar, beliau berkata, di sisi undang-undang, semua individu mempunyai hak keadilan yang sama walau sekecil atau sebesar mana kedudukannya, tidak elok untuk saya ulas lebih lanjut kes yang masih berada dalam proses mahkamah," katanya.

Terdahulu, dalam meraikan kehadiran Obama, Najib berkata, Malaysia telah banyak berubah sejak lawatan Presiden Lyndon B. Johnson pada tahun 1966 dan negara majoriti muslim serta pelbagai etnik ini sedang pesat menuju kemodenan.

"48 tahun lalu, seorang Presiden AS telah memijakkan kakinya di tanah Malaysia, ketika itu televisyen adalah hitam putih, kumpulan The Monkees menjuarai carta lagu AS dengan lagu 'Last Train to Clarksville dan filem 'The Sound of Music' memenangi Anugerah Akademi.

"Hari ini, Tuan Presiden, anda tidak melihat pokok-pokok getah sebagaimana Lyndon B. Johnson saksikan tetapi pencakar-pencakar langit yang melambung tinggi, ini adalah petunjuk transformasi yang berlaku di Malaysia," katanya.


PM DS NAJIB: A very good afternoon. It is an honor to host you, Mr. President, and the United States delegation. On behalf of the Malaysian people, I extend to you our warmest greeting.

Normally, I would say selamat datang, which means "welcome" in our language. But since you grew up not far from here, you're one of the few leaders, world leaders, who will understand when I say selamat datang, sahabat saya. 

Forty-eight years ago, a United States President first stepped onto Malaysian soil. Back then, TV was black and white. The Monkees were topping the U.S. charts with "The Last Train to Clarksville." (Laughter.) 

PRESIDENT OBAMA: It's a good song. (Laughter.) 

PM DS NAJIB: And the "Sound of Music" movie was winning Academy Awards. Today, Mr. President, you see not rubber trees, as Lyndon B. Johnson did, but soaring skyscrapers. They are a testament to the transformation that is taking place here in Malaysia. And on this journey we are thankful for the United States' hand in friendship.

Over the past two months, the strength of our relationship has been revealed for all to see. From the day MH370 went missing, the United States lent its considerable expertise to the investigation and its unique capabilities and assets to the search effort. We are grateful to you for standing by Malaysia in our hour of need.

The U.S. and Malaysia have a longstanding relationship. We established diplomatic relations on the day of Malaysia's independence in 1957. In the decades that followed, when ideological tensions tore at Southeast Asia, the U.S. and Malaysia remained firm friends. And over the past few years, we have been working to strengthen the bonds between us. Today we see the fruits of this labor on the economy, on security and on people-to-people relations. We are closer now than ever before.

Earlier this morning, the President and I talked at length about the issues we face in the region and in the world, and we took significant steps towards our shared objectives. First and foremost, we agreed to upgrade our bilateral relations to a Comprehensive Partnership. 

This marks a new phase in our relationship with greater collaboration on the economy, security, education, science, technology, and more. We also decided to reinvigorate the Senior Officials Dialogue as a key forum for high-level discussion. Together, these agreements lay a firm foundation for further cooperation to come.

Malaysia welcomes America's rebalancing towards Asia and its contribution to peace, stability and prosperity in the region. Our continents share an ocean. We should be connected by common policy, too. We believe all parties should share in Asia's remarkable growth story, provided they also share a commitment to the peace upon which it depends.

On global security, the President and I agreed to strengthen cooperation in peacekeeping training. Malaysia has also decided to endorse the "Statement of Interdiction Principles" of the Proliferation Security Initiative. 

I expressed my appreciation to the President on U.S. strong support for ASEAN and the East Asia Summit, and for the confidence they have expressed in Malaysia's chairmanship of ASEAN next year. As we prepare for this chairmanship, and as we bid for a non-permanent seat on the U.N. Security Council, we seek a greater role in promoting global peace and regional stability. In these endeavors and more, our friendship with the United States is immensely valued.

Just last month, Malaysia helped secure a comprehensive agreement in the Southern Philippines, ending a conflict which claimed 150,000 lives, and denying al Qaeda and its affiliates a possible foothold in that region. We have rejected religious extremism by establishing a Global Movement of Moderates.

On the South China Sea, President Obama and I both stressed earlier the importance of upholding universally recognized principles of international law, including United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. We agreed that the full implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties was vital and that an effective Code of Conduct would enhance mutual trust.

The President and I have agreed on a U.S.-Malaysia English Teaching Assistant Program, formerly known as the Fulbright Program. I'm happy to note that we've agreed on the bilateral work agreement for partners of diplomats and I would like to thank President Obama for agreeing to consider Malaysia's participation in the Visa Waiver Program. I'm glad the U.S. is now committed to provide technical briefings, security requirements, and information-sharing agreements for this purpose.

For centuries, our people have done business across the Pacific. Today, we continue to do brisk trade. Our bilateral trade has averaged at least 35 billion U.S. dollars annually from 2010 to 2013, while last year, the United States was Malaysia's largest source of foreign investment, investing $1.9 billion in Malaysia and creating almost 8,000 jobs.

President Obama and I welcome the progress made on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement negotiations. Trade deals are always complex, but our countries are committed to resolving the remaining issues. I know all sides share our desire for an agreement that delivers the best for our citizens and our businesses. I would like to thank President Obama for his understanding of Malaysia's challenges and sensitivities in the TPP negotiations.

Malaysia has always been a bridge between peoples and cultures, a trading nation bound by vital seas. We are a modern progressive Muslim majority nation, a multiethnic, multi-religious society. We have long known the benefit of cooperation across borders, and we have long recognized the power of shared prosperity. In this context, it gives us sincere pleasure to welcome the U.S. delegation for this historic visit. Your presence here, Mr. President, will mark the beginning of the next phase of our partnership, with deeper friendship and a more comprehensive partnership.

Over the past few days, we have found common cause on issues that matter -- those that would deliver opportunity for our people and security for our region. And we have set the stage for a new phase of our relationship, one based on greater cooperation needed to equal the challenges of our time.

Thank you.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Selamat tengah hari. Thank you, Prime Minister Najib, for your warm welcome. I am very pleased to be the first U.S. President to visit Malaysia in almost 50 years. And it is wonderful to be staying in Kuala Lumpur -- one of Asia's most dynamic cities.

I want to thank Their Majesties, the King and the Queen, for their incredible hospitality at last night's state dinner, and the wonderful display of Malaysian culture in all its beauty and diversity. And I want to thank the people of Malaysia for such a warm welcome.

Today the United States is once again playing a leadership role in the Asia Pacific. And a key part of our strategy is expanding our ties with Southeast Asia -- and that includes Malaysia. By virtue of geography, Malaysia is central to regional stability, maritime security and freedom of navigation. By virtue of its economic progress -- that's evident for all who visit here for the first time -- and by virtue of Prime Minister Najib's goal of making the economy even more competitive, Malaysia has the potential to unleash a new era of growth. And by virtue of its diversity -- people from so many ethnic groups and backgrounds, holding different political beliefs and practicing different faiths, Malaysia has the opportunity to draw on the enormous strengths of its people. 

In the United States embracing that diversity and upholding the rights and dignity of all our citizens has always made us stronger, and I believe it can make Malaysia even stronger as well. 

I welcomed Prime Minister Najib to Washington four years ago, and we agreed at that time to broaden and deepen the relationship between our countries. Today, across a whole range of areas -- security, trade, regional institutions -- we're working more closely together than ever before. And today, I'm pleased that we're formalizing our efforts in a new Comprehensive Partnership. 

I'd note that we've also seen our cooperation during the response to the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370. And I want to again express the deepest condolences of the American people to all the families who lost loved ones on that flight -- Malaysian, American, Chinese and people from many other nations. 

As we have since the beginning of this tragedy, we're working closely with our Malaysian partners and we will continue to provide all the assistance we can in their search and the investigation. And today, the Prime Minister and I discussed some of the lessons that are being learned from this tragedy and how nations, including our own, might continue to improve our cooperation moving forward. 

The Comprehensive Partnership we're launching today aims to deepen our economic ties. As the Prime Minister noted, Malaysia and the United States are already close economic partners, and we're working together on the Trans-Pacific Partnership to open up Asia Pacific markets, boost exports, promote innovation and growth in both our nations. The TPP will support good jobs in the United States and Malaysia, and it will help Malaysia meet its goal to become a high-income economy by the end of the decade. 

Today, the Prime Minister and I discussed the particular issues of importance to Malaysia and we agreed to work quickly to resolve those issues, consistent with a final high-standards, comprehensive TPP agreement. And tomorrow we'll have the opportunity to join some of our business leaders as they sign three commercial agreements worth more than $1 billion of new trade and investment between our nations. 

Our Comprehensive Partnership will expand our security cooperation. As a founding member of ASEAN and the East Asia Summit, Malaysia has already been a critical leader in building the institutions that can advance regional prosperity and security. Strengthening ASEAN unity and its central role in the region is a key part of our own American engagement in Asia. We very much agree with ASEAN's view and Malaysia's view that disputes need to be resolved peacefully, without intimidation or coercion, and that all nations must abide by international rules and international norms. 

We welcome Malaysia's recent endorsement of the principles of the Proliferation Security Initiative, the global effort to prevent the tracking [trafficking] of weapons of mass destruction. We're aiming to step up our coordination on a range of challenges, from disaster relief to maritime security. And we are looking forward to working closely with Malaysia on all these issues when it chairs both ASEAN and the EAS next year. 

And finally, our Comprehensive Partnership will continue to strengthen the strong ties between our peoples, especially our young people. The young women and men of Malaysia are brimming with potential, and we want to do more together to open the door of opportunity to everybody, regardless of race, religion, gender or language. That's why the Prime Minister and I will be meeting with entrepreneurs from Malaysia, and why I'll be engaging with promising young leaders from across South[east] Asia later this afternoon. And thanks to the tremendous success of our program to bring young Americans to Malaysia to teach English, the Prime Minister and I agreed to renew that program for several more years. 

The time that I spent in this region as a child helped to shape my understanding of the world, broadened my vision, left me with a lifelong affection for the people and traditions of Southeast Asia. And I look forward to a new generation of Americans getting that same experience here in Malaysia. 

So, Prime Minister Najib, thank you again for your partnership, for your vision for what our nations can accomplish together, not only for our two peoples, but for the peace and prosperity of this entire region. Terima kasih banyak.  

Question & Answer session

Q Good afternoon, and selamat datang to Mr. President. 


Q I have a question on the issue of Proliferation Security Initiative. This PSI, this is something new for Malaysia. Are we going to be the 103rd member of PSI? And what is the SOP like? And do we have the expertise?

And for Mr. President, is the U.S. going to assist us in capacity-building and other requirements? Thank you.

PM DS NAJIB: Well, this PSI is actually not new in substance because we've been working very closely with the United States and whenever there is a request for us to do some interdiction we've never failed to respond. What we're doing today is to formalize it so that there will be a formal relationship. And that relationship will just continue what we have done, and it also reflects a strong will and desire on Malaysia's side to cooperate not only with the United States, with the international community, to stop the profilation -- proliferation -- sorry -- 

PRESIDENT OBAMA: It's a hard one. I always screw it up. (Laughter.)

PM DS NAJIB: -- for the spread -- (laughter) -- of parts for nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction. I'll get it right, don't worry. (Laughter.)

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, as the Prime Minister said, this is an area where we've already developed strong partnership. And I want to commend Prime Minister Najib and his national security team and law enforcement, intelligence teams. I think it's fair to say that when both of us came into office this wasn't at the top of the priority list. And what we were seeing, though, was that this region was a potential area where traffickers in parts and systems that could lead to nuclear proliferation or weapons of mass destruction could operate. 

And so, in our conversations, in our teams' consultations, we began to tighten the links and bonds between us in terms of sharing information, identifying threats, and working more closely and cooperatively together. And we've done that. 

What the PSI does, as the Prime Minister says, is formalize it. It puts a framework around it. It involves capacity-building, but it's not just a one-way street. Obviously, we have been working on these issues for a long time. I consider the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction as one of the greatest threats to U.S. security, as well as international peace. So we have developed a lot of capacities in this area.

But this is a partnership, and what we seek to do is to find ways in which the strengths and the information that each side has can be enhanced and combined and pooled so that we don't have the possibility of loose nuclear materials or certain component parts that are being shipped falling into the wrong hands. And we very much appreciate the cooperation that's already there, but I think what the PSI signifies is that we can do even better in the future.

Q Thank you, Mr. President. And, Mr. Prime Minister, selamat tengah hari. 

PRESIDENT OBAMA: There you go. Good job there, Chuck.

Q Mr. President, on the situation in Ukraine and the Russian sanctions that I know the United States and others may be announcing on Monday -- I guess my question is why wait on sectoral sanctions, as far as the United States is concerned? Why not do that on your own, now and sooner, rather than wait for the Europeans to get on board on this? Because aren't you concerned that Putin is essentially using the European angst over tougher sanctions as a way to slow-walk things and buy more time and space for himself?

Quickly, on a second topic, Mr. President, there's a controversy surrounding some horrendous, racially-charged comments that an owner of the L.A. Clippers made. I was wondering if you care to comment on that. 

And to the Prime Minister, the TPP -- I know you talked about it -- it's been generating some protests here in your country, including another one today -- chief concern being some worries, some higher costs of medical supplies in particular. I was wondering if you can comment on those protests and the concern that somehow you're being bullied into the TPP by the United States. Do you feel that way on that front? Thank you.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Okay, first, on Ukraine, in consultation with our European partners we've determined that because Russia has failed to follow through on its side of the accord that had been hammered out in Geneva, it was important for us to take further steps, sending a message to Russia that the kind of destabilizing activities that are taking place in the east and the south of Ukraine had to stop. 

There was a glimmer of hope after the Geneva accords that Ukraine would follow through on its commitments to enter into a dialogue around constitutional reforms, that it would do everything it needed to do to disarm irregular forces and militias, and it would offer amnesty to those who willingly laid down arms and pulled out of the buildings. They've been doing that. Russia has not lifted a finger to help. In fact, there's strong evidence that they have been encouraging the kinds of activities that have been taking place in eastern and southern Ukraine. 

And so, collectively, us and the Europeans have said that so long as Russia continues down a path of provocation rather than trying to resolve this issue peacefully and deescalating, there are going to be consequences and those consequences will continue to grow. 

Now, the notion that for us to go forward with sectoral sanctions on our own without the Europeans would be the most effective deterrent to Mr. Putin I think is factually wrong. We're going to be in a stronger position to deter Mr. Putin when he sees that the world is unified and the United States and Europe is unified, rather than this is just a U.S.-Russian conflict. 

And, in fact, you notice that oftentimes they're really interested in portraying this through this old Cold War prism, when, in fact, that's not what the issue is here. The issue is respecting basic international norms of sovereignty and territorial integrity. The issue is can the Ukrainians make their own decisions about how they govern themselves and who they have international relations with. That's our only interest in this whole process. 

And so it's important for us to make sure that we are part of an international coalition sending that message and that Russia is isolated in its actions, rather than falling into the trap of interpreting this as the United States is trying to pull Ukraine out of Russia's orbit, circa 1950. Because that's not what this is about. And the Europeans have a larger stake in this than anyone.

Now, as I said I think at the last press conference, there are going to be differences even within Europe, in part because of the nature of the economic relationships that they've got. And we've got to work through those in a systematic way. If, in fact, we need to move forward with sectoral sanctions, then it's going to be important that we know exactly what we're prepared to do and sustain over the long haul; our European partners know what they're willing and able to do as well. And the more we are unified, the more effective it's going to be.

If we, for example, say we're not going to allow certain arms sales to Russia -- just to take an example -- but every European defense contractor backfills what we do, then it's not very effective. It's going to be more effective if everybody signs on and everybody is committed.

Q But why only have --

PRESIDENT OBAMA: I didn't say "only," "never," "when." I said this is our strategy. And I want to emphasize every time I address this question there is a diplomatic path to resolving this issue. The Geneva statement pointed towards how we could resolve this statement. What it asks of the Russians is hardly onerous: Make a public statement that those militias need to lay down their arms and exit those buildings; participate with international observers and monitors, rather than stand by while they're being bullied and, in some cases, detained by these thugs; negotiate with the Ukrainian government and engage in some confidence-building measures. These aren't heavy lifts if the Russians are sincere in wanting to resolve this problem. So far we haven't seen that, but we're going to keep on raising the consequences of Russia rejecting that path towards diplomacy.

With respect to the statements by the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers -- for our Malaysian audience, this is a sports team, basketball team in the United States. The owner is reported to have said some incredibly offensive racist statements that were published. I don't think I have to interpret those statements for you; they kind of speak for themselves. When people -- when ignorant folks want to advertise their ignorance you don't really have to do anything, you just let them talk. And that's what happened here.

I am confident that the NBA Commissioner, Adam Silver, a good man, will address this. Obviously, the NBA is a league that is beloved by fans all across the country. It's got an awful lot of African American players. It's steeped in African American culture. And I suspect that the NBA is going to be deeply concerned in resolving this.

I will make just one larger comment about this. The United States continues to wrestle with a legacy of race and slavery and segregation that's still there -- the vestiges of discrimination. We've made enormous strides, but you're going to continue to see this percolate up every so often. And I think that we just have to be clear and steady in denouncing it, teaching our children differently, but also remaining hopeful that part of why some statements like this stand out so much is because there had been -- there has been this shift in how we view ourselves.

And like Malaysia, we constantly have to be on guard against racial attitudes that divide us rather than embracing our diversity as a strength. And I know that the people of Malaysia are committed to wrestling with those issues as well. We have to make sure that we stay on top of it -- and we will.

Even though it wasn't directed at me, I am going to say one thing about TPP -- this notion somehow that some protests here might indicate U.S. bullying. Keep in mind, I've got protests back home from my own party about TPP. So there's never been a trade deal in which somebody is not going to at some point object because they're fearful of the future or they're invested in the status quo. And I think it's just very important for everybody to wait and see what exactly is the agreement that has been negotiated before folks jump to conclusions. 

If you take an issue like drugs, for example, the United States does extraordinary work in research and development, and providing medical breakthroughs that save a lot of lives around the world. Those companies that make those investments in that research oftentimes want a return, and so there are all kinds of issues around intellectual property and patents, and so forth.

At the same time, I think we would all agree that if there's a medicine that can save a lot of lives, then we've got to find a way to make sure that it's available to folks who simply can't afford it as part of our common humanity. And both those values are reflected in the conversations and negotiations that are taking place around TPP. So the assumption somehow that right off the bat that's not something we're paying attention to, that reflects lack of knowledge of what is going on in the negotiations.

But my point is you shouldn't be surprised if there are going to be objections, protests, rumors, conspiracy theories, political aggravation around a trade deal. You've been around long enough, Chuck -- that's true in Malaysia; it's true in Tokyo; it's true in Seoul; it's true in the United States of America -- and it's true in the Democratic Party. 

So I continue to strongly believe, however, that this is going to be the right thing to do -- creating jobs, creating businesses, expanding opportunity for the United States. And it's going to be good for countries like Malaysia that have been growing rapidly but are interested in making that next leap to the higher-value aspects of the supply chain that can really boost income growth and development.

PM DS NAJIB: I'd just like to echo what President Obama said. Emphatically, in no uncertain terms, we went to the TPP on our own accord. We were not bullied into it. And I can attest to our commitment towards free trade as the principle and philosophy, because we have entered into 13 separate FTA agreements with other countries. 

So Malaysia is a great believer in free trade. But we also understand that the benefits of free trade like boosting trade, creating wealth, jobs -- those are the good things. But there will be some losers in the process -- there will be winners and losers. But overall, the benefit, I think -- it's important for us to show to the people in Malaysia that the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages of a free trade agreement. 

And this is what, in a final analysis, what we have to do, because the underpinnings of a free trade agreement would be acceptance by the people. And we are committed to that process. We'll engage with the public and we'll also present it to parliament. 

So we are working out around the sensitivities and challenges, which I alluded to in my discussions with President Obama. He fully understands our domestic sensitivities, and we will sit down and try to iron this out with the intention of trying to work out a deal in the near future. 

Q Mr. President, selamat datang. Mr. President, how do you see Malaysia efforts and ability in getting multinational support and efforts for the missing MH370 search-and-rescue operation? And, Mr. President, I'd appreciate if you can elaborate on the visa waiver request.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, I know personally, because I've been in consultation with my team and all the assets that we have available, that the Malaysian government is working tirelessly to recover the aircraft and investigate exactly what happened. And I can't speak for all the countries in the region, but I can say that the United States and other partners have found the Malaysian government eager for assistance, have been fully forthcoming with us in terms of the information that they have. And this is a joint effort. It's not easy. 

Obviously, we don't know all the details of what happened, but we do know that if, in fact, the plane went down in the ocean in this part of the world, that is a big, big place and it is a very challenging effort and laborious effort that's going to take quite some time. 

I completely understand the heartache that the families are going through and wanting answers. And I think it's very important -- and I said to Prime Minister Najib -- that there should be full transparency in terms of what we know, what we don't know, how the process is proceeding. But I can tell you that the United States is absolutely committed to providing whatever resources and assets that we can and that the Malaysian government has been very welcoming of that assistance. 

On the Visa Waiver Program, the way it works in the United States, we've got a very clear set of laws and provisions in terms of how someone -- how a country qualifies to be part of the Visa Waiver Program. And the Prime Minister raised this issue with me, and my team is prepared to work with the Malaysian government to go through the various steps. Typically, it takes some time, it's not something that happens overnight, because we have to make sure that the kinds of information-sharing, the reporting about lost and stolen passports, terrorist watch lists -- that all those pieces are in place before it's facilitated. 

But given the growing and expanding trade that exists and the people-to-people relations between Malaysia and the United States, I want to make sure that we can start down a path. It may take a little bit of time, but we welcome the opportunity to engage with the government on this issue.

Q Prime Minister Najib, good afternoon. Thank you for your hospitality, sir. 

Mr. President, you said at your press conference in Seoul you expressed some frustration with the narrative that military force is the best response to difficult foreign policy challenges. I invite you to expand on that if you want to. But I'm more curious about what you said right after that -- there are many tools in the American toolbox to advance foreign policy interests. 

As you know, one of those tools is for America to use her prestige to speak out on behalf of human rights, racial tolerance, political accountability and free speech. As you well know, Mr. President, those issues are up for grabs in Malaysia right now, and they're probably best symbolized by the precarious legal position of Anwar Ibrahim, the opposition political leader in this country. Former Vice President Al Gore has taken up his cause, as has Human Rights Watch and other international lawyers interested in human rights. Can you explain, sir, why you have said nothing about these issues here in Malaysia, why you will not meet with Mr. Ibrahim, and how it's possible for the United States government to advance these interests of political reform when it won't use the non-military tools in the toolbox you described in Seoul?

And, Mr. Prime Minister, have you made any commitments to the United States government about your efforts in the future to address the issue of political reform here in Malaysia? Thank you.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, first of all, Major, I think it's important to note that there is not a meeting I have around the world where issues of freedom of the press, human rights, civil liberties aren't prominent on the agenda. And that includes my meeting with Prime Minister Najib. And I think when you say that issues are all "up for grabs" in Malaysia, I think that implies a judgment about what's happening here in Malaysia that may not fully reflect the progress that's been made by Prime Minister Najib, but also the recognition I think by the Malaysian government that there's more work that needs to be done.

The fact that I haven't met with Mr. Anwar in and of itself is not indicative of our lack of concern, given the fact that there are a lot of people I don't meet with and opposition leaders that I don't meet with and that doesn't mean that I'm not concerned about them. 

But what I have shared with the Prime Minister is the core belief that societies that respect rule of law, that respect freedom of speech, that respect the right of opposition to oppose even when it drives you crazy, even when it's inconvenient, the respect for freedom of assembly, the respect for people of different races and different faiths and different political philosophies -- that those values are at the core of who the U.S. is, but also I think are a pretty good gauge of whether a society is going to be successful in the 21st century or not.

And I think the Prime Minister is the first to acknowledge that Malaysia has still got some work to do -- just like the United States, by the way, has some work to do on these issues. Human Rights Watch probably has a list of things they think we should be doing as a government. And I am going to be constantly committed to making sure that these issues get raised in a constructive way. And Prime Minister Najib came in as a reformer and one who is committed to it, and I'm going to continue to encourage him as a friend and a partner to make sure that we're making progress on that front. 

PM DS NAJIB: President Obama and I are both equally concerned about civil liberties as a principle. And as you know, when I came into office in 2009, I introduced a slew of reforms, which include a very major undertaking on our part, which is to abolish the detention without trial, ISA. Now, other countries have not done so, but Malaysia has taken the lead in doing so. We've also introduced the Peaceful Assembly Act -- the right to protest, the right to assemble.

And within this spirit, it would be fair to say that this is the largest or the biggest reform in terms of civil liberties in Malaysia's history. So in that, I think you should not underestimate or diminish whatever we have done. 

Specifically on Anwar's case, it's not -- I want to put it on record, it's not about the government against him. It's an action taken by an individual who happens to be his former employee who's taken up this case against him -- a complainant. And under the eyes of the law, even if you're a small man or a big man, you have equal justice. I think you believe in that principle. 

So now the matter is before the courts. It's not right for me to comment anything more than that. But be assured that Malaysia is committed to the rule of law, to the independence of a judiciary and to civil liberties. As the President said, there's more work to be done. But it also means society has got to be prepared for it, for change, because what is important is the end result. And the end result, as the Prime Minister, of this country, I'm committed to ensure peace, stability and harmony. That is the most important thing. And people must respect that, because there are sensitivities on either side, sensitivities relating to minorities and majority as well.

So we have to manage that, and that's exactly what Malaysia has done. And because of that, we are a relatively peaceful, harmonious nation. Thank you.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you very much. Terima Kasih.

Tugu Bangsa Tembok Negara

Posted: 28 Apr 2014 07:54 AM PDT

Tugu Bangsa Tembok Negara

LIPUTAN MEDIA... #Presiden Barack Obama melawat Masjid Negara Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 09:19 PM PDT

Presiden Barack Obama meluangkan masa melawat ke Masjid Negara Kuala Lumpur. Beliau turut melawat ke Makam Pahlawan yang terletak di Masjid Negara, pada Ahad, 27 April 2014.

YBhg. Tan Sri Syeikh Ismail bin Muhammad, Imam Besar Masjid Negara turut mengiring Presiden Amerika Syarikat sepanjang sesi lawatan selama 20 minit itu. - JAKIM
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.


Posted: 28 Apr 2014 03:51 AM PDT


Posted: 28 Apr 2014 03:45 AM PDT



Posted: 28 Apr 2014 01:09 AM PDT

Satu tulisan pengarang Mingguan Malaysia mendakwa Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak berjaya membendung ancaman pengaruh Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim sehingga negara Amerika Syarikat kini tidak lagi termakan dengan kata-kata ketua pembangang itu.


Posted: 27 Apr 2014 07:16 PM PDT

Semasa PRU aje jeritan mengatakan UMNO menipu undi.

Sebenarnya, siapa yang kaki penipu, tidakkah ini namanya HIPOKRIT??

Hasil dari maklumat ahli, pasukan pemantau PACA TS Khalid Ibrahim telah menyerbu sebuah bilik di Hotel Seng Chong, Simunjan Sarawak yang telah dijadikan tempat membuat undi untuk pemimpin tertentu.

Ketika pihak PACA Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim mengetuk pintu bilik hotel tersebut mereka yang berada didalam enggan membukanya dan dalam masa yang sama kedengaran dari luar keadaan kelam kabut didalam ..

Setelah beberapa minit barulah pintu dibuka, dapati seorang anggota parti dari Hulu Selangor yang dipercayai telah memangkah kertas-kertas undi dan dimasukkan kedalam sebuah kotak.

Kejadian ini telah berjaya dirakam dan sudah pun dimaklumkan kepada Pengerusi Jawatan Kuasa Pemilihan Pusat Dato' Johari Abdul sendiri.

JOM LEPAK MINUM #AIRLOMBONG DI #NegeriMaju #Selangor #MalaysiaNews

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 06:55 PM PDT

Inilah hakikat yang pahit untuk ditelan, NEGERI KAYA, MINUM AIR LOMBONG. Tahniah dan syabas kepada rakyat selangor yang HIDUP dinaungi kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Selangor kerana bakal minum, mandi, membasuh dan menggunakan AIR LOMBONG sebagai sumber penyambung kehidupan. Mungkin selepas ini generasi yang bakal lahir lebih bijak, pandai dan intelek selepas meminum air lombong bekas tempat lembu mati, indon buang air besar, tempat buangan SAMPAH dan air kumbahan mengalir.
DALAM soal air di Selangor ini, Khalid sudah cukup banyak membohong kepada rakyat Selangor, ini semua orang tahu dan bersepah bukti nak ditunjukkan – kalau ada yang cukup bodoh mintak.

KALAU masih ingat 4 tahun lepas bila Khalid kutip entah 'pakar' dari lubang mana untuk beri keyakinan bahawa krisis air di Selangor tidak akan berlaku sehingga 2019. Baca bukti berikut dalam akhbar online terkemuka yang telus dan tidak pernah berbohong.
Ironinya, hari ini Khalid mengesahkan pula kandungan air lombong di Selangor selamat untuk dimasukkan ke dalam sungai dan kemudiannya diproses untuk menjadi air minum. Adakah pakar ini orang yang sama mengesahkan krisis air di Selangor tidak akan berlaku hanya sehingga 2019?  Kalau itulah pakarnya, rakyat Selangor boleh bersiap sedia untuk mati akibat kanser, dah nama pun lombong, banyak kandungan logam berat dalam air tersebut... SEKARANG sudah terbukti pakar tersebut tidak berguna sama sekali, dan hanya menggunaksn 'kepakarannya' untuk menyokong motif politik pembangkang.


Posted: 27 Apr 2014 06:32 PM PDT

Akhirnya penyokong Anuar Ibrahim terkedu apabila Anuar berjaya juga bertemu dengan Obama secara sulit. Hilang segala kutuk mengutuk dan hilang kebencian terhadap Amerika dan sekutunya Yahudi. Pertemuan itu dilaporkan telah berlangsung di sebuah Muzium di Selangor. PENYOKONG KUAT ANUAR JUGA BERSAMA-SAMA ANUWAR JUMPA OBAMA. JUALAN TIKET DIKENAKAN BAGI MEMENUHI TABUNG MILO.

Transkrip Penuh Sidang Media PM dan Presiden AS #MalaysiaNews

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 06:24 PM PDT


PM DS NAJIB: A very good afternoon. It is an honor to host you, Mr. President, and the United States delegation. On behalf of the Malaysian people, I extend to you our warmest greeting.

Normally, I would say selamat datang, which means "welcome" in our language. But since you grew up not far from here, you're one of the few leaders, world leaders, who will understand when I say selamat datang, sahabat saya. 

Forty-eight years ago, a United States President first stepped onto Malaysian soil. Back then, TV was black and white. The Monkees were topping the U.S. charts with "The Last Train to Clarksville." (Laughter.) 

PRESIDENT OBAMA: It's a good song. (Laughter.) 

PM DS NAJIB: And the "Sound of Music" movie was winning Academy Awards. Today, Mr. President, you see not rubber trees, as Lyndon B. Johnson did, but soaring skyscrapers. They are a testament to the transformation that is taking place here in Malaysia. And on this journey we are thankful for the United States' hand in friendship.

Over the past two months, the strength of our relationship has been revealed for all to see. From the day MH370 went missing, the United States lent its considerable expertise to the investigation and its unique capabilities and assets to the search effort. We are grateful to you for standing by Malaysia in our hour of need.

The U.S. and Malaysia have a longstanding relationship. We established diplomatic relations on the day of Malaysia's independence in 1957. In the decades that followed, when ideological tensions tore at Southeast Asia, the U.S. and Malaysia remained firm friends. And over the past few years, we have been working to strengthen the bonds between us. Today we see the fruits of this labor on the economy, on security and on people-to-people relations. We are closer now than ever before.

Earlier this morning, the President and I talked at length about the issues we face in the region and in the world, and we took significant steps towards our shared objectives. First and foremost, we agreed to upgrade our bilateral relations to a Comprehensive Partnership. 

This marks a new phase in our relationship with greater collaboration on the economy, security, education, science, technology, and more. We also decided to reinvigorate the Senior Officials Dialogue as a key forum for high-level discussion. Together, these agreements lay a firm foundation for further cooperation to come.

Malaysia welcomes America's rebalancing towards Asia and its contribution to peace, stability and prosperity in the region. Our continents share an ocean. We should be connected by common policy, too. We believe all parties should share in Asia's remarkable growth story, provided they also share a commitment to the peace upon which it depends.

On global security, the President and I agreed to strengthen cooperation in peacekeeping training. Malaysia has also decided to endorse the "Statement of Interdiction Principles" of the Proliferation Security Initiative. 

I expressed my appreciation to the President on U.S. strong support for ASEAN and the East Asia Summit, and for the confidence they have expressed in Malaysia's chairmanship of ASEAN next year. As we prepare for this chairmanship, and as we bid for a non-permanent seat on the U.N. Security Council, we seek a greater role in promoting global peace and regional stability. In these endeavors and more, our friendship with the United States is immensely valued.

Just last month, Malaysia helped secure a comprehensive agreement in the Southern Philippines, ending a conflict which claimed 150,000 lives, and denying al Qaeda and its affiliates a possible foothold in that region. We have rejected religious extremism by establishing a Global Movement of Moderates.

On the South China Sea, President Obama and I both stressed earlier the importance of upholding universally recognized principles of international law, including United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. We agreed that the full implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties was vital and that an effective Code of Conduct would enhance mutual trust.

The President and I have agreed on a U.S.-Malaysia English Teaching Assistant Program, formerly known as the Fulbright Program. I'm happy to note that we've agreed on the bilateral work agreement for partners of diplomats and I would like to thank President Obama for agreeing to consider Malaysia's participation in the Visa Waiver Program. I'm glad the U.S. is now committed to provide technical briefings, security requirements, and information-sharing agreements for this purpose.

For centuries, our people have done business across the Pacific. Today, we continue to do brisk trade. Our bilateral trade has averaged at least 35 billion U.S. dollars annually from 2010 to 2013, while last year, the United States was Malaysia's largest source of foreign investment, investing $1.9 billion in Malaysia and creating almost 8,000 jobs.

President Obama and I welcome the progress made on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement negotiations. Trade deals are always complex, but our countries are committed to resolving the remaining issues. I know all sides share our desire for an agreement that delivers the best for our citizens and our businesses. I would like to thank President Obama for his understanding of Malaysia's challenges and sensitivities in the TPP negotiations.

Malaysia has always been a bridge between peoples and cultures, a trading nation bound by vital seas. We are a modern progressive Muslim majority nation, a multiethnic, multi-religious society. We have long known the benefit of cooperation across borders, and we have long recognized the power of shared prosperity. In this context, it gives us sincere pleasure to welcome the U.S. delegation for this historic visit. Your presence here, Mr. President, will mark the beginning of the next phase of our partnership, with deeper friendship and a more comprehensive partnership.

Over the past few days, we have found common cause on issues that matter -- those that would deliver opportunity for our people and security for our region. And we have set the stage for a new phase of our relationship, one based on greater cooperation needed to equal the challenges of our time.

Thank you.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Selamat tengah hari. Thank you, Prime Minister Najib, for your warm welcome. I am very pleased to be the first U.S. President to visit Malaysia in almost 50 years. And it is wonderful to be staying in Kuala Lumpur -- one of Asia's most dynamic cities.

I want to thank Their Majesties, the King and the Queen, for their incredible hospitality at last night's state dinner, and the wonderful display of Malaysian culture in all its beauty and diversity. And I want to thank the people of Malaysia for such a warm welcome.

Today the United States is once again playing a leadership role in the Asia Pacific. And a key part of our strategy is expanding our ties with Southeast Asia -- and that includes Malaysia. By virtue of geography, Malaysia is central to regional stability, maritime security and freedom of navigation. By virtue of its economic progress -- that's evident for all who visit here for the first time -- and by virtue of Prime Minister Najib's goal of making the economy even more competitive, Malaysia has the potential to unleash a new era of growth. And by virtue of its diversity -- people from so many ethnic groups and backgrounds, holding different political beliefs and practicing different faiths, Malaysia has the opportunity to draw on the enormous strengths of its people. 

In the United States embracing that diversity and upholding the rights and dignity of all our citizens has always made us stronger, and I believe it can make Malaysia even stronger as well. 

I welcomed Prime Minister Najib to Washington four years ago, and we agreed at that time to broaden and deepen the relationship between our countries. Today, across a whole range of areas -- security, trade, regional institutions -- we're working more closely together than ever before. And today, I'm pleased that we're formalizing our efforts in a new Comprehensive Partnership. 

I'd note that we've also seen our cooperation during the response to the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370. And I want to again express the deepest condolences of the American people to all the families who lost loved ones on that flight -- Malaysian, American, Chinese and people from many other nations. 

As we have since the beginning of this tragedy, we're working closely with our Malaysian partners and we will continue to provide all the assistance we can in their search and the investigation. And today, the Prime Minister and I discussed some of the lessons that are being learned from this tragedy and how nations, including our own, might continue to improve our cooperation moving forward. 

The Comprehensive Partnership we're launching today aims to deepen our economic ties. As the Prime Minister noted, Malaysia and the United States are already close economic partners, and we're working together on the Trans-Pacific Partnership to open up Asia Pacific markets, boost exports, promote innovation and growth in both our nations. The TPP will support good jobs in the United States and Malaysia, and it will help Malaysia meet its goal to become a high-income economy by the end of the decade. 

Today, the Prime Minister and I discussed the particular issues of importance to Malaysia and we agreed to work quickly to resolve those issues, consistent with a final high-standards, comprehensive TPP agreement. And tomorrow we'll have the opportunity to join some of our business leaders as they sign three commercial agreements worth more than $1 billion of new trade and investment between our nations. 

Our Comprehensive Partnership will expand our security cooperation. As a founding member of ASEAN and the East Asia Summit, Malaysia has already been a critical leader in building the institutions that can advance regional prosperity and security. Strengthening ASEAN unity and its central role in the region is a key part of our own American engagement in Asia. We very much agree with ASEAN's view and Malaysia's view that disputes need to be resolved peacefully, without intimidation or coercion, and that all nations must abide by international rules and international norms. 

We welcome Malaysia's recent endorsement of the principles of the Proliferation Security Initiative, the global effort to prevent the tracking [trafficking] of weapons of mass destruction. We're aiming to step up our coordination on a range of challenges, from disaster relief to maritime security. And we are looking forward to working closely with Malaysia on all these issues when it chairs both ASEAN and the EAS next year. 

And finally, our Comprehensive Partnership will continue to strengthen the strong ties between our peoples, especially our young people. The young women and men of Malaysia are brimming with potential, and we want to do more together to open the door of opportunity to everybody, regardless of race, religion, gender or language. That's why the Prime Minister and I will be meeting with entrepreneurs from Malaysia, and why I'll be engaging with promising young leaders from across South[east] Asia later this afternoon. And thanks to the tremendous success of our program to bring young Americans to Malaysia to teach English, the Prime Minister and I agreed to renew that program for several more years. 

The time that I spent in this region as a child helped to shape my understanding of the world, broadened my vision, left me with a lifelong affection for the people and traditions of Southeast Asia. And I look forward to a new generation of Americans getting that same experience here in Malaysia. 

So, Prime Minister Najib, thank you again for your partnership, for your vision for what our nations can accomplish together, not only for our two peoples, but for the peace and prosperity of this entire region. Terima kasih banyak.  

Question & Answer session

Q Good afternoon, and selamat datang to Mr. President. 


Q I have a question on the issue of Proliferation Security Initiative. This PSI, this is something new for Malaysia. Are we going to be the 103rd member of PSI? And what is the SOP like? And do we have the expertise?

And for Mr. President, is the U.S. going to assist us in capacity-building and other requirements? Thank you.

PM DS NAJIB: Well, this PSI is actually not new in substance because we've been working very closely with the United States and whenever there is a request for us to do some interdiction we've never failed to respond. What we're doing today is to formalize it so that there will be a formal relationship. And that relationship will just continue what we have done, and it also reflects a strong will and desire on Malaysia's side to cooperate not only with the United States, with the international community, to stop the profilation -- proliferation -- sorry -- 

PRESIDENT OBAMA: It's a hard one. I always screw it up. (Laughter.)

PM DS NAJIB: -- for the spread -- (laughter) -- of parts for nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction. I'll get it right, don't worry. (Laughter.)

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, as the Prime Minister said, this is an area where we've already developed strong partnership. And I want to commend Prime Minister Najib and his national security team and law enforcement, intelligence teams. I think it's fair to say that when both of us came into office this wasn't at the top of the priority list. And what we were seeing, though, was that this region was a potential area where traffickers in parts and systems that could lead to nuclear proliferation or weapons of mass destruction could operate. 

And so, in our conversations, in our teams' consultations, we began to tighten the links and bonds between us in terms of sharing information, identifying threats, and working more closely and cooperatively together. And we've done that. 

What the PSI does, as the Prime Minister says, is formalize it. It puts a framework around it. It involves capacity-building, but it's not just a one-way street. Obviously, we have been working on these issues for a long time. I consider the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction as one of the greatest threats to U.S. security, as well as international peace. So we have developed a lot of capacities in this area.

But this is a partnership, and what we seek to do is to find ways in which the strengths and the information that each side has can be enhanced and combined and pooled so that we don't have the possibility of loose nuclear materials or certain component parts that are being shipped falling into the wrong hands. And we very much appreciate the cooperation that's already there, but I think what the PSI signifies is that we can do even better in the future.

Q Thank you, Mr. President. And, Mr. Prime Minister, selamat tengah hari. 

PRESIDENT OBAMA: There you go. Good job there, Chuck.

Q Mr. President, on the situation in Ukraine and the Russian sanctions that I know the United States and others may be announcing on Monday -- I guess my question is why wait on sectoral sanctions, as far as the United States is concerned? Why not do that on your own, now and sooner, rather than wait for the Europeans to get on board on this? Because aren't you concerned that Putin is essentially using the European angst over tougher sanctions as a way to slow-walk things and buy more time and space for himself?

Quickly, on a second topic, Mr. President, there's a controversy surrounding some horrendous, racially-charged comments that an owner of the L.A. Clippers made. I was wondering if you care to comment on that. 

And to the Prime Minister, the TPP -- I know you talked about it -- it's been generating some protests here in your country, including another one today -- chief concern being some worries, some higher costs of medical supplies in particular. I was wondering if you can comment on those protests and the concern that somehow you're being bullied into the TPP by the United States. Do you feel that way on that front? Thank you.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Okay, first, on Ukraine, in consultation with our European partners we've determined that because Russia has failed to follow through on its side of the accord that had been hammered out in Geneva, it was important for us to take further steps, sending a message to Russia that the kind of destabilizing activities that are taking place in the east and the south of Ukraine had to stop. 

There was a glimmer of hope after the Geneva accords that Ukraine would follow through on its commitments to enter into a dialogue around constitutional reforms, that it would do everything it needed to do to disarm irregular forces and militias, and it would offer amnesty to those who willingly laid down arms and pulled out of the buildings. They've been doing that. Russia has not lifted a finger to help. In fact, there's strong evidence that they have been encouraging the kinds of activities that have been taking place in eastern and southern Ukraine. 

And so, collectively, us and the Europeans have said that so long as Russia continues down a path of provocation rather than trying to resolve this issue peacefully and deescalating, there are going to be consequences and those consequences will continue to grow. 

Now, the notion that for us to go forward with sectoral sanctions on our own without the Europeans would be the most effective deterrent to Mr. Putin I think is factually wrong. We're going to be in a stronger position to deter Mr. Putin when he sees that the world is unified and the United States and Europe is unified, rather than this is just a U.S.-Russian conflict. 

And, in fact, you notice that oftentimes they're really interested in portraying this through this old Cold War prism, when, in fact, that's not what the issue is here. The issue is respecting basic international norms of sovereignty and territorial integrity. The issue is can the Ukrainians make their own decisions about how they govern themselves and who they have international relations with. That's our only interest in this whole process. 

And so it's important for us to make sure that we are part of an international coalition sending that message and that Russia is isolated in its actions, rather than falling into the trap of interpreting this as the United States is trying to pull Ukraine out of Russia's orbit, circa 1950. Because that's not what this is about. And the Europeans have a larger stake in this than anyone.

Now, as I said I think at the last press conference, there are going to be differences even within Europe, in part because of the nature of the economic relationships that they've got. And we've got to work through those in a systematic way. If, in fact, we need to move forward with sectoral sanctions, then it's going to be important that we know exactly what we're prepared to do and sustain over the long haul; our European partners know what they're willing and able to do as well. And the more we are unified, the more effective it's going to be.

If we, for example, say we're not going to allow certain arms sales to Russia -- just to take an example -- but every European defense contractor backfills what we do, then it's not very effective. It's going to be more effective if everybody signs on and everybody is committed.

Q But why only have --

PRESIDENT OBAMA: I didn't say "only," "never," "when." I said this is our strategy. And I want to emphasize every time I address this question there is a diplomatic path to resolving this issue. The Geneva statement pointed towards how we could resolve this statement. What it asks of the Russians is hardly onerous: Make a public statement that those militias need to lay down their arms and exit those buildings; participate with international observers and monitors, rather than stand by while they're being bullied and, in some cases, detained by these thugs; negotiate with the Ukrainian government and engage in some confidence-building measures. These aren't heavy lifts if the Russians are sincere in wanting to resolve this problem. So far we haven't seen that, but we're going to keep on raising the consequences of Russia rejecting that path towards diplomacy.

With respect to the statements by the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers -- for our Malaysian audience, this is a sports team, basketball team in the United States. The owner is reported to have said some incredibly offensive racist statements that were published. I don't think I have to interpret those statements for you; they kind of speak for themselves. When people -- when ignorant folks want to advertise their ignorance you don't really have to do anything, you just let them talk. And that's what happened here.

I am confident that the NBA Commissioner, Adam Silver, a good man, will address this. Obviously, the NBA is a league that is beloved by fans all across the country. It's got an awful lot of African American players. It's steeped in African American culture. And I suspect that the NBA is going to be deeply concerned in resolving this.

I will make just one larger comment about this. The United States continues to wrestle with a legacy of race and slavery and segregation that's still there -- the vestiges of discrimination. We've made enormous strides, but you're going to continue to see this percolate up every so often. And I think that we just have to be clear and steady in denouncing it, teaching our children differently, but also remaining hopeful that part of why some statements like this stand out so much is because there had been -- there has been this shift in how we view ourselves.

And like Malaysia, we constantly have to be on guard against racial attitudes that divide us rather than embracing our diversity as a strength. And I know that the people of Malaysia are committed to wrestling with those issues as well. We have to make sure that we stay on top of it -- and we will.

Even though it wasn't directed at me, I am going to say one thing about TPP -- this notion somehow that some protests here might indicate U.S. bullying. Keep in mind, I've got protests back home from my own party about TPP. So there's never been a trade deal in which somebody is not going to at some point object because they're fearful of the future or they're invested in the status quo. And I think it's just very important for everybody to wait and see what exactly is the agreement that has been negotiated before folks jump to conclusions. 

If you take an issue like drugs, for example, the United States does extraordinary work in research and development, and providing medical breakthroughs that save a lot of lives around the world. Those companies that make those investments in that research oftentimes want a return, and so there are all kinds of issues around intellectual property and patents, and so forth.

At the same time, I think we would all agree that if there's a medicine that can save a lot of lives, then we've got to find a way to make sure that it's available to folks who simply can't afford it as part of our common humanity. And both those values are reflected in the conversations and negotiations that are taking place around TPP. So the assumption somehow that right off the bat that's not something we're paying attention to, that reflects lack of knowledge of what is going on in the negotiations.

But my point is you shouldn't be surprised if there are going to be objections, protests, rumors, conspiracy theories, political aggravation around a trade deal. You've been around long enough, Chuck -- that's true in Malaysia; it's true in Tokyo; it's true in Seoul; it's true in the United States of America -- and it's true in the Democratic Party. 

So I continue to strongly believe, however, that this is going to be the right thing to do -- creating jobs, creating businesses, expanding opportunity for the United States. And it's going to be good for countries like Malaysia that have been growing rapidly but are interested in making that next leap to the higher-value aspects of the supply chain that can really boost income growth and development.

PM DS NAJIB: I'd just like to echo what President Obama said. Emphatically, in no uncertain terms, we went to the TPP on our own accord. We were not bullied into it. And I can attest to our commitment towards free trade as the principle and philosophy, because we have entered into 13 separate FTA agreements with other countries. 

So Malaysia is a great believer in free trade. But we also understand that the benefits of free trade like boosting trade, creating wealth, jobs -- those are the good things. But there will be some losers in the process -- there will be winners and losers. But overall, the benefit, I think -- it's important for us to show to the people in Malaysia that the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages of a free trade agreement. 

And this is what, in a final analysis, what we have to do, because the underpinnings of a free trade agreement would be acceptance by the people. And we are committed to that process. We'll engage with the public and we'll also present it to parliament. 

So we are working out around the sensitivities and challenges, which I alluded to in my discussions with President Obama. He fully understands our domestic sensitivities, and we will sit down and try to iron this out with the intention of trying to work out a deal in the near future. 

Q Mr. President, selamat datang. Mr. President, how do you see Malaysia efforts and ability in getting multinational support and efforts for the missing MH370 search-and-rescue operation? And, Mr. President, I'd appreciate if you can elaborate on the visa waiver request.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, I know personally, because I've been in consultation with my team and all the assets that we have available, that the Malaysian government is working tirelessly to recover the aircraft and investigate exactly what happened. And I can't speak for all the countries in the region, but I can say that the United States and other partners have found the Malaysian government eager for assistance, have been fully forthcoming with us in terms of the information that they have. And this is a joint effort. It's not easy. 

Obviously, we don't know all the details of what happened, but we do know that if, in fact, the plane went down in the ocean in this part of the world, that is a big, big place and it is a very challenging effort and laborious effort that's going to take quite some time. 

I completely understand the heartache that the families are going through and wanting answers. And I think it's very important -- and I said to Prime Minister Najib -- that there should be full transparency in terms of what we know, what we don't know, how the process is proceeding. But I can tell you that the United States is absolutely committed to providing whatever resources and assets that we can and that the Malaysian government has been very welcoming of that assistance. 

On the Visa Waiver Program, the way it works in the United States, we've got a very clear set of laws and provisions in terms of how someone -- how a country qualifies to be part of the Visa Waiver Program. And the Prime Minister raised this issue with me, and my team is prepared to work with the Malaysian government to go through the various steps. Typically, it takes some time, it's not something that happens overnight, because we have to make sure that the kinds of information-sharing, the reporting about lost and stolen passports, terrorist watch lists -- that all those pieces are in place before it's facilitated. 

But given the growing and expanding trade that exists and the people-to-people relations between Malaysia and the United States, I want to make sure that we can start down a path. It may take a little bit of time, but we welcome the opportunity to engage with the government on this issue.

Q Prime Minister Najib, good afternoon. Thank you for your hospitality, sir. 

Mr. President, you said at your press conference in Seoul you expressed some frustration with the narrative that military force is the best response to difficult foreign policy challenges. I invite you to expand on that if you want to. But I'm more curious about what you said right after that -- there are many tools in the American toolbox to advance foreign policy interests. 

As you know, one of those tools is for America to use her prestige to speak out on behalf of human rights, racial tolerance, political accountability and free speech. As you well know, Mr. President, those issues are up for grabs in Malaysia right now, and they're probably best symbolized by the precarious legal position of Anwar Ibrahim, the opposition political leader in this country. Former Vice President Al Gore has taken up his cause, as has Human Rights Watch and other international lawyers interested in human rights. Can you explain, sir, why you have said nothing about these issues here in Malaysia, why you will not meet with Mr. Ibrahim, and how it's possible for the United States government to advance these interests of political reform when it won't use the non-military tools in the toolbox you described in Seoul?

And, Mr. Prime Minister, have you made any commitments to the United States government about your efforts in the future to address the issue of political reform here in Malaysia? Thank you.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, first of all, Major, I think it's important to note that there is not a meeting I have around the world where issues of freedom of the press, human rights, civil liberties aren't prominent on the agenda. And that includes my meeting with Prime Minister Najib. And I think when you say that issues are all "up for grabs" in Malaysia, I think that implies a judgment about what's happening here in Malaysia that may not fully reflect the progress that's been made by Prime Minister Najib, but also the recognition I think by the Malaysian government that there's more work that needs to be done.

The fact that I haven't met with Mr. Anwar in and of itself is not indicative of our lack of concern, given the fact that there are a lot of people I don't meet with and opposition leaders that I don't meet with and that doesn't mean that I'm not concerned about them. 

But what I have shared with the Prime Minister is the core belief that societies that respect rule of law, that respect freedom of speech, that respect the right of opposition to oppose even when it drives you crazy, even when it's inconvenient, the respect for freedom of assembly, the respect for people of different races and different faiths and different political philosophies -- that those values are at the core of who the U.S. is, but also I think are a pretty good gauge of whether a society is going to be successful in the 21st century or not.

And I think the Prime Minister is the first to acknowledge that Malaysia has still got some work to do -- just like the United States, by the way, has some work to do on these issues. Human Rights Watch probably has a list of things they think we should be doing as a government. And I am going to be constantly committed to making sure that these issues get raised in a constructive way. And Prime Minister Najib came in as a reformer and one who is committed to it, and I'm going to continue to encourage him as a friend and a partner to make sure that we're making progress on that front. 

PM DS NAJIB: President Obama and I are both equally concerned about civil liberties as a principle. And as you know, when I came into office in 2009, I introduced a slew of reforms, which include a very major undertaking on our part, which is to abolish the detention without trial, ISA. Now, other countries have not done so, but Malaysia has taken the lead in doing so. We've also introduced the Peaceful Assembly Act -- the right to protest, the right to assemble.

And within this spirit, it would be fair to say that this is the largest or the biggest reform in terms of civil liberties in Malaysia's history. So in that, I think you should not underestimate or diminish whatever we have done. 

Specifically on Anwar's case, it's not -- I want to put it on record, it's not about the government against him. It's an action taken by an individual who happens to be his former employee who's taken up this case against him -- a complainant. And under the eyes of the law, even if you're a small man or a big man, you have equal justice. I think you believe in that principle. 

So now the matter is before the courts. It's not right for me to comment anything more than that. But be assured that Malaysia is committed to the rule of law, to the independence of a judiciary and to civil liberties. As the President said, there's more work to be done. But it also means society has got to be prepared for it, for change, because what is important is the end result. And the end result, as the Prime Minister, of this country, I'm committed to ensure peace, stability and harmony. That is the most important thing. And people must respect that, because there are sensitivities on either side, sensitivities relating to minorities and majority as well.

So we have to manage that, and that's exactly what Malaysia has done. And because of that, we are a relatively peaceful, harmonious nation. Thank you.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you very much. Terima Kasih.


Posted: 28 Apr 2014 03:38 AM PDT


Can MCA Woo Back The Chinese In Bukit Gelugor?

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 11:54 PM PDT

Barisan Nasional (BN), especially MCA, once again has to shoulder a heavy responsibility in wooing the Chinese to its side in the Bukit Gelugor by-election on May 25.

Based on Penang BN's electoral seat distribution, the Bukit Gelugor parliamentary constituency is allocated to MCA, and this means it is going to be the second by-election involving MCA after the Kajang state seat by-election in Selangor on March 23.

During the Kajang by-election, MCA under the leadership of Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai went on overdrive in convincing the 15,823 Chinese voters, 40 percent of the electorate, to switch to BN.

Though, it was an attempt in futility, there was a silver lining for MCA as the votes for the party increased by seven percent to 25 percent compared with only 18 percent during the 13th General Election.

Nonetheless, as the by-election this time around involves a parliamentary constituency, the second biggest component party within BN has to shoulder a bigger responsibility, especially for the fact that there are three times more Chinese voters in Bukit Gelugor than in Kajang.

The Bukit Gelugor parliamentary constituency has 61,112 Chinese voters, representing 74.49 percent of the total electorate. The seat fell vacant following the demise of its incumbent Karpal Singh, 74, following a road accident, on April 17.

Karpal Singh, the former DAP chairman, recorded a 42,706 majority, the third highest majority after DAP's Teresa Kok of Seputeh who garnered a 51,552 majority followed by DAP's Sim Chee Keong of Bukit Mertajam who garnered a 43,063 majority.


On paper, based on the GE13 record, its certainly an uphill task for BN-MCA in winning over the Chinese voters in Bukit Gelugor.

However, reducing the opponent's majority like in Kajang will provide the party with some confidence in making further inroads ahead.

Then one may ask as the Bukit Gelugor parliamentary constituency is a DAP stronghold, could MCA 'steal' some of the Chinese votes from the opposition?

The head of the Politics, Security and International Relations Cluster of the National Professor Council (MPN) Prof Datuk Dr Mohamed Mustafa Ishak says BN, whether through MCA or Gerakan, faces a tough road as the Bukit Gelugor parliament seat is synonymous with DAP bigwigs.

"Moreover, the state government is led by DAP and voters have deep sympathy for Karpal Singh and the seat is a fortress of DAP, " he said.

Penang MCA Liaison Deputy Chief, Tan Teik Cheng notes that the party must have good confidence in pushing its efforts to woo the voters.

"If we are to contest, it is a tough road ahead. However, with confidence we may be able to reduce the opponent's majority," he adds.


MCA is in the midst of transformation and thus is not in a formidable position as yet for a show of strength and instead has to make use of the by-election platform to prove its determination in serving the people.

"Having said that, I believe BN should not give an easy win to DAP and instead should take on the opponent as an 'underdog'. It is the right time for MCA to gauge its strength," he says.

Mohamed Mustafa, says no matter what, the Bukit Gelugor by-election is a different ball game altogether compared with Kajang.

"In Kajang, the elected representative resigned, thus it is totally different from Bukit Gelugor, which involved the demise of its elected representative. Moreover, as for MCA, unlike Gerakan, Penang is not its stronghold. Thus its not the place to test its strength, " he said.


After taking a heavy beating in GE13, MCA now faces a poor perception crisis within the Chinese community who remain doubtful on the new leadership and whether the party has overcome all its internal woes.

Mohamed Mustafa opines that the Chinese community in the Bukit Gelugor constituency may have second thoughts of voting for MCA especially looking at the fact that the state politics favour DAP.

"In the electoral history of Bukit Gelugor, MCA has always been the underdog. Voters will go for DAP due to the sympathy vote factor and in appreciating the deeds of Karpal Singh," he added.

As for Tan, no matter what, MCA is ready to grab the bull by its horns.

Guan Eng: DAP never agreed to PAS' hudud move

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 07:55 PM PDT

The DAP has never agreed to PAS' move to implement hudud on Muslims in Kelantan, before or after Pakatan Rakyat was established in 2008, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said.

Thus, he said DAP was surprised by PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang's claim that the Pakatan leadership council had agreed to PAS' intention to have hudud.

"This is the first time that I have heard that DAP has agreed to PAS' implementation of hudud law on Muslims in Kelantan.

"DAP's top leadership, whether Lim Kit Siang or the late Karpal Singh, would never have agreed to it because it is unconstitutional," he said in a statement yesterday.

He said Abdul Hadi, if he had been correctly quoted on this matter, should show proof to back his claim because DAP had never agreed to the implementation of hudud in Kelantan "before or after Pakatan was established in 2008."

"Abdul Hadi has made an unfortunate mistake and a wrong statement," he said.

DAP national legal bureau chairman Gobind Singh Deo said Abdul Hadi should not attempt to twist the truth in claiming that the Pakatan leadership had agreed to the matter.

If such reports quoting Abdul Hadi were inaccurate, he said the PAS leader should then correct them.
"If it is true, then perhaps PAS should seriously reconsider the relevance of its continued existence in Pakatan Rakyat."

The DAP, Gobind said, had always made it clear that it was totally against hudud as it was unconstitutional and unsuitable in a multiracial country.

Aspirasi Bangsa

Posted: 28 Apr 2014 01:14 AM PDT


Posted: 27 Apr 2014 11:45 PM PDT


MB Khalid 'panas bontot' di sergah Jeff Oii?

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 09:06 AM PDT

Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim hari ini menempelak Ahli Parlimen Jelutong, Jeff Ooi dengan menyifatkan pemimpin kanan DAP itu tidak mempunyai hak untuk memaksa beliau meletakkan jawatan sebagai Menteri Besar Selangor.

Sebaliknya Abdul Khalid yang mula memegang jawatan tersebut sejak tahun 2008 menegaskan, beliau tidak akan melepaskan jawatan itu meskipun wujud desakan daripada pihak yang mahukannya berbuat demikian.

"Saya ingat dia tidak ada kuasa meminta saya meletak jawatan Menteri Besar," katanya dengan ringkas kepada pemberita selepas menghadiri Program Mesra Rakyat peringkat daerah Klang di Dewan Hamzah, Majlis Perbandaran Klang (MPK) di sini hari ini.

Jeff Ooi menerusi laman Facebooknya dilaporkan secara terbuka menyatakan hilang kepercayaan kepada Abdul Khalid dan menggesa beliau dipecat sebagai Menteri Besar kerana didakwa gagal menangani isu air di negeri ini.

Pemimpin DAP itu dikatakan berang dengan pentadbiran Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) di Selangor di bawah Abdul Khalid yang didakwa gagal menguruskan isu catuan bekalan air di negeri ini yang disifatkannya tidak pernah berlaku sebelum ini termasuk ketika di bawah pentadbiran Barisan Nasional (BN).

Selain Jeff Ooi, Ketua Wanita PKR, Zuraida Kamaruddin menerusi sebuah portal berita, hari ini dilaporkan turut mempersoalkan kredibiliti Abdul Khalid dan bersedia untuk menamakan calon yang layak menggantikan Menteri Besar Selangor.

Dalam pada itu, Abdul Khalid enggan mengaitkan kenyataan Jeff Ooi dan Zuraida itu mempunyai kaitan dengan pemilihan PKR yang beliau akan bertanding merebut jawatan Timbalan Presiden menentang penyandang jawatan tersebut, Azmin Ali serta Setiausaha Agung PKR, Datuk Saifuddin Nasution Ismail.

"Saya tidak mahu kata perkara itu ada hubung kait. Kalau saya kata begitu, nanti saya pula dikatakan membuat fitnah.

"Mengenai kenyataan Zuraida, saya pun ada nama calon untuk menggantikan beliau sebagai Ketua Wanita PKR," katanya.

Suara Politik

The Unspinners

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 11:45 PM PDT

The Unspinners

Anwar pujuk Mat Sabu: Jangan tinggal daku

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 09:30 PM PDT

Gambar di petik dari MIK SINI

Entahlah .... ada kena mengena dengan lawatan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dengan Dato Nik Aziz berikut:

Anwar bengkek Najib selfie dengan Obama

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 06:32 PM PDT

Sampai penyokong photoshop gambar Anwar bersama Obama

Wakil Anwar pun dapat jumpa Obama kah kah kah ...

Mana tanda Guan Eng, DAP, PKR sokong hudud? Hmmm .... PAS Piss Pus!

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 08:30 AM PDT

Demikianlah kata-kata Asnah Hashim, calon PAS untuk Bayan Lepas.

Kata-kata ini tak datang begitu saja kerana Nik Aziz pernah kata perkataan yang sama dan egitu yakin mendiang Karpal Singh akan setuju dengan negara Islam dan hudud sebaik saja dia faham.

Sekarang ni, UMNO yang dikafirkan Nik Aziz sudah jelas kata sokong hudud. Dulu pun UMNO tak pernah tentang hudud tapi mahu ianya dijelaskan betul-betul.

Nampaknya sapa yang tak tolak hudud sekarang.


PAS cuba berhujah ...

Lagi keras mereka ...

Dulu boleh kata

Padan tak faham GST, mahasewel nak tumbang kerajaan pejenis GPA rendah

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 05:30 AM PDT

Budak begini ke nak didengar tuntutan mereka? Makan minum belanja sekolah masih pakai duit mak bapak dan pinjam dengan kerajaan.

Belajar dulu dengan baik dan faham isu-isu supaya dapat kerja dan satu hari bawalah perubahan. Tak faham dan tahu selok belok mentadbir negara tapi nak ajar orang macam mana nak memerintah.

Ikut sangatlah Pakatan Rakyat yang tak pernah mentadbir dan kini tadbir pun teruk sampai bekalan air pun tak ada untuk rakyat.

Macam mana nak bawa pelabur dan negara nak berjalan dengan sempurna?

Azmin popular atau penipu atau pekena?

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 01:25 AM PDT

Akhbar milik Umno, Utusan Malaysia hari ini meramalkan tidak ada masalah bagi penyandang Timbalan Presiden PKR, Mohamed Azmin Ali mempertahankan jawatannya ekoran daripada sokongan kuat yang diterima daripada peringkat akar umbi berbanding calon lain, termasuk Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim dan Datuk Saifuddin Nasution Ismail.
Utusan Malaysia melalui pengarang kanannya, Zulkiflee Bakar mendakwa Azmin cukup popular di peringkat akar umbi seluruh negara dan kedudukan itu berbeza dengan Khalid yang hanya mendapat sokongan di Selangor manakala Saifuddin dilihat sekadar calon 'kacau daun'.

"Bagaimanapun, penulis diberitahu oleh sumber rapat dengan parti itu, biar apa pun cabaran dan taktik politik yang cuba digunakan musuh politik Azmin, ahli Parlimen Gombak itu dijangka tidak menghadapi masalah mengekalkan jawatannya," katanya dalam Utusan Malaysia hari ini.

Baca sepenuhnya di Belia Bangkit SINI.

Darul Ehsan Today mendedahkan penipuan undi.

Ini cerita bukan aku buat fitnah, tapi di dedahkan sendiri oleh salah seorang macai yang boss dia lawan azmin, tak pasti lah budak nie macai khalid gagap atau pudin nasution, tapi apa pun dia telah mendedahkan penipuan macai azmin...
Penipuan kertas undi berlaku, sudah tentu azmin yang arahkan macai dia untuk menipu, takan macai pandai-pandai nak buat kot, tak tau la pulak lepas nie, azmin akan tuduh ini umno punya kerja...

Baca sepenuh SINI

MIM SINI memberi butiran peristiwa sama yang berlaku di Sarawak.

Berikut adalah laporan dari Zakaria Ab Rahim Calon MPP dan Counting Agent Batang Sadong..

Salam Dato, saya selaku calon MPP No 2 dan Wakil Calon Timb Presd no 3 dgn ini membantah keluruhan proses pengundian SELURUH JK Pusat di Cabang Batang Sadong kerana berlaku penipuan dan manipulasi undi dan ditangkap red handed beserta 3 org saksi,

1. Dr Shan calon Naib Pres no 5,
2. Sdr Zaidi Amin, AJK Cabang Santubong
3. Sdr Roydaney Mohd Hossein, Timb AMK Petrajaya.

1. 90% kertas undi tak berlipat
2. Jumlah kertas undi keluar, dlm peti undi dan nama dipotong dlm daftar anggota berbeza
3. Dijumpai buku senarai 20 nama pengundi yg hadir tetapi:

Kertas undi keluar - 285
Kertas undi ditanda - 273
Jumlah nama dipotong - 238

Pohon digantung pengundian Batang Sadong dan pegawai JPP ditarik balin serta Ketua Cabang Btg Sadong diambil tindakan disiplin krn berkonspirasi.

Zakaria Ab Rahim
Calon MPP dan Counting Agent
Batang Sadong

Ini hanya mengingatkan pemilehan lepas di mana Dato Zaid Ibrahim dan Muspatha Kamil Ayub menentang Azmin. Peritiwa menipu begitu buruk sekali ...

Memandangkan Azmin berdepan dengan Setiausaha Agong parti maka segala trickya dah diketahui. Mungkinkah reputasi Azmin sedang dimanipuasi untuk dipekena?

Wan Azizah mahu Timbalan Presiden yang boleh membanttu beliau tapi mesti dia mahu Timalan yang sedia bekerjasama dan pastinya Azmin bukan pilihannya.

Panglima Perang Cyber

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 11:45 PM PDT

Panglima Perang Cyber

Gambar : Air Force One Siap Bawa Presiden @BarackObama pulang

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 11:34 PM PDT

20,000 Sertai Malam Cinta Rasul Di Lumut – Perak Today

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 03:43 PM PDT



Hampir 20,000 umat Islam hadir memeriahkan majlis selawat mega 'Malam Cinta Rasul' yang dianjurkan oleh Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM), malam tadi.

Majlis yang berlangsung di Stadium TLDM itu dianjurkan sempena Sambutan Hari TLDM ke– 80.

Menteri Besar Perak, Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abd Kadir yang turut hadir ke majlis itu, berkata sambutan yang diterima amat membanggakan.

"Ramai yang datang malam ini dan ia amat membanggakan," katanya.

Tambahnya lagi, banyak manfaat dapat diperolehi daripada program sebegini.

"Program ini dianjurkan bertujuan untuk menyemarakkan semangat cinta Rasul dan menjadikan Rasulullah SAW sebagai contoh ikutan dalam kehidupan," katanya lagi.


Beliau juga berkata, secara tidak langsung, program ini mampu mengeratkan lagi silaturahim di kalangan masyarakat dan warga TLDM sendiri.

"Majlis seperti ini dapat mengeratkan ukhwah di kalangan warga serta masyarakat setempat," ujarnya lagi.

Ujarnya lagi, perkara ini juga sejajar dengan Pelan Strategik Lautan Biru (NBOS)

"Usaha ini bertujuan untuk memupuk semangat perpaduan dan jalinan kerjasama sejajar dengan pelan tersebut," tambahnya lagi.

Program itu mendapat kerjasama pelbagai pihak antaranya Yayasan Kemajuan Islam Darul Ridzuan (KADIR), Lembaga Air Perak (LAP), Majlis Perbandaran Manjung (MPM), Pejabat Daerah dan Tanah Manjung serta Pejabat ADUN Pangkor.

Turut hadir Penglima Tentera Laut, Laksamana Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Jaafar.

Program Malam Cinta Rasul ini tidak ketinggalan menampilkan Habib Syech Abdul Qodir As Seggaf yang dijemput khas dari Indonesia.



Sedutan rakaman :

Panglima : ketika dibuat di Dataran Merdeka dihadiri TPM Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin anggota PDRM turut 
Duduk atas pentas berqasidah. Kali ini anggota TLDM juga sama. Selepas kejayaan di Putrajaya, alunan qasidah 
Bersemarak ke Pahang, diikuti Perak. Suasana ini diharapkan dapat menjadikan cinta Rasul membuahkan cinta Allah dan membuang mazmumah dalam hati sehingga menjadikan hati umat Islam kembali kasih sayang kerana Islam dan bersatu melawan musuh agama yang gigih mahu menjatuhkan agama kita.

Sent from my iPhone

UMNO Online - @BarackObama Impressed With M’sia As Islamic Nation With National Mosque Visit – Religious Leaders

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 03:31 PM PDT

KUALA LUMPUR, April 27 – The visit of U.S. President Barack Obama to the National Mosque here today, showed he was impressed with Malaysia's achievements as an advanced and dynamic Islamic country in the Southeast Asian region.

Religious leaders and academicians welcomed Obama's gesture to spend time at the landmark of Islam in Malaysia since 1965 and saw the visit as a start of better understanding of the teachings of Islam.


Ulama Association of Malaysia secretary-general, Assoc Prof Dr Mohd Roslan Mohd Nor said Malaysia should make good use of the space paved through this visit to be a lobby power for peace in the Islamic world, more so when Malaysia had been playing an active role in Islamic organisations.

"Malaysia needs to bring the movement of moderates to the fore and look into the fate of oppressed Muslims through dialogues and discussions with the world's big powers like the United States," he said.

The 44th U.S. President visited the National Mosque in Jalan Perdana, here, this morning and he was received by its imam, Tan Sri Syaikh Ismail Muhammad and the mosque committee.

Obama, dressed in a black suit, was accompanied by Syaikh Ismail to the prayer hall and later the Warriors' Mausoleum located next to the mosque.

Religious speaker, Ustaz Wan Akashah Wan Abdul Hamid said the visit was a positive approach by Obama who arrived in the country yesterday to get to know the religion, besides being a mark of respect for Muslims.

"This is out of the ordinary as I cannot recall any non-Muslim world leader visiting the National Mosque and this is a good start for Muslims here," he said.

Former National Mosque imam, Datuk Hassan Mahmood Al-Hafiz said the willingness of the world leader to set foot on the Islamic landmark was a good omen, more so when Muslims were being wrongly linked to violence.

"It is hoped he (Obama) could see the beauty of Islam as a religion of peace," he said.

International Movement for a Just World (JUST) president, Dr Chandra Muzaffar hoped the visit would bring about more positive development to Islam in the eyes of the world.

"We also hope good gestures will follow after the visit and as Muslims, we need to welcome the arrival of anyone who wants to know about Islam," he said.

Sent from my iPhone

Perhimpunan GST: Tindakan tegas jika ingkar APA 2012 - @Zahid_Hamidi

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 06:32 AM PDT

PENERIMA Tokoh Ulul Albab, Amjad Hakim iaitu pelajar tingkatan dua menerima sijil disampaikan oleh Mohd. Khalil Yaakub sambil disaksikan Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (kiri), Idris Haron (dua kiri) dan Mohd. Ali Rustam (kanan) pada Majlis Perasmian Sekolah Menengah Imtiaz Ulul Albab di Masjid Tanah Melaka, semalam. - MINGGUAN Gaie Uchel

ALOR GAJAH 26 April - Kementerian Dalam Negeri tidak teragak-agak untuk mengambil tindakan tegas terhadap penganjur serta sesiapa yang terbabit dalam perhimpunan membantah cukai barang dan perkhidmatan (GST) sekiranya mereka didapati tidak mematuhi Akta Perhimpunan Aman (APA) 2012.

Menterinya, Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi berkata, walaupun kementerian membenarkan perhimpunan yang bakal diadakan awal bulan hadapan itu diadakan tetapi ia perlu mengikut garis panduan ditetapkan serta tidak mengganggu ketenteraman awam.

Namun begitu, tegasnya, beliau tidak akan memberi amaran sekiranya didapati ada dalam kalangan penganjur yang tidak mematuhi sebarang syarat dikenakan dalam akta tersebut.

"Kita (kementerian) beri peluang untuk mereka mengadakan perhimpunan aman tetapi jika melakukannya di luar daripada syarat diberikan, maka mereka harus menanggung risiko daripada pelanggaran syarat berkenaan," katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika ditemui pemberita selepas majlis perasmian Sekolah Menengah Imitiaz Ulul Albab, Masjid Tanah yang disempurnakan Yang Dipertua Negeri, Tun Mohd. Khalil Yaakob di sini hari ini.

Majlis turut dihadiri Ketua Menteri, Datuk Seri Idris Haron; Setiausaha Kerja UMNO, Datuk Ab. Rauf Yusoh dan Ahli Parlimen Masjid Tanah, Mas Ermieyati Samsudin.

Jelas Ahmad Zahid, beliau turut menasihatkan penganjur me­ngubah lokasi perhimpunan ke Stadium Merdeka disebabkan kerja-kerja baik pulih sedang dijalankan di Dataran Merdeka.

Namun begitu, ujarnya, pihak penganjur hanya boleh menggunakan stadium berkenaan setelah mendapat kebenaran daripada Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) yang bertanggungjawab terhadap stadium tersebut.

"Kami telah menyarankan agar pihak penganjur tidak menggunakan Akta Perhimpunan Aman sebagai alasan untuk mereka me­ngadakan perhimpunan di Dataran Merdeka.

"Kalau mereka tidak berpuas hati dengan apa juga isu termasuk GST, maka mereka boleh menyatakan dengan alasan dalam perhimpunan berkenaan secara aman di stadium tersebut," ujarnya.

Utusan Malaysia 

Sent from my iPhone


Posted: 27 Apr 2014 11:37 PM PDT


Misteri MH370 : Bunga-Bunga Larangan (Episod ke-11)

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 02:24 AM PDT

Sebelum ini, sudah saya jelaskan bahawa golongan yang menganggap kehilangan pesawat MH370 adalah suatu misteri - cenderung menjadikan kisah "Eksperimen Philadelphia" sebagai asas yang menyokong kiasan mereka, bahawa MH370 juga mungkin mengalami nasib yang sama dengan eksperimen tersebut. Ia bukanlah sesuatu yang mustahil - bahkan sejarah turut membuktikan, terdapat begitu banyak eksperimen misteri dan rahsia yang telah dilakukan oleh AS dengan kerjasama Israel. Semua adalah disebabkan dorongan nafsu untuk menguasai dan merajai inovasi dunia. Beberapa tahun selepas Projek Rainbow yang menghasilkan "Eksperimen Philadelphia" ditutup - sekali lagi, "mereka" yang mempunyai wang dan saintis yang sanggup dibayar dengan harga yang tinggi, telah membuka fail baharu yang dikenali sebagai "Projek Phoenix". 

Lockheed A-12
Sekitar tahun 1947, mereka telah membuat keputusan untuk membuat kajian sambungan terhadap kisah eksperimen Philadelphia. Kali ini, kajian tersebut telah dipindahkan ke Brookhaven National Laboratories bersama Dr. John Neumann dan orang-orangnya. Hasil daripada kajian dalam  Projek Phoenix ini ialah penemuan kepada Stealth Technology (teknologi halimunan) yang bertujuan mengurangkan kesan rada ke atas kapal perang dan pesawat tempur AS. Pada tahun 1957 dan 1958, sepuluh tahun selepas projek tersebut dijalankan, satu percubaan telah dilakukan ke atas kapal pengintip AS, Lockheed U-2 yang dilengkapi dan direka khas dengan teknologi Stealth bagi mengelakkan ia dikesan oleh rada Kesatuan Soviet - namun percubaan tersebut masih gagal, malah pada Mei 1960 sebuah pesawat tersebut telah ditembak jatuh oleh tentera Soviet.  

Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird
Namun demikian, ia tidak pernah berhenti di situ, kerana sains sering memberi kita penemuan yang mengagumkan. Sekali lagi mereka melakukan ujikaji melalui Projek Phoenix II bermula pada tahun 1959. Setahun kemudian, mereka berjaya menghasilkan pesawat peninjau Lockheed A-12 yang lebih canggih daripada U-2. Empat tahun kemudian, AS telah pun berjaya mencapai kemajuan dalam teknologi stealth dengan terbinanya Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird, sebuah pesawat peninjau tercanggih dengan kuasa supersonik dan mampu mencapai ketinggian 85,000 kaki. SR-71 telah banyak dilakukan ubahsuai dengan kemunculan beberapa versi yang lebih maju. SR-71 digunakan oleh CIA dan tentera AS dalam banyak siri peperangan dan operasi pengintipan. Ia bukan hanya tidak dapat dikesan oleh rada dan sonar, bahkan kelajuannya juga sangat mengagumkan. Penerbangan terakhir yang direkod bagi pesawat SR-71 adalah pada tahun 1999 sebelum munculnya pesawat pengebom halimunan paling popular Tentera Udara AS yang dikenali sebagai B-2 Spirit, sebuah pesawat yang kalis rada, kepantasannya yang luar biasa, pergerakannya yang sangat senyap, mampu membawa bom nuklear, boleh berada pada paras yang sangat tinggi serta mampu bertahan berjam-jam di udara.  

B-2 Spirit
Pada bulan Oktober 2005, Noshir Gowadia, seorang jurutera reka bentuk yang bekerja pada sistem pendorongan B-2, telah ditangkap kerana menjual maklumat B-2  ke negara-negara asing. Pada 9 Ogos 2010, Gowadia didapati bersalah dan dijatuhkan hukuman 32 tahun penjara. Sejak itu, teknologi halimunan ini sangat dikehendaki oleh pasaran gelap. Kos bagi membina sebuah pesawat B-2 mencecah lebih daripada 2 billion. B-2  ditambahbaik dari setahun ke setahun, walaupun mendapat bantahan daripada pelbagai pihak kerana faktor kosnya - namun demikian seperti yang saya nyatakan di atas, sains seringkali menjadikan manusia sentiasa teruja dan bernafsu besar. Dan akhirnya, pada tahun 2012, Pentagon membuat satu penilaian bagi membangunkan B-2 versi generasi baharu tanpa pemandu. Dikhabarkan AS sedangkan membangunkan secara agresif pesawat peninjau termaju dalam versi baharu B-2 yang dikenali sebagai "Aurora" yang mempunyai kelajuan hipersonik - namun seperti biasa ia segera dinafikan oleh AS. 

Pesawat Halimunan Aurora
Kisah projek pesawat halimunan Aurora berteknologi tinggi sudah lama diperdebatkan. Ia adalah nama yang muncul dalam dokumen perolehan di dalam bajet tahunan AS 1985 yang dianggarkan menerima 80 juta pada tahun tersebut dan meningkat berkali ganda menjadi 2.2 billion pada tahun berikutnya. Bajet itu ditulis dengan sangat ringkas - hanya dengan perkataan "Aurora" dan sebaris dengan peruntukan untuk pesawat peninjau TR-1. Maka ramai yang mempercayai bahawa ia merupakan satu projek khas bagi menggantikan pesawat SR-71. Namun demikian, ia segera dinafikan oleh pihak Tentera Udara AS dengan mengatakan bahawa belanjawan tersebut hanyalah semata-mata untuk pesawat B-2 Spirit. Walau bagaimana pun, pandangan umum lebih menyakini bahawa, "Aurora" adalah projek khas Tentera Udara AS bagi membina sebuah pesawat generasi baharu paling moden untuk pelbagai kegunaan. Hal ini berpunca apabila dalam bajet tahun 1987 tidak lagi tertera perkataan "Aurora" - perkataan tersebut telah dipadamkan. Namun demikian, menurut sumber terdekat projek "Aurora" tetap diteruskan dengan peruntukan kewangan daripada sumber yang tidak dikenali. Hal ini terdedah apabila didapati Tentera Udara AS mampu membiayai dan membina pesawat-pesawat canggihnya yang lain dengan peruntukan bajet yang sebenarnya tidak mencukupi.

Ramai yang beranggapan bahawa - pembiayaan bagi projek-projek khas di bawah CIA dan Tentera Udara AS kesemuanya telah dibiayai daripada sumber akuan luar yang sangat kabur dan sukar dikenalpasti. "Mereka" ini sangat bijak dalam penyamaran dan memanipulasi transaksi kewangan serta perakuanan sehingga tidak dapat dihidu oleh pihak perbendaharaan AS. Hakikatnya, kerajaan AS secara dasarnya tidak memiliki wang yang banyak untuk membina dan menyelenggara projek-projek khas atau "aktiviti terpilih" yang menelan belanja berbilion dolar itu - duit cukai daripada rakyat AS tidak mampu menampung kos penyelidikan dan operasinya - apatah lagi jika mengharapkan bajet tahunan yang diberikan kepada tentera udaranya - jauh lebih kurang daripada mencukupi. Lantaran itu, dari manakah Tentera Udara dan Laut AS menerima dana yang begitu banyak bagi menjayakan projek-projek khas mereka? Beberapa saintis yang pernah terlibat dengan projek-projek khas Tentera Laut AS telah mendakwa - kebanyakan projek khas ini dibiayai oleh individu yang sangat kaya dan berpengaruh, identitinya tidak diketahui - wang disalurkan melalui syarikat atau organisasi bagi mengaburi mata pelbagai pihak, dan mereka menggelarkannya sebagai "bajet hitam".

Hal ini tidak mustahil, jika kita melihat AS sudah begitu banyak mengalami kerugian akibat peperangan - tetapi negara tersebut masih boleh maju dan tidak terbantut daripada menyediakan peruntukan kepada ketenteraannya setiap tahun - baik dari aspek penyelidikan, mahupun operasinya.Cukai dan duit rakyat tidak digunakan secara langsung untuk melaksanakan projek-projek khas tentera AS, barangkali mungkin sebab itu rakyat AS tidak berapa sensitif dalam isu ini. Oleh kerana projek-projek khas tentera laut dan udara dibiayai oleh individu/organisasi tertentu - maka secara tidak langsung "mereka" lah yang sebenarnya pemilik kepada Angkatan Tentera Udara dan Laut AS atau dengan kata lain - "industri"lah yang mempunyai kawalan dan kuasa menyeluruh terhadap dua sayap penting angkatan tentera AS tersebut.

Ruang Based Inframerah Sistem Geosegerak (SBIRS) Satelit tentera AS di orbit.
Sejauh ini - kita telah melihat minat "mereka" sangat konsisten terhadap ilmu. inovasi dan sains angkasa. Sejak tahun 30-an mereka telah melaksanakan pelbagai projek rahsia, yang kadangkala diluar imaginasi kita semua. Apakah dengan segala teknologi dan kecanggihan ilmu yang dimiliki oleh AS dalam industri berkaitan teknologi satelit dan pesawat memungkin mereka "membisu" berhubung kehilangan MH370? Sehingga kini, syarikat yang membina pesawat MH370, iaitu Boieng, tidak memberi apa-apa komen yang memberangsangkan atau sekurang-kurangnya memberi pencerahan terhadap apakah yang sebenarnya yang telah "melarikan" pesawat tersebut ke tengah Lautan Hindi. Apakah salah jika kita membuat sangkaan buruk bahawa kemungkin besar MH370 terlibat dalam eksperimen khas yang sedang dilakukan oleh Tentera Udara AS-Israel dengan sokongan Boeing bagi menguji "senjata halimunan" bagi meninjau sejauh mana benteng ketahanan dan kekuatan ketenteraan China?

Tun Dr. Mahathir dalam blognya - secara terang-terang menyalahkan Boeing. Syarikat yang menurut beliau perlu menjawab dan bertanggungjawab ke atas kehilangan MH370. Tun Mahathir bersuara dengan lantang dalam hal ini dengan berkata,  

W. James McNerney, Jr.- CEO Boeing
"Mengapakah Boeing membina pesawat yang begitu lemah dan mudah dilumpuhkan? Dalam keadaan yang sepatutnya, kru pesawat termasuk juruterbang, pembantu juruterbang boleh berhubung dengan KLIA.Walaupun ada kemungkinan juruterbang tidak mahu menghubungi KLIA, tetapi pembantu juruterbang sudah tentu sekali ada keazaman untuk memaklumkan stesyen operasi di darat sekiranya pesawat tidak terbang mengikuti jalan udara yang sepatutnya. Jika sekiranya penumpang tidak perasan apa-apa yang di luar kebiasaan sekali pun, sudah tentu kru kabin, dan pembantu juruterbang dapat mengesannya. Mereka semua amat terlatih untuk berhadapan dengan kes-kes kecemasan, jika tidak serta merta sekalipun.. setidak-tidaknya kemudian.

"Tetapi apa yang berlaku, nampaknya tiada sesiapa pun di dalam kabin yang mencuba (maklumkan keanehan/keganjilan yang berlaku). Andainya juruterbang yang dengan sengaja mematikan system keselamatan, sudah tentu ia memerlukan sedikit masa dan usaha. Pembantu juruterbang pula sudah pasti perasan kelakuan aneh juruterbang dan setidak-tidaknya berbuat sesuatu untuk menghalang. Adakah pembantu juruterbang telah turut 'dilumpuhkan' (oleh siapa?), Adakah kesemua kru pesawat juga telah 'dilumpuhkan' (oleh siapa juga) Kesemua pesawat penumpang sepatutnya boleh dikesan, walaupun menggunakan teknologi biasa seperti telefon bimbit. Saya boleh lakukannya melalui telefon. Jika ia mendarat, saya boleh lihat status pendaratannya. Saya juga boleh memperoleh maklumat mengenai mana-mana pesawat di mana jua – siapa pembuatnya, model apa, kepunyaan siapa.. ke mana dan dari mana ia terbang dan destinasinya."

Menurut Tun Mahathir lagi, Peralatan kamera canggih yang terpasang pada satelit-risikan (di angkasa) yang dikendali oleh beberapa buah kuasa besar dunia sebenarnya mampu mengambil gambar manusia (di atas muka bumi) dan sekaligus mengenalpasti identiti manusia terbabit. Sudah semestinya kamera seperti ini lebih daripada mampu untuk mengesan objek sebesar 63 meter (pesawat Boeing).

Tun Mahathir menyambung dengan berkata,  " Kali ini, pesawat MH370 telah hilang secara mutlak. Saya jangkakan di dalam telefon bimbit semua orang, ia juga telah hilang. Peralatan keselamatan di atas pesawat telah dimatikan. Malah, sistem keselamatan lapisan kedua dan ketiga (back-up) juga telah dilumpuhkan. Pesawat MH370 ini dibina oleh Boeing. Oleh itu, Boeing patut menjelaskan bagaimanakah segala sistem keselamatan dan pengesan pesawat canggih ini boleh dimatikan, dalam erti kata lain.. gagal. Ini menjurus kepada rumusan samada teknologi Boeing sangat teruk, atau ia tidak selamat. Saya tidak akan terbang menaiki pesawat Boeing , sekiranya Boeing tidak mampu menjelaskan isu terbabit.

"Sistem penerbangan kawalan jauh (drone) sekarang amat maju dan berkuasa. Apakah benar Boeing telah memasang sistem kawalan jauh ke atas pesawatnya bagi mengelak aktiviti rampasan dan keganasan? Jika benar.. maka kenapa ia tidak dikawal bagi membolehkan MH370 mendarat dengan selamat? Adakah tidak mustahil bagi pihak ke-tiga (selain Boeing dan MAS) mengambilalih kapal terbang dan mengawalnya dari jauh? Apabila pesawat terhempas.. biarpun di atas tanah, mahupun di laut.. sudah pati ada bangkai pesawat ataupun tompokan minya. Sehingga tarikh ini, tiada satu pun yang menjadi bukti terhempasnya pesawat. Persoalannya, bolehkah pesawat terhempas/tenggelam dengan begitu sempurna sehinga tiada kesan apa sekali pun? Bolehkah kita percaya pesawat ini (MH370) jatuh dengan begitu tenang sekali di dalam lautan ganas (Laut Hindi) dan tenggelam dengan begitu mudah ke dalam lautan? (tanpa meninggalkan sebarang petunjuk) 

Dan akhir sekali, Tun Mahathir secara terbuka menyalah syarikat Boeing yang sebenar tahu apakah yang berlaku ke atas MH370, kata beliau,  "Boeing perlu menjawab kesemua persoalan ini. Boeing mesti membuktikan kesemua kemungkinan mengapa sistem komunikasi boleh dimatikan. Boeing patut menanggung tanggungjawab kerana membina sebuah pesawat yang boleh tiba-tiba hilang begitu sahaja secara total di tengah-tengah udara. MAS tidak bersalah. MAS terlah menerbangkan pesawat untuk menjalankan tugas. Tetapi pesawat Boeing tersebut telah bekelakuan luar dari kebiasaan. Siapa yang harus bertanggungjawab? Sudah tentu bukan MAS, tapi pastinya pembuat kapal terbang tersebut.. iaitu Boeing Aircraft Corporation

Maka, tidak mustahil - "mereka" yang selama ini telah menyalur dana kepada Boeing bagi membiayai projek khas telah menggunakan Tentera Udara AS sebagai kambing hitam bagi menguji hasil projek misteri ini. Seperti yang saya dedahkan sebelum ini, bahawa - CIA tidak bukan perancangnya, Obama juga tidak tahu - tetapi ia adalah permainan dalam kalangan "industri" dan pemilik modal yang sedang menunggu hasil pelaburannya.

Ikuti sambungan siri ini dalam judul yang akan datang - Misteri MH370 : Hamba Abdi Baru! (Episod ke-12)  



Posted: 27 Apr 2014 11:36 PM PDT


Sekolah Imtiaz Akan Melahirkan 10 Ribu Generasi Ulul Albab Pada Tahun 2020

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 10:00 PM PDT

imtiaz Melaka adalah sebuah sekolah agama yang berdaftar di bawah Jabatan Agama Islam Melaka (JAIM) yang diuruskan oleh sebuah syarikat iaitu Y2G - Ulul Albab Center of Excellence beribu pejabat di Kuala Lumpur.

Sistem pendidikan yang digunapakai di imtiaz Melaka ini adalah berkonsepkan gabungan dwi-aliran iaitu Kurikulum Kebangsaan yang digabungkan dengan Program Al-Quran termasuk subjek subjek agama yang dirangka mengikut kesesuaian serta keperluan semasa.

Nama imtiaz Ulul Albab Melaka yang didaftarkan ini juga adalah bersesuaian dengan maknanya iaitu 'Cemerlang' dan Program Ulul Albab yang dipelopori oleh Kerajaan Negeri Terengganu. Permulaan imtiaz adalah dengan bermulanya penubuhan imtiaz Besut yang diilhamkan oleh Dato' Seri Hj Idris bin Jusoh (gambar), mantan Menteri Besar Terengganu juga Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Jerteh merangkap Ketua Umno Bahagian Besut.

Yuran yang dikenakan adalah cukup minimum iaitu Yuran Program, Aktiviti & Material (PAM) berjumlah sebanyak RM100.00 (Satu Ratus Ringgit sahaja) sebulan.

Tahniah Rakyat Selangor, DUN Selangor Batalkan Pembinaan Loji Langat 2...

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 07:00 PM PDT


Speaker tanya, sapa yang bersetuju loji langat 2 di batalkan sila jawab Ya


Siapa yang tak bersetuju loji langat 2 di batalkan sila jawab TIDAK...

???? mana perginya suara adun-adun BN...?

Usul membatalkan pembinaan loji langat 2 di persetujui oleh Dun Selangor...

Pemilihan Timbalan Presiden PKR Setakat Semalam...

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 06:00 AM PDT

Khalid gagap mendahului azmin ali, azmin ali dah banyak katoi menipu...

Dialog Dewasa Kritik Berasa

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 11:22 PM PDT

Dialog Dewasa Kritik Berasa


Posted: 27 Apr 2014 10:19 PM PDT

Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin menziarahi bekas menteri besar Kelantan Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat di kediamannya di Pulau Melaka di sini.

Nik Abdul Aziz bersama isterinya Datin Tuan Sabariah Tuan Ishak menyambut ketibaan Muhyiddin dan isteri Puan Sri Noorainee Abdul Rahman selepas solat Asar.

Muhyiddin yang dalam rangka lawatan sehari ke negeri ini, meluangkan masa berbual dan bertanya khabar dengan Nik Abdul Aziz yang juga Mursyidul Am PAS.

Nik Abdul Aziz semasa ditemui pemberita, berkata beliau tidak menyangka Muhyiddin dan isteri sudi datang menziarahi beliau dan keluarganya dan menyifatkan kehadiran Timbalan Perdana Menteri itu hari bertuahnya.

Nik Abdul Aziz yang sebelum ini dimasukkan ke Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM) di Kubang Kerian kerana penyakit prostat kini dilaporkan semakin pulih dan mendapatkan rawatan secara berkala di hospital itu.

Muhyiddin dan isteri kemudian berlepas pulang ke ibu negara.


Posted: 27 Apr 2014 08:10 AM PDT

The lessons is, "Better to be a Bomoh than an Opposition leader" !

Any comments???


Posted: 27 Apr 2014 01:36 AM PDT

Wartawan Asing : Mr. Presiden, Malaysia terdapat isu-isu human right, keadilan dan mengapa Mr. Presiden tidak mahu berjumpa Ibrahim Anwar?

Presiden Obama : Kerajaan Amerika sentiasa memberi perhatian di dalam isu-isu human right di seluruh dunia, keadilan dan sebagainya termasuklah di Malaysia kita melihat kerajaan Perdana Menteri Najib telah memberikan perkhidmatan yang terbaik kepada rakyatnya yang berbilang kaum. Saya tidak ada keperluan untuk bertemu Anwar Ibrahim !


Posted: 27 Apr 2014 09:34 PM PDT


Posted: 27 Apr 2014 09:07 PM PDT


Pesanan Imam Besar Masjid Negara Pada @BarackObama #OBAMAinKl

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 07:45 PM PDT

Bukti Anwar Ibrahim Sebar Hadis Palsu

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 05:00 PM PDT

Video : How 'The Beast' Designed To Protect The President #OBAMAinKL

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 09:30 AM PDT

@BarackObama Strengthen People-to-people Ties, Especially Among Young #OBAMAinKL

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 08:30 AM PDT

PUTRAJAYA, April 27 (Bernama) -- United States (US) President Barack Obama said on Sunday, his administration looked forward to strengthening people-to-people ties, especially among the young, as it forged deeper cooperation with the Malaysian Government.

He said the US and Malaysia were working more closely across a whole range of areas after he and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak agreed to broaden the bilateral relationship, including in the security and trade areas when the latter visited Washington, about four years ago.

In a joint press conference with Najib, following talks between both leaders in conjunction with his historic visit to Malaysia, Obama said he was pleased that both nations were formalising efforts in a new comprehensive partnership.

It was also his hope that the Malaysia-US partnership expand to strengthen the strong ties between the people of both nations, especially the young people.

"The young women and men of the US and Malaysia are gleaming with potential and we want to do more together, to open the door of opportunity to everybody, regardless of race, religion, gender or language," he said.

Obama said he and Najib had agreed to renew the Fullbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) programme for several more years.

"Thanks to the tremendous success of the programme of bringing our young Americans to Malaysia to teach English," he said, while expressing hope that the young Americans could share similar perspective and experience like him, as he had been brought up in the South East Asia region.

Touching on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, the US president said it was agreed upon by both leaders that particular issues of importance to Malaysia should be resolved quickly to reach a comprehensive agreement.

Obama said the two leaders would be joining business leaders for the signing of three commercial agreements worth more then USD1 billion of new trade and investments between the two nations.

In his remarks, he also noted that the comprehensive partnership would expand the security cooperation between the two nations, promote maritime security and regional stability.

"We very much agree with Asean and Malaysia's views that disputes need to be resolved peacefully without intimidation, and that all nations must abide by international rules and international laws," he said.

He said the US looked forward to work with Malaysia on security and maritime issues when Malaysia took the Asean chairmanship in 2015.

Obama is on a three-day visit to Malaysia, the first by a sitting American president in nearly 50 years.


Video Penuh Sidang Media @NajibRazak Dengan @BarackObama #OBAMAinKL

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 07:00 AM PDT

Jawapan @NajibRazak Terhadap Kes Liwat Anwar Ibrahim Di Depan @BarackObama #OBAMAinKL

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 06:00 AM PDT

Nik Aziz Berbincang Sesuatu Dengan TPM Untuk Singkir DAP?

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 04:55 AM PDT

@BarackObama With @NajibRazak At Seri Perdana Putrajaya #OBAMAinKL

Posted: 26 Apr 2014 09:52 PM PDT


Posted: 27 Apr 2014 07:41 PM PDT


Lawang Sewu , Eksotisme Sejarah yang Terbalut Mistik

Posted: 26 Apr 2014 09:07 PM PDT

misteri lawang sewu

Lawang Sewu
Aroma mistis mendadak menyeruak saat memasuki halaman Gedung Lawang Sewu. Diiringi rintik gerimis hujan dan dekapan mendung yang makin gelap, suasana gedung tua itu terlihat makin angker. Bangunan kuno dan megah berlantai dua yang dibangun oleh Belanda seabad silam ini masih menyisakan keanggunan yang mempesona.

Lawang Sewu dibangun oleh Belanda pada tahun 1904 dan selesai tahun 1907 ini dulunya diperuntukkan untuk Nederlands-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij atau NIS, perusahaan jawatan kereta api swasta pada jaman Belanda sebagai kantor administrasi. Lawang Sewu terletak di bundaran Tugu Muda, ujung Jl Pemuda Semarang yang dahulu disebut Wilhelminaplein. Setelah Indonesia merdeka, bangunan Lawang Sewu digunakan sebagai kantor Djawatan Kereta Api Repoeblik Indonesia (DKARI) atau sekarang PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI). Selain itu Gedung Lawang Sewu juga pernah dipakai Kantor Prasarana Komando Daerah Militer (Kodam IV/Diponegoro) dan Kantor Kementrian Perhubungan Jawa Tengah.

Masyarakat setempat menyebut bangunan itu Lawang Sewu (Seribu Pintu) dikarenakan bangunan tersebut memiliki banyak daun pintu. Sedangkan kenyataannya kalau mau menghitung secara cermat bangunan Lawang Sewu memiliki daun pintu sekitar 600 an pintu. Dewasa ini PT Kereta Api (Persero) telah melakukan revitalisasi Lawang Sewu untuk kegiatan komersil. Banyak event yang telah diselenggarakan di Gedung Lawang Sewu, misalnya pameran, fashion show, musik dll. Pemerintah Kota Semarang dengan SK Wali Kota No. 650/50/1992 telah menetapkan Lawang Sewu sebagai salah satu bangunan yang wajib dilindungi sebagai bangunan bersejarah.

Pada masa perjuangan gedung ini menorehkan catatan sejarah tersendiri ketika berlangsungnya Pertempuran Lima Hari di Semarang (14 Oktober – 19 Oktober 1945). Gedung ini menjadi saksi bisu pertempuran antara pemuda Angkatan Muda Kereta Api melawan Kempetai dan Kidobutai Jepang. Lawang Sewu menjadi ladang penyiksaan dan pembantaian (killing field) pemuda-pemuda kereta api oleh Jepang di dalam gedung Lawang Sewu tersebut. Yang konon korbannya mencapai ribuan. Dilantai bawah tanah terdapat penjara jongkok yang dahulu digunakan untuk memenjarakan para pemuda kereta api yang tertangkap sebelum dibunuh. Dan mayatnya dibuang di sungai kecil disamping bangunan Lawang Sewu. Sungguh sebuah bentuk kebiadaban tentara Jepang yang memperlakukan para tahanan dengan tidak manusiawi. Mereka hanya bisa berjongkok. Sedangkan penjara jongkok itu dulunya adalah tempat untuk pengaturan air agar tidak banjir saat Belanda membangun Lawang Sewu.

Halaman Dalam Lawang Sewu

Cerita Mistik di Balik Lawang Sewu
Sebenarnya ketenaran Lawang Sewu bukan karena sejarahnya melainkan cerita mistik yang tersimpan rapat di dalam gedung. Bahkan kini Lawang Sewu menjadi icon mistik di Jawa Tengah. Dari kisah pertempuran yang menyisakan kepedihan itulah, Lawang Sewu dikenal sebagai tempat kawasan wisata hantu. Lawang Sewu menjadi daya tarik wisata selain arsitektur bangunannya yang indah, juga karena cerita penampakannya. Masyarakat meyakini arwah para korban pembantaian itu masih menghuni Lawang Sewu dan bergentayangan sampai sekarang. Misteri penampakan hantu Belanda dan Jepang serta jeritan noni-noni Belanda di waktu malam menjadi cerita yang menyeramkan.

Hantu-hantu Belanda dan Jepang yang konon masing-masing mempunyai wilayah kekuasaan sendiri-sendiri. Di pintu depan bagian Barat bangunan dipercaya wilayah kekuasaan hantu tentara Belanda yang pada penampakannya mengenakan pakaian seragam lengkap dengan senapan laras panjang. Di salah satu ruangan paling depan menjadi pos penjagaan hantu tentara Nippon, karena dalam penampakannya sosok hantu tersebut berwujud serdadu Jepang yang terlihat bengis dan kejam dengan kumis melintang dan membawa samurai.

Kadang-kadang dari dalam gedung terdengar suara jeritan noni-noni Belanda yang kemudian disusul suara derap langkah para tentara. Menurut ceritanya banyak tentara Belanda yang disembelih oleh serdadu Jepang di situ. Sehingga suara jeritan kadang disertai rintihan tentara Belanda yang kesakitan. Yang menyeramkan kadang penampakan mereka terlihat menjelang maghrib, seorang noni Belanda yang berpakaian serba merah dengan topi merah di lantai dua. Atau alunan musik mereka sedang berpesta dansa di ruangan pesta lantai dua yang sampai sekarang masih terlihat kokoh ruangannya. Dan suara-suara tawa, canda, percakapan yang tidak ada wujudnya. Apabila kita berfoto kadang-kadang terlihat ada penampakan atau bayangan di hasil fotonya.

Bangunan bawah tanah Lawang Sewu ada wisata yang menuju ke penjara jongkok. Pengunjung harus mengenakan sepatu boot karena ruangannya berair semata kaki. Bayangkan saja betapa menderitanya menjadi tawanan Jepang, para pemuda Indonesia harus berjongkok di dalam ruangan penjara masing-masing ukuran 1×1 m dengan kakinya terendam air karena memang itu sebenarnya saluran pengaturan air. Menunggu dibantai dan dibunuh.

Selain cerita seram yang mendominasi keberadaan Lawang Sewu, bangunan ini menarik untuk dikunjungi karena kemegahannya yang masih terasa. Lawang Sewu juga sering dijadikan obyek uji nyali. Menurut paranormal meskipun dihuni banyak makhluk halus tetapi mereka tidak mengganggu. Kecuali di tempat-tempat tertentu yang tidak boleh dilewati atau ruangan yang tidak boleh dimasuki. Makanya kalau mau aman jalan-jalan di Lawang Sewu sebaiknya menggunakan jasa guide yang disediakan. Dengan hanya membayar Rp 35 ribu dan tiket masuk Rp 10 ribu kita bisa mengenal sejarah Lawang Sewu dan berjalan dengan nyaman tanpa gangguan dari para makhluk halus.


Posted: 27 Apr 2014 03:35 PM PDT


(Video) Sex Tape Cameron Diaz dan Jason Segel 'tersebar'

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 04:01 PM PDT

Sony Pictures telah melancarkan trailer film komedi romantis Sex Tape yang dibintangi Cameron Diaz dan Jason Segel.

Dalam video trailer ini, Diaz dan Segel berperanan sebagai pasangan suami-isteri yang bercuti berdua-duaan saja sambil meninggalkan anak mereka.

Mereka telah memutuskan untuk membuat video seks pribadi. Malangnya, ketika bangun dari tidur, rakaman video seks mereka hilang.

Mereka telah melakukan pelbagai cara untuk menemukan video tersebut sebelum tersebar ke umum. \

Filem ini juga dibintangi olehRob Corddry, Ellie Kemper, dan Rob Lowe.Sex Tape digarap oleh Sutradara Jake Kasdan yang menggarap film komedi Bad Teacher.

Sex Tape dijadual menemui penonton pada 25 Julai 2014 akan datang.

Obama perjelas mengapa tidak jumpa Anwar

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 07:31 AM PDT

Presiden AS Barack Obama berkata keputusannya untuk tidak mengadakan pertemuan dengan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dalam kunjungannya ke Kuala Lumpur tidak bermaksud bahawa beliau tidak mempedulikan keadaan yang dialami oleh ketua pembangkang itu.

Dalam satu sidang media bersama dengan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak hari ini, beliau diminta menjelaskan mengapa beliau tidak mengulas mengenai sabitan kes Liwat II ke atas Anwar.

"Kenyataan bahawa saya tidak bertemu Anwar tidak menunjukkan kurang peduli," katanya menurut laporan BBC.

Pemimpin PKR sebelum ini membangkitkan bahawa Obama harus bertemu Anwar sebagai pengiktirafan kepada Pakatan Rakyat yang memperolehi 52 peratus undi popular dalam pilihan raya umum lalu.

PKR juga mahu pertemuan itu menjadi pengiktirafan bahawa sabitan kes Liwat II bermotifkan politik.

Walau Obama tidak akan membuat pertemuan dengan Anwar, penasihat keselamatan AS Susan Rice dijangka akan bertemu Anwar tidak lama lagi.

Najib dan Obama mengadakan sidang media bersama selepas perbincangan dua hala di Putrajaya pagi ini.

Mengulas mengenai hak asasi di Malaysia, Obama berkata: "Malaysia masih perlu berusaha dalam isu hak asasi, seperti juga AS. Saya komited dalam memastikan isu dibangkitkan dalam cara membina".

Tambahnya, beliau berkongsi pandangan Najib bahawa masyarakat yang menghormati hak sivil akan menjadi lebih berjaya dalam abad ke-21.

Obama singgah ke Malaysia untuk kunjungan dua hari dalam rangka lawatannya ke rantau ini.

Hadi jangan berbohong - DAP

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 07:04 AM PDT

GEORGETOWN - DAP tidak pernah bersetuju dengan langkah Pas untuk melaksanakan undang-undang hudud ke atas orang Islam di Kelantan, sebelum atau selepas Pakatan Rakyat (PR) ditubuhkan pada tahun 2008.

Setiausaha Agung parti itu, Lim Guan Eng melahirkan rasa terkejutnya dengan dakwaan Presiden Pas, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang bahawa Majlis Pimpinan PR telah bersetuju dengan hasrat Pas untuk melaksanakan undang-undang hudud.

"Ini adalah pertama kali saya dengar DAP bersetuju dengan pelaksanaan undang-undang hudud ke atas orang Islam di Kelantan oleh Pas.

Pimpinan tertinggi DAP, sama ada Lim Kit Siang atau mendiang Karpal Singh tidak akan bersetuju kerana ia bertentangan dengan perlembangan," katanya.

"Abdul Hadi telah melakukan kesilapan dan mengeluarkan kenyataan yang salah," katanya dalam satu kenyataan di sini hari ini.

Abdul Hadi dilaporkan berkata Majlis Pimpinan PR telah bersetuju dengan niat Pas untuk melaksanakan hudud di Kelantan.

Lim berkata PR terdiri daripada Pas, DAP dan PKR dan ia beroperasi berdasarkan konsep kesepakatan daripada ketiga-tiga parti. - Bernama

(Foto) Lima pelajar UIAM parah bas terbalik

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 01:00 AM PDT

Kuala Lumpur: Lima pelajar dilaporkan parah apabila sebuah bas yang membawa 30 pelajar Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) terbabas dan terbalik di Kilometer 25 Lebuhraya Baru Lembah Klang (NKVE) menghala ke selatan kira-kira jam 9.15 pagi tadi.

Difahamkan, kumpulan pelajar berkenaan terdiri daripada 16 pelajar lelaki dan 14 perempuan dalam perjalanan ke Bukit Cerakah bagi menyertai program sehari yang dianjurkan Kelab Fasilitator Pelajar (STUFF).

Kemalangan dipercayai berlaku apabila bas berkenaan melanggar kon penanda yang diletakkan di laluan itu bagi kerja penyelenggaraan menyebabkan ia hilang kawalan dan terbabas sebelum terbalik di tapak pembinaan terbabit.
Pelajar lain cedera ringan dan dikejarkan ke Hospital Sungai Buloh untuk rawatan lanjut.

Pasukan bomba menerima panggilan kecemasan jam 9.42 pagi dan dua jentera dari Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat Sri Hartamas dan Hang Tuah dikejarkan ke lokasi kejadian sebelum operasi tamat sejam kemudian.

Feri karam, PM Korea Selatan letak jawatan

Posted: 26 Apr 2014 07:34 PM PDT

SEOUL: Perdana Menteri Korea Selatan Chung Hong-Won letak jawatan, bertanggungjawab insiden feri karam.


Read more at:

Hudud: Ku Li bimbang wujud konflik agama

Posted: 26 Apr 2014 07:15 PM PDT

GUA MUSANG - Ahli Parlimen Gua Musang, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah bimbang hukum hudud yang dirancang dilaksanakan Pas di Kelantan boleh menimbulkan konflik agama bagi rakyat berbilang kaum di negara ini.

Beliau berkata, sejak Pas menimbulkan semula isu itu, sudah nampak bantahan daripada kalangan bukan Islam, dan Pas juga jelas menolak segala pandangan mana-mana parti gabungannya dalam pakatan rakyat.

Katanya keadaan itu sesuatu yang mungkin berdepan dengan kerumitan dan sudah tentu perlu merujuk kepada Perlembagaan negara yang menjadi asas kekuatan kehidupan rakyat berbilang kaum di negara ini.

"Bagi kita orang Melayu dan parti Umno tidak menjadi masalah dalam perkara tersebut (hukum hudud)," katanya ketika berucap pada majlis Perjumpaan Profesional Muda Tempatan di sini, hari ini.

Tengku Razaleigh yang juga Ketua Umno bahagian Gua Musang berkata masalah yang bakal dihadapi itu perlu difikirkan bersama, sama ada mereka yang berjawatan tinggi atau penduduk biasa, yang berpegang kepada ajaran Islam.

Katanya Perkara 8 Perlembagaan negara adalah rujukan yang jelas kepada rakyat berbilang kaum di negara ini supaya tidak menimbulkan perpecahan yang boleh menjejaskan keamanan negara.

Sebelum ini, Pas Kelantan melalui anggota Parlimennya akan membawa usul rang undang-undang persendirian (hukum hudud) di Dewan Rakyat bagi mendapatkan kebenaran melaksanakan Enakmen Kanun Jenayah Syariah (2) 1993 selewat-lewatnya Disember ini. - Bernama

Hudud: PAS sedia muzakarah

Posted: 26 Apr 2014 07:01 PM PDT

KOTA BHARU - Pas menyatakan kesediaannya untuk mengadakan muzakarah dengan semua pihak termasuk Umno untuk membincangkan cadangan pembentangan rang undang-undang persendirian di Parlimen bagi membolehkan hudud dilaksanakan.

Presidennya, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang berkata, pihaknya tiada masalah mengadakan pertemuan itu bagi membolehkan perbincangan secara mendalam dibuat termasuk menentukan sama ada wakil Pas atau Umno yang bertanggungjawab untuk membentangkan rang undang-undang berkenaan.

"Parlimen ada 'standing order' berkait undang-undang persendirian, sama ada Pas kemukakan atau Umno sendiri kemukakan, itu boleh kita bincang, yang penting adalah kewajipan perlu dilaksanakan.

"Soal bila pertemuan itu dibuat, itu kena tanya pihak lain (Umno), tidak akan menjadi (pertemuan) kalau tepuk sebelah tangan," katanya selepas majlis makan malam mengumpul dana membina Wisma Ilmuan Kelantan di Pusat Tarbiyah Islamiah Kelantan (Putik), di sini, malam semalam.

Turut hadir, Menteri Besar Kelantan, Datuk Ahmad Yakob dan timbalannya, Datuk Mohd Amar Abdullah.

Abdul Hadi mengulas kenyataan Presiden Umno, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak yang menyatakan parti itu mengambil pendirian sebagaimana ketetapan kerajaan iaitu tidak pernah menolak hukum hudud dan menyokong niat baik Pas.

Bagi tujuan itu, Najib menyatakan Umno sedia mendengar penjelasan Pas berhubung usul mengemukakan rang undang-undang persendirian mengenai hudud di Dewan Rakyat.

Mengulas kenyataan Timbalan Presiden PKR, Azmin Ali menyatakan PKR masih berpendirian menolak pelaksanaan hudud sebagaimana perjanjian Majlis Presiden Pakatan Rakyat 2011, Abdul Hadi berkata, pihaknya tidak pernah membincangkan secara spesifik isu hudud.

"Bagaimanapun kita pernah buat kenyataan bersama yang melibatkan kepimpinan Pakatan Rakyat bahawa itu (hudud) adalah hak Pas yang perlu dihormati kerana agenda tersebut ada sebelum Pakatan Rakyat wujud lagi," katanya.

Diperkosa pelanggan dalam tandas

Posted: 26 Apr 2014 05:01 PM PDT

Permaisuri: Seorang pembantu kedai makan mendakwa dirogol seorang lelaki yang pernah menjadi pelanggannya di sebuah tandas awam Kampung Nyatoh, Penarik, di sini, Khamis lalu.

Ketua Polis Daerah Setiu Deputi Superintendan Ab Rahman Raja Mohamed berkata, kejadian dipercayai berlaku jam 5.40 petang ketika mangsa berusia 23 tahun yang bekerja di sebuah kedai makan di situ dikatakan pergi ke tandas tidak jauh dari premis berkenaan.

Beliau berkata, mangsa berseorangan ke tandas tanpa menyedari diekori lelaki berusia 20-an.

"Setiba di tandas, mangsa ditarik suspek dan diugut tidak membuat bising jika tidak mahu diapa-apakan.

"Mangsa meminta suspek melepaskannya namun rayuan itu tidak diendahkan sebelum mendakwa dirogol suspek.

"Selepas melampiaskan nafsunya, suspek meninggalkan mangsa sambil memberi amaran supaya tidak menceritakan perbuatan terkutuknya kepada orang lain," katanya ketika dihubungi di sini, semalam.

Susulan kejadian itu, mangsa membuat laporan di Balai Polis Penarik untuk tindakan lanjut.

Ab Rahman berkata, mangsa mendakwa mengenali suspek yang dikatakan pernah datang ke kedainya.

Katanya, identiti suspek dikenal pasti dan usaha memburunya dijalankan dengan kes disiasat mengikut Seksyen 376 Kanun Keseksaan kerana merogol.


Posted: 27 Apr 2014 01:50 PM PDT



Posted: 27 Apr 2014 07:18 AM PDT


Posted: 27 Apr 2014 04:53 AM PDT

Apa Yang Tersirat

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 01:36 PM PDT

Apa Yang Tersirat

MH370: Obama Tidak Memberi Klu

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 09:16 AM PDT

Jawaban Obama berkaitan pesawat MH370 yang hilang sejak 8 Mac lalu, hanya Dunia ini luas, lautan luas, atas sebab itu, masa diperlukan untuk menjumpainya. 

Namun, menurut Obama, Amerika komitted menyediakan kepakaran dan asset yang diperlukan untuk mencari pesawat itu.

Najib Beritahu Obama: Liwat II-Bukan Antara Kerajaan Dan Anwar

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 08:23 AM PDT

Perdana Menteri Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak memberitahu Presiden Amerika Barack Hussien Obama, bahawa kes Liwat II bukanlah antara Kerajaan lawan Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, akan tetapi antara Ketua Pembangkang itu dengan bekas pembantu peribadinya.

Di mata undang-undang yang diamalkan di Malaysia, menurut Najib, tidak membezakan antara orang kenamaan dan rakyat biasa. Atas sebab itu, kes Liwat II adalah antara dua orang rakyat negara, menggunakan mahkamah untuk menuntut keadilan. 

Berhubung kes liwat membabitkan ketua pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Perdana Menteri berkata beliau mahu menjelaskan akan hakikat bahawa ia bukan mengenai kerajaan lawan Anwar.

Sementara itu, Obama menegaskan bahawa beliau tidak akan bertemu dengan Anwar pada lawatan ini juga dengan sendirinya bukan membayangkan kurang prihatin terhadap isu seumpama itu, tetapi atas hakikat bahawa "banyak orang yang saya tidak temui dan pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang yang saya tidak temui".

"...dan saya akan terus memberi galakan kepada beliau (Najib) sebagai seorang sahabat dan rakan kongsi untuk memastikan ada kemajuan dalam soal itu," katanya.

Kehilangan MH370: Tun Dr Mahathir Letak Kesalahan Pada Boeing

Posted: 26 Apr 2014 11:01 PM PDT

Tun Dr Mahathir menyifatkan kehilangan pesawat Penerbangan Malaysia B777-200ER MH370 terletak kepada syarikat pembuat pesawat malang itu Boeing Aircraft Corporation (BAC).

Syarikat Penerbangan Malaysia (MAS) hanya operator kepada pesawat itu, dan mengharapkan mengendalikan sebuah pesawat yang canggih dan selamat. 

Malaysia mengoperasikan berbagai jenis pesawat, dan terbukti mempunyai rekod yang baik dalam pengendalian keselamatan pesawat, malah syarikat penerbangan Amerika Syarikat menghantar pesawatnya untuk diselenggarakan di bengkel syarikat itu.

Kru pesawat dilatih untuk bertindak jika berlaku sesuatu yang buruk dalam pesawat. Jika juruterbang atau pembantu juruterbang bertindak bodoh, sudah tentu kru lalin tidak akan membenarkannya, dan akan bertindak sesuatu. Salah seorang kru pasti akan cuba memberitahu kawalan keselamatan atau cuba berkomunikasi, namun bagi pesawat MH370 itu semuanya tidak berlaku, atas sebab semua alat komunikasi pesawat terpadam.

Sebuah pesawat secanggih B777, bagaimana pembuatnya menyediakan pesawat di mana alat komunikasinya dengan mudah ditutup? Kecualilah pembuat pesawat itu membuat pesawat yang bermutu rendah.

Seperti mana di laporkan, bahawa transponder pesawat itu tertutup selang 14 minit, transponder pertama tertutup pada 1.07 pagi dan kedua pada 1.22 pagi, kemudian pesawat itu hilang sepenuhnya daripada radar kawalan trafik udara Subang pada pukul 1.30 pagi.

Pesawat itu menurut radar tentera dikesan di Utara Pulau Pinang pada pukul 2.40 pagi, di mana dikatakan sebelum pesawat itu berada di lokasi itu, pesawat bergerak luar biasa, pertama terbang tinggi melepasi limit 45,000 kaki atas permukaan laut selama 23 minit, kemudian turun sehingga paras 5,000 kaki, kemudian HILANG!!! dan kemudian pada 24 Mac dinyatakan berakhir di Lautan Hindi.

Jika pesawat terhempas samada di darat atau laut sudah tentu ada seriphan. kalau di laut sudah tentu ada bekas minyak, kemudian pelapung atau boat keselamatan yang seharusnya tersedia dalam pesawat itu akan terapung, namun bagi MH370 semuanya itu tidak dijumpai; apa kah memang pesawat itu tidak dilengkapi peralatan itu? atau kah pesawat itu terjunam ke laut tanpa meninggalkan sebarang serpihan, dan secara perlahan-lahan memasuki dasar laut? sesuatu yang tidak mungkin.

Pesawat B777 sebuah pesawat yang berbadan lebar dan sepanjang 63 kaki. Mengapakah spy satellite tidak dapat mengesannya? sedangkan peralatan canggih yang ada pada Amerika, mampu mengesan objek sekecil manusia daripada angkasa, malah dapat mengenalpasti seseorang.Tulis Mantan Perdana Menteri itu.

Berikut adalah tulisan Tun Dr Mahathir di blognya pada 25 April lalu 

1. I am very upset over MAS employees being held hostage in Beijing by the relatives of the passengers of MH 370. I am upset because they are blaming the wrong people. The loss of the plane is due to the makers Boeing.

2. How can Boeing produce a plane that is so easily disabled? Normally it is entirely possible for the crew, the pilots and co-pilots to communicate even with KLIA. Maybe the captain did not want to. But surely the co-pilot would want to inform ground stations that the plane was not flying according to the scheduled route.

3. The passengers may not notice but the co-pilot would. So would the cabin crew. They are all trained to deal with emergencies if not immediately, at least later.

4. But none of them seemed to have tried. It must be because the whole communication system has been disabled. It must take some effort if the pilot tried to disable the system. The co-pilot would notice and for his own life he would have tried to do something. Was he disabled? Were all the crew members and the passengers disabled?

5. The flight of all passenger planes can be tracked even on a personal mobile phone. I can do it on my phone. If the plane landed I can watch it landing and taxiing. I can even get information on any plane anywhere – what make and model, who it belongs to and where it is flying from and its destination.

6. I believe there are equipments on the plane which allows it to be tracked – probably by Global Positioning System.

7. Sophisticated cameras on the spy-satellites operated by some countries can actually photograph a man on the ground and even identify him. Surely the cameras can see and photograph a 63-metre aircraft.

8. But the aircraft disappeared completely. I think on everyone's mobile it has disappeared. Some equipment on the aircraft must have been disabled. Even the backup must have been disabled.

9. Boeing built this aircraft. Boeing must explain how all these means of tracking the plane can be disabled, can fail. Either Boeing technology is poor or it is not fail-safe. I would not like to fly in Boeing aircraft unless Boeing can explain how all its system can fail or be disabled.

10. Remote control technology is now very sophisticated and powerful. Is it true that Boeing has installed remote control equipment on the aircraft to prevent hijacking? If it did why did it not direct the aircraft to land safely? Is it possible for third parties to take control of the aircraft remotely?

11. When a plane crashes on land or sea there would be debris or oil slick. None has been found so far. Can it be that the plane remained intact on crashing and sank with no trace and no one launching the lifeboat doors as we are told all these aircrafts are equipped with?

12. Can one believe this plane quietly floated down into the raging sea and sank conveniently in the deepest part (7miles deep) of the Indian Ocean?

13. It is standard practice that when a plane crashes, a team of experts would arrive at the scene soonest so as to find the cause of the crash. Boeing and the authorities in the manufacturing country should be looking out for the plane. Maybe the plane type should be grounded. But Boeing has shown no interest and had said practically nothing.

14. MAS has been flying numerous kinds of aircrafts and has a good record. The pilots are well-trained. Even if the pilot wants to commit suicide the co-pilot and the cabin crew would not allow him to do so without trying something. But no one, not even the passengers did anything. Maybe it is because they have been somehow incapacitated.

15. Boeing must answer all these questions. Boeing must demonstrate possible ways for the communications system to be disabled. Boeing must accept responsibility for building an aircraft that can disappear in mid-air so completely.

16. MAS is not at fault, lax security or not. MAS flew a plane fully expecting it to perform the task. But the plane has somehow behaved differently. Who is responsible? Not MAS but certainly the makers of the plane – Boeing Aircraft Corporation.

tun faisal dot com

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 01:17 PM PDT

tun faisal dot com

Nasharuddin - #COMANGO wajib diperangi? Bhg 1 #AntiCOMANGO

Posted: 26 Apr 2014 10:00 PM PDT

Melayu Pas dan PKR tidak berminat menentang COMANGO? Buktinya TIADA SATU DEMONSTRASI atau HIMPUNAN YANG BESAR dianjurkan untuk menentang COMANGO. Apakah kerana semakin ramai Melayu Sosialis, Leberal & Pluralis di dalam PR berbanding Melayu Muslim?

Tegas hadapi Comango

MINGGUAN: Boleh Ustaz terangkan latar belakang hak asasi manusia (HAM) dalam Islam, Comango, MuslimUPRo dan Centhra?

nasharuddin : Pertama sekali masyarakat perlu dididik untuk memahami isu yang sedang hangat menjadi perbualan sekarang. Isu ini adalah berkaitan dengan Comango. Masyarakat patut tahu apa itu Comango, apa tuntutan mereka dan apa ancaman kepada kita. Comango adalah ringkasan pendek kepada Coalation Malaysian NGO iaitu gabungan badan-badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) di Malaysia sebanyak 54 pertubuhan yang bergabung di bawah Comango, malangnya hanya 15 pertubuhan yang sah berdaftar dengan Pendaftaran Pertubuhan (ROS), yang lain tidak. Mereka telah bawa satu laporan ke pihak HAM di Geneva dengan memberikan gambaran yang salah tentang keadaan HAM di Malaysia. Malah turut mempromosikan kepada negara-negara anggota Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (PBB) yang lain dengan memberikan tekanan melalui NGO antarabangsa kepada Malaysia untuk meratifikasi beberapa perjanjian antarabangsa dan cuba mengheret Malaysia untuk menerima norma-norma hak asasi manusia Barat yang sekiranya kita akur kepada tuntutan-tuntutan dan desakan tersebut ia boleh memberi kesan kepada Islam, kepada kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu seperti yang dijamin oleh Perlembagaan.

Malah mereka mampu memberi kesan kepada Perlembagaan itu sendiri sebab walaupun pihak Comango cuba menafikan bahawa dalam tuntutan-tuntutan mereka itu tidak ada perkara yang menyentuh agama Islam atau hal-hal luar tabii, tapi jelas (bertentangan) dalam laporan mereka dan semuanya terkandung dalam laporan berkenaan. Hasil daripada itu NGO-NGO Islam di Malaysia telah bergabung dan mengadakan beberapa siri pertemuan dan perbincangan.Kita merasakan bahawa kewajipan bagi NGO-NGO Islam untuk mengadakan tentangan terhadap usaha Comango ini supaya kita tidak terheret ke medan yang mereka mahukan. Alhamdulillah kita bergabung atas nama MuslimUPRo yang terdiri daripada pelbagai NGO Islam. Boleh saya sebut hampir seluruh NGO Islam besar terlibat seperti Pembela, Muafakat, Isma, Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM) beberapa persatuan penduduk, Yayasan Nassar dan sebagainya.

Alhamdulillah kita telah mengambil satu ketetapan untuk meneliti perkara tersebut dan melibatkan diri dalam proses Universal Periodic Review (UPR) dan membawa laporan itu ke Geneva beberapa kali dan Alhamdulillah sejak daripada Oktober 2013 hingga ke hari ini saya lihat rakyat sudah mula faham siapa itu Comango, apa tuntutan mereka, apa ancaman terhadap Islam dan sebagainya selain siapa sebenarnya MuslimUPRo.

Kini MuslimUPRo telah mengambil satu lagi langkah yang lebih berstruktur untuk kita tubuhkan sebuah pusat yang kita panggil Centhra. Pusat ini dijadikan center for human research and advocacy, sebuah institusi yang sudah kita mulakan proses pendaftarannya, sudah kenal pasti di mana pejabat yang bakal kita beroperasi dan sebagainya. Malah struktur pengurusan telah kita bentuk dan tugas Centra yang paling utama adalah proses UPR untuk pengisian apabila dilakukan semakan kali ketiga oleh PBB pada tahun 2018.

Apa yang bakal dilalui pada semakan kali ketiga pada 2018 itu nanti?

NASHARUDDIN: Kita menjangkakan pada tahun 2018 nanti pihak Comango akan lebih agresif dan sudah tentulah akan membawa banyak isu serta persepsi yang salah terhadap kedudukan HAM di Malaysia. Jadi Centhra berperanan untuk mewujudkan satu kumpulan tenaga pakar dalam bidang ini yang kita rasa NGO Islam masih ada kekurangan. Kita hendak wujudkan tenaga pakar ini dan dalam masa yang sama kita akan terus memberikan penerangan kepada isu HAM khasnya melalui perspektif Islam dalam kita menjamin kedaulatan Perlembagaan berkaitan agama Islam. Kita juga akan mengadakan siri advocacy melalui Centhra yang telah diluluskan dan kita menawarkan diri sebagai rakan strategik kepada pihak kerajaan kerana yang akan bertanggungjawab berhujah dan memberikan respons kepada desakan antarabangsa ialah pihak kerajaan.

Kita berterima kasih dan merakam tahniah mengenai pendirian kerajaan pada 20 Mac lepas di mana beberapa pandangan kita dan juga hal yang berkaitan dengan mempertahankan kedudukan Islam dalam Perlembagaan yang mempertahankan mahkamah syariah dan menafikan tuntutan-tuntutan yang tidak munasabah serta diluar tabii daripada Comango dan juga NGO-NGO antarabangsa dan beberapa negara yang berucap contohnya memaksa Malaysia untuk mengiktiraf hak LGBT, telah dinafikan kerajaan. Ini bagi saya cukup hebat tetapi untuk tahun 2018 melalui proses semakan ketiga nanti Comango tidak akan berhenti dan mereka akan terus menyerang maka kita juga akan mengambil tindakan seperti yang saya sebut tadi. Centhra juga akan mengadakan hubungan dengan NGO lain dalam mengadakan kempen. Kita akan mengadakan penerangan, sesi rakan strategik dengan pihak kerajaan supaya kedaulatan Islam dan kedaulatan negara kita tidak diusik.

Bagaimana penglibatan orang Melayu dan Islam dalam menyatakan sokongan kepada Comango?

nasharuddin : Kita menyatakan sedikit kesesalan kepada beberapa nama-nama besar orang Melayu Islam yang tidak tahu dan tidak sedar bahawa usaha untuk merosakkan agama Islam sedang berlaku.Kita tak dapat menafikan malah ada antara Comango sendiri menamakan diri mereka sebagai organisasi Islam. Malah ada orang-orang tertentu yang memberi ruang kepada Comango untuk meneruskan pembohongan mereka, jadi tugas kita sekarang iaitu MuslimPRo dan Centhra adalah untuk meneruskan penerangan.Kita tahu isu ini masih belum sampai ke tahap sewajarnya kepada masyarakat. Isu ini walaupun besar tetapi ramai yang belum faham. Namun kita masih ada masa dan ruang.

Di sinilah kita mengharapkan peranan media untuk bersama-sama dengan kita.Kita menyatakan ucapan terima kasih kepada pihak Utusan yang bersama-sama kita menyokong perjuangan. Kita kalau boleh nak buat program yang datang mungkin hanya 100 orang sahaja tetapi yang tengok televisyen dan baca surat khabar jumlahnya jutaan. Jadi kita harap perkara ini akan dapat disampaikan terus kepada sasaran

Boleh Ustaz jelaskan peranan Centhra dalam menghadapi tahun 2018?

nasharuddin : Antara tugas utama Centra adalah mewujudkan rangkaian kita dengan NGO-NGO di luar negara. Kita akan mengadakan kajian lokasi dan sentiasa berhubung dengan rakan-rakan kita di Geneva dan peranan utama kita adalah memberi kesedaran kepada masyarakat dan dalam masa yang sama kita hendak menyediakan kumpulan pakar. Dalam sistem pengurusan Centhra ada Board of Trustee terdiri daripada lima orang. Saya telah diamanahkan oleh rakan-rakan untuk jadi Pengerusi Board of Trustee. Selepas Board of Trustee kita ada satu cabangan International Council of Expert (ICE).

Kita sudah berhubung dengan beberapa pakar undang-undang, pakar HAM sama ada profesional atau berlatar belakangkan Islam untuk kita dapatkan pandangan mereka dan insya-Allah satu persidangan yang melibatkan pakar-pakar ini akan diadakan pada bulan Mei depan.

Selepas ICE, kita ada Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif yang mana saudara Azril akan mengetuai Centhra dan di bawahnya ada tiga komponen. Pertama, ia berkaitan dengan pusat kajian dan kita amanahkan kepada seseorang daripada sebuah universiti.

Centhra ini seperti yang saya sebut akan menjadi pusat advocacy atau pusat menyediakan tenaga pakar. Kita sudah mula menerima permohonan daripada ramai pelajar universiti yang berminat untuk bersama kita. Kita akan kenal pasti mereka dan mereka akan dihantar ke Geneva untuk sesi latihan. Ini adalah perlu supaya mereka mendapat pendedahan secara lapangan di Geneva, tengok bagaimana fungsi, bagaimana operasi dan sebagainya. Sudah tentu mereka akan menjadi barisan pelapis. Walaupun kami baru bermula tetapi kami telah memikrkan tentang barisan pelapis.

Kita mahukan penglibatan Generasi Y secara aktif dan setakat ini komunikasi kita dengan masyarakat banyak respons yang kita dapat daripada Generasi Y. Kita mahu penglibatan mereka secara aktif sebab dalam masa empat tahun sehingga 2018, orang yang menubuhkan Centra semakin tua dan kita mahu pada 2018 Generasi Y yang pergi mewakili kita mempertahankan Perlembagaan, agama Islam dan memberi input yang positif kepada pihak kerajaan dalam proses semakan kali ketiga itu nanti.

Bagaimana peranan Centhra dalam mendidik kanak-kanak dan remaja mengenai HAM di Malaysia?

nasharuddin : Saya memang bersetuju pendidikan tentang fahaman HAM ini cukup penting dan harus diberikan tumpuan. Pendidikan terhadap masyarakat yang luas harus dijadikan satu agenda. Saya cadangkan di peringkat universiti semasa saya membentangkan kertas kerja di UKM minggu lepas, saya cadangkan supaya dimasukkan dalam satu subjek, diperbanyakkan kajian tentang pendidikan HAM.

Cara mana hendak dilaksanakan di peringkat sekolah satu kajian terperinci harus dibuat tapi apa pun pendidikan terhadap fahaman HAM ini telah menjadi satu tuntutan yang sepatutnya diberikan tindakbalas secepat mungkin di peringkat kerajaan. Di sini Centhra cuba memainkan peranan bagaimana caranya untuk kita membantu dalam proses pendidikan kefahaman dalam bidang HAM.

Kita tidak mahu berlaku kekeliruan kerana kita tolak HAM? Jika kita tidak menolak yang mana pula perlu kita pakai? Adakah kita tidak perlu layan UPR? Tidak boleh dan Malaysia perlu melayan perkara ini. Malaysia perlu melibatkan diri dalam proses UPR walaupun kita ikut prosesnya tetapi kita ada pendirian. Saya rasa Malaysia adalah contoh paling baik untuk kita buktikan kepada dunia Barat, kami berupaya untuk menunjukkan dalam konteks negara yang berbilang kaum.

Memandangkan Islam adalah Agama Persekutuan dan Islam adalah teras dalam HAM, tuntutan hak-hak yang bercanggah dengan perlembagaan agama tidak akan dilayan dalam masa yang sama ruang tuntutan untuk HAM yang lain sentiasa ada dan terbuka. Kita tidak menafikan. Sebagai contoh, Comango hendak perjuangkan hak berkaitan yang lebih munasabah, insya-Allah kita akan kaji. Kita bukan tentang semuanya.

Bersambung esok di dalam Utusan Malaysia.

© Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd 

#PemilihanPKR : Kantoi! @Khalid_Ibrahim mendahului @AzminAli sebab Undi Hantu dan Bangla? #PartiKangkungRakyat

Posted: 26 Apr 2014 07:25 PM PDT

Siapa sebenarnya yang guna PENGUNDI HANTU dan menipu dalam Pilihan Raya Umum? Nampaknya pemimpin PKR memang mahir dalam bab ni. Siapa yang kantoi ini? Khabarnya ini kerja Team Azmin Ali, tapi yang menghairankan, dalam pengiraan dan laporan blogger PR, yang sedang mendahuli adalah Khalid Ibrahim. Yang tercorot jauh - Saifudin Nasution...

Tulisan sama, walaupun susunan nombor berbeza. Bukti mereka dah terlatih dan biasa buat kerja-kerja penipuan UNDI seperti ini.

Antara 40,000 Pengundi Bangladesh dari Hulu Selangor yang dikesan dalam sebuah bilik di Simunjan, Sarawak. Mungkin ada 38,890 orang 'pengundi Bangla' seperti ini lagi di seluruh negara

Peti undi yang transparent / lutsinar TIDAK menghalang penipuan PKR

Senarai hadir tak sama dengan jumlah undi yang keluar? Ramainya pengundi Bangla ..

Khalid Ibrahim mendahului nampaknya

Yang badut kat tengah tu, konon 56% sangatlah, tapi setakat menang atas poster je la ha ha ha lawak, tersangat lawak daripada Parti Kangkung Rakyat...

Baca apa kata seorang Blogger PR tentang penipuan ini di bawah. Tak sedar-sedar lagi PKR tu Parti Kelentong Rakyat...

Pemilihan PKR : Semoga penipuan di Sarawak ini tidak disapu ke bawah karpet hendakNya

Setiap kali bila Pilihanraya menjelang tiba atau ketika Pilihanraya akan berlangsung, isu penipuan dalam Pilihanraya akan kita bangkitkan...

Dari pengundi hantu hingga kepada senarai pengundi yang menimbulkan berbagai keraguan pasti akan diserang habis-habisan..

Malah serangan yang bertali arus terhadap SPR dalam isu satu alamat 88 pengundi sebelum PRU13 yang lalu telah menyebabkan pihak SPR menutup laman semakan pengundi buat sementara waktu..

Tetapi... biarpun pihak kita menunjukkan kemarahan malah menuduh SPR bersekongkol dengan UMNO/BN untuk kekal berkuasa, kita juga turut menipu..

Tidakkah ini namanya HIPOKRIT??

... Hasil dari maklumat ahli, pasukan pemantau PACA TS Khalid Ibrahim telah menyerbu sebuah bilik di Hotel Seng Chong, Simunjan Sarawak yang telah dijadikan tempat membuat undi untuk pemimpin tertentu.

Ketika pihak PACA Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim mengetuk pintu bilik hotel tersebut mereka yang berada didalam enggan membukanya dan dalam masa yang sama kedengaran dari luar keadaan kelam kabut didalam ..

Setelah beberapa minit barulah pintu dibuka, dapati seorang anggota parti dari Hulu Selangor yang dipercayai telah memangkah kertas-kertas undi dan dimasukkan kedalam sebuah kotak.

Kejadian ini telah berjaya dirakam dan sudah pun dimaklumkan kepada Pengerusi Jawatan Kuasa Pemilihan Pusat Dato' Johari Abdul sendiri.

Pihak JPP berjanji sungguh akan buat siasatan dan tindakan sewajarnya. .. Sehingga artikel ini di tulis calon no 3 Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim sedang mendahului.

Berikut adalah laporan dari Zakaria Ab Rahim Calon MPP dan Counting Agent Batang Sadong..

Salam Dato, saya selaku calon MPP No 2 dan Wakil Calon Timb Presd no 3 dgn ini membantah keluruhan proses pengundian SELURUH JK Pusat di Cabang Batang Sadong kerana berlaku penipuan dan manipulasi undi dan ditangkap red handed beserta 3 org saksi,

1. Dr Shan calon Naib Pres no 5,
2. Sdr Zaidi Amin, AJK Cabang Santubong
3. Sdr Roydaney Mohd Hossein, Timb AMK Petrajaya.

1. 90% kertas undi tak berlipat
2. Jumlah kertas undi keluar, dlm peti undi dan nama dipotong dlm daftar anggota berbeza
3. Dijumpai buku senarai 20 nama pengundi yg hadir tetapi:

Kertas undi keluar - 285
Kertas undi ditanda - 273
Jumlah nama dipotong - 238

Pohon digantung pengundian Batang Sadong dan pegawai JPP ditarik balin serta Ketua Cabang Btg Sadong diambil tindakan disiplin krn berkonspirasi.

Zakaria Ab Rahim
Calon MPP dan Counting Agent
Batang Sadong

Semoga penipuan ini tidak disapu kebawah karpet hendakNya..

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