Selasa, 9 Oktober 2012



The Spirit of Lubok Kawah/Semangat Lubok Kawah

Posted: 08 Oct 2012 11:35 PM PDT

The Spirit of Lubok Kawah/Semangat Lubok Kawah

Perang Dingin Ditiup Kembali

Posted: 08 Oct 2012 05:02 PM PDT

Berikutan Perang Dunia Pertama dan Perang Dunia Kedua, Negara-Negara Eropah telah jatuh ke tangan Parti Komunis.  Russia, gergasi Komunis, berjaya menjadikan semua negara-negara Eropah Timur diperintah parti-parti komunis dan mereka menjalankan pemerintahan sosialis.

Kejatuhan dunia Eropah (di Eropah Timur) diikuti pula oleh Negara-Negara di Asia seperti China, Korea Utara, Vietnam, dan Laos menjadikan lebih dari 50% penduduk Dunia berada di bawah pemerintahan Komunis.

Negara-Negara Asia Tengah turut jatuh ke tangan Komunis di bawah lindungan gergasi Komunis Russia.

Cuba, sebuah Negara pulau berdekatan perairan Amerika turut jatuh ke tangan Komunis apabila Perang Gerila yang dibawakan oleh Che Guevara, seorang rebolutionari yang romantik dari Amerika Selatan berjaya menggembelingkan kaum pekerja dan tani di Pulau itu memilih pentadbiran Parti Komunis.

Perjuangan untuk menegakkan komunis hidup di Negara-Negara Eropah Barat, di Tenggara Asia dan di Semenanjung India.

Amerika yang menjadi pemimpin dunia Kapitalis yang bertegak diatas dasar luarnya yang Imperialistik menaungi Negara-Negara kapitalis Barat melancarkan Perang Dingin keatas Negara-Negara Komunis, dan tembok-tembok politik digariskan agar negara-negara yang belum jatuh ke tangan Komunis tidak mempunyai hubungan segar dengan Negara-Negara komunis khususnya Russia dan China.

Perang Dingin yang dilancarkan oleh Washington bertujuan untuk melindungi Negara-Negara yang pro-Barat terutamanya Negara-Negara yang baru Merdeka dari pelbagai Penjajah Dunia di Asia, Afrika dan Latin Amerika.

Peruntukan besar dibekalkan oleh Amerika dan Negara-Negara Barat diberikan kepada Negara-Negara Asia-Afrika-Latin Amerika supaya memerangi komunis di Negara masing-masing dari segi persenjataan, ekonomi dan politik.

Negara-Negara Berkecuali yang dipimpin oleh Indonesia, India, Mesir dan Yugoslavia menjadi sasaran Amerika dan Negara Barat kerana Negara-Negara Berkecuali ini mengambil sikap tidak memihak kepada Barat atau Timur dan mereka mengadakan hubungan diplomatik yang sihat dengan Negara-Negara Barat dan juga Negara-Negara yang ditadbir oleh parti-parti komunis.

Konflik bersenjata di mana-mana Negara pasti melibatkan kehadiran Amerika dan sekutu Baratnya di sebelah pihak dan Negara-Negara Komunis.

Keselamatan Negara-Negara di Asia, Afrika dan Latin Amerika sentiasa terjamin kerana wujudnya dua Payung yang Besar iaitu Komunis yang dipimpin oleh Russia dan China.

Keadaan ini mulai berubah kerana tiada Negara di Dunia ini yang berterusan boleh berkonfrontasi melainkan akan mewujudkan keadaan yang tidak stabil yang boleh membawa kepada Perang Dunia ke-3 yang akan merosakkan keselamatan Dunia.

Komunisme tidak boleh bertahan lama.  Parti-Parti Komunis berjaya mengambil alih pemerintahan di Negara-Negara diktatur di mana parti yang memerintah melalaikan kebajikan untuk rakyatnya, dan di Eropah, kaum Buruh yang tertindas oleh golongan kapitalis memberontak dan dengan berlakunya Perang Dunia Kedua memberikan kekuatan kepada mereka mengambil alih pemerintahan di Negara masing-masing disamping dengan persetujuan bersama untuk Eropah Timur ditadbirkan oleh parti-parti yang memihak kepada Russia.
Perlu diingat bahawa Russia dan Negara-Negara Barat adalah rakan kongsi menjatuhkan Nazi Germany dan Fascist Italy dan Jepun.

Russia dibawah pemerintahan Parti Komunisnya berjaya membawa kesetabilan ekonomi kepada rakyatnya, dan rakyatnya mulai mengharungi kehidupan yang jauh lebih selesa daripada keadaan di bawah pemerintahan the Czar.

Rakyat negara-negara komunis yang tidak lagi ditindas oleh kaum kapitalis mulai mencipta ekonomi baru dan mendapati kehidupan mereka mulai berubah.  Mereka hidup senang dengan pendapatan yang beransur tinggi.

Bab kata pepatah politik.  Bukan manusia yang merubah keadaan tetapi keadaanlah yang merubah manusia.

Kekuatan komunis bergantung kepada ideologinya iaitu perjuangan kelas (class struggle), tanpa perjuangan itu, Komunis akan hilang senjata perjuangan mereka, dan mereka mengambil kehidupan yang selesa dan tidak mahu lagi bersusah payah mempertahankan ideologi dan mempertahankan komunisme.

Mereka menjadi liberal dan memisahkana diri mereka dari ideologi komunis, dan sedikit demi sedikit mereka menerima apa yang ditermakan oleh Mao Tze Tung sebagai "capitalis roader".  Russia menjadi capitalis roader, meninggalkan fahaman komunis dan kehidupan yang mewah membuatkan mereka selesa dan suka kepada kehidupan bebas tanpa ikatan ideologi yang dianggap mengongkong.

Maka berpecahlah antara fahaman komunis liberal dengan fahaman komunis hardliner (yang diketuai oleh China).  Akhirnya, benar seperti kata Mao, Russia dan sekutunya di Dunia Barat menolak komunisme dan melaksanakan dasar kapitalis.

China bertahan dengan dasar sosialis dibawah pemerintahan Parti Komunis.  Tetapi konflik di Negara China juga mulai timbul.  Wujud golongan yang dikatakan pro-Demokrasi yang menentang ideologi komunis.

China hari ini hanya ditadbirkan oleh Parti Komunis dengan bergayut kepada kekuatan Tentera Rakyat, tetapi selain dari itu, rakyat China juga sudah berubah; mereka juga sudah hidup lebih senang dan mereka tidak mahu lagi hidup dibawah kongkongan komunisme.

Seseorang yang melawat China tidak akan dapat membezakan rakyat Negara itu yang menjalankan kehidupan seharian dengan rakyat mana-mana Negara Barat; mereka mahu hidup bebas dari sebarang pegangan ideologi khususnya ideologi komunis.

Komunisme telah menjadikan Russia sebuah Negara yang kukuh dan kuat; tetapi Russia dibawah Kapitalisme kini mulai menjadi sebuah Negara yang lemah dan tidak lagi mampu menjadi salah sebuah Ekonomi yang kukuh.

Komunisme telah menjadikan China sebuah Negara yang kukuh dan kuat; dan China bertahan dengan kekuatan itu dibawah pemerintahan Parti Komunis tetapi dasar ekonominya sudah dibayangi elemen-elemen kapitalisme.  China tidak lagi mengeksport ideologi komunisnya ke serata dunia, tetapi menghadirkan diri di negara-negara Asia, Afrika dan Latin Amerika dengan dasar perdagangan yang dasarnya tidak jauh dengan dasar yang selama ini dimainkan oleh Amerika Syarikat.

Perang Dingin antara Barat dan Timur telah berakhir, dan peruntuhan Tembok Berlin merupakan sekatan terakhir diantara Kapitalisme dengan Komunisme.

Namun, kini berlaku Perang Dingin yang ditiupkan oleh Amerika terhadap Negara-Negara Islam.  Mana-mana Negara Islam yang tidak mengikut telunjuk Amerika akan dijatuhkan, lebih-lebih lagi di Negara-Negara Islam itu wujud pemerintahan berbentuk diktatur.  Saddam Hussain dan Iraqnya jatuh.  Libya dan Gadafinya jatuh.  Syria dan Assadnya sedang diperangi.  Iran sedang diburu.

Senario ini tidak ada kena mengena dengan kewujudan Syiah.  Iran diperintah oleh mereka yang memeluk fahaman Syiah ditentang oleh Amerika; tetapi Libya diperintah oleh mereka yang memeluk Sunni.  Negara-Negara Teluk kebanyakannya diperintah oleh puak-puak Syiah, tetapi tidak dimusuhi oleh Amerika kerana sikap mereka yang sanggup menjadi alat (stooge) kepada Amerika.

Pejuang-pejuang Palestin dipimpin oleh golongan Sunni tetapi tetap diperangi oleh Amerika.

Didalam pertandingan jawatan Presiden antara Obama dan Romney, kedua-duanya mengambil sikap memihak kepada Zionis Israel; tetapi Romney mengambil sikap yang lebih kasar.  Romney mengajak dunia memerangi Syria, Hezbollah, Iran dan negara-negara Islam yang menentang Israel.  Romney menyalahkan Obama kerana tidak berjaya menstabilkan Afghanistan, Iraq dan negara-negara Islam yang memilih Islam sebagai dasar Negara masing-masing, bukan kerana Negara itu menerima atau menolak demokrasi.

Arab Saudi jelas menolak demokrasi tetapi tidak dimusuhi oleh Amerika, dan banyak negara-negara Islam yang tidak demokratik, tetapi dinaungi oleh Amerika.

Amerika, khususnya Parti Republican, sedang meniupkan Perang Dingin terhadap Islam.  Islam yang diperangi itu bukanlah Sunni atau Syiah, tetapi Islam yang tidak memihak kepada Amerika.

Ekonomi - Jangan hilang fokus

Posted: 08 Oct 2012 05:30 AM PDT

Ekonomi bukan hanya sekadar angka, bukan hanya sekadar pembangunan dan peruntukan.  Tak dapat dinafikan bahawa memang benar bahawa jika Negara ini bankerap, semua pihak akan menanggung padahnya, dan Negara ini sudah hanya sekadar beberapa peratus sahaja lagi untuk memisahkan negara kepada kebankerapan.

Jika bajet tahun hadapan ini adalah untuk gula-gula dan pemberian wang tunai kepada pihak-pihak tertentu untuk memancing undi dari mereka, bajet ini akan membawa keruntuhan kepada ekonomi negara yang akan membebankan rakyat.

Didalam berbincang dari segi ekonomi, yang paling penting ialah menjaga keselamatan rakyat agar tidak dibebankan dengan pelbagai bentuk kesukaran.

Rakyat bukan berhajat menjadi jutawan, mereka tidak berhajat kepada pemilikan harta bertimbun, rumah-rumah mewah disana sini, istana, atau kereta-kereta berjenama, dan saham yang tidak terhingga.

Rakyat mahu cukup makan, ada perumahan, ada wang yang cukup untuk persekolahan anak-anak, ada wang untuk susu anak-anak kecil, ada wang untuk pakaian, dan ada wang untuk penampungan masa tua.

Apa juga bajet yang direka dari tahun ke tahun, jangan hilang fokus diatas keperluan ini, dan kita tidak perlu kepada jargon ekonomi dan teori ekonomi yang hebat-hebat dan akibatnya rakyat terpaksa dibebankan dengan harga barang yang naik dan harga komoditi keluaran rakyat jatuh sehingga kehidupan rakyat menanggung beban yang tidak sudah-sudah.

Mesej kita - Jangan Hilang Fokus!

R Sivarasa - Ahli Parlimen Subang

Posted: 08 Oct 2012 11:30 PM PDT

R Sivarasa - Ahli Parlimen Subang

Posted: 08 Oct 2012 01:49 AM PDT

Who's destabilising the government?

MALAYSIA is apparently under grave threat from human rights organisation Suaram. In the last few months, no fewer than six government agencies have been probing Suaram and Suara Inisiatif Sdn Bhd, the company it operates under. Suaram has been accused of a myriad of wrongs — from filing "misleading and confusing accounts" to possible offences under the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001 (Amlatfa).
Suaram says it is prepared to be investigated and has been cooperating with investigations. At the same time, it has drawn attention to the timing of the investigations. Is it a coincidence that the government's scrutiny of Suaram is happening during a Suaram-initiated French inquiry into possible corruption in Malaysia's purchase of two French Scorpene submarines while Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak was defence minister?
Besides the obvious accusation of selective prosecution, what else is so wrong about the government's investigation of Suaram?
Abusing government agencies
Six — yes, six — government agencies have been roped in to investigate Suaram. They are the Companies Commission, Registrar of Societies (ROS), Home Ministry, Bank Negara Malaysia, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission and the police. These agencies have met to discuss their respective jurisdictions and there has even been talk of setting up a "special task force" to deal with the apparent Suaram threat.
But the alleged crimes revealed so far do not seem to justify the special attention and resources the government is investing in investigating Suaram. Suaram has been accused of filing misleading and confusing accounts, holding activities under Suaram when their company is called Suara Inisiatif Sdn Bhd, and receiving foreign funds. Even if the most malicious of motives is proven against Suaram — and that is far from being proven — this list is hardly nation-threatening stuff.
Yet, Suaram has been accused of plotting to destabilise the government — a serious matter indeed, if true. And Bank Negara has been called in to investigate Suaram under Amlatfa. This law covers investigations into a company handling proceeds from an unlawful activity, defined as a serious offence, whether local or abroad. Additionally, the financing terrorism clauses in Amlatfa require a company's involvement in financing terrorist activity as defined in the Penal Code.
Unlawful activity? Serious offences? Terrorist activity? As far as I know, Suaram's main activities include the following:
 Compiling lists of persons killed in police shootings and who died in police custody.
 Publishing an annual human rights report.
 Educating the public on their rights in relation to the police.
 Campaigning to abolish detention without trial.
 And, of course, assisting the Scorpene probe in France.
Bank Negara (Wiki commons)
Bank Negara (Wiki commons)
Raising the spectre of money laundering, terrorism and government destabilisation against an organisation with such activities makes the government look paranoid, over-the-top in its reaction, and abusive of its powers. Indeed, the government could also be accused of using red herrings to distract the public from state infractions against human rights and government corruption.
Worse, when the government enlists the aid of quasi-independent state agencies to bully and harass, it damages the credibility of these agencies, and taints the good work that they may otherwise be doing. This, in effect, is what will actually destabilise the government in the long term. As these important institutions lose credibility and stray from the public interest work they are entrusted with, public trust will tank. And guess what happens when public trust in government institutions is lost?
Abusing civil society
By threatening Suaram through the Registrar of Societies (ROS), the government is effectively also threatening Malaysian civil society organisations. Suaram is being investigated for operating as a society without registering under the Societies Act. The ROS says if Suaram had carried out activities under its company name Suara Inisiatif Sdn Bhd and not Suaram, then the Societies Act would not have come into play.
Talk about stretching a technicality. Companies often use variants of their registered names in their day-to-day dealings. Maybank for Malayan Banking Bhd, for example. Or Astro for Astro Malaysia Holdings Bhd. So, then, why not Suaram for Suara Inisiatif Sdn Bhd?
ROS director Datuk Abdul Rahman Othman said the ROS would be taking stricter measures to regulate unregistered societies. One wonders, then, whether companies such as Liberal Banter Sdn Bhd, under which LoyarBurok operates, or CIJ Communications Services Sdn Bhd, under which the Centre for Independent Journalism operates, are next on the list.
The ROS director's remarks also ignore Malaysians' constitutional right to freedom of association, which the Societies Act, in fact, excessively curbs. Under the Act, the home minister can unilaterally and in his or her "absolute discretion" declare any society unlawful.
There are also the administrative curbs. Although the ROS director said they have made it easy for societies to register, this has not been the experience of several human rights organisations, including the Malaysian Chapter of Amnesty International. According to Suaram director Dr Kua Kia Soong, the National Human Rights Society took over two years to register even though it had two former prime ministers, Tunku Abdul Rahman and Tun Hussein Onn, as patrons.
Abusing the media
Finally, there is the national media's complicity in demonising Suaram. "Plot to destabilise the government," proclaimed New Straits Times's 21 Sept 2012 front page. "Badan biayai Suaram diragui" was Berita Harian's. "Suaram mencurigakan," saidUtusan Malaysia. Most of these articles did not seek Suaram's views despite the sensational claims being made, and despite the fact that getting all sides of a story is a basic tenet in journalism.
Enlisting the media to serve the government's short-term ends while simultaneously crippling their role in holding the government accountable can lead to disastrous long-term consequences.
A church in Rwanda where 5,000 refugees were killed in 1994. (Wiki commons)
A church in Rwanda where 5,000 refugees were killed in 1994 (Wiki commons)
For example, in 1994, an estimated 800,000 Rwandans, mostly Tutsis, were killed in the Rwandan genocide within a matter of weeks. About 200,000 were thought to have been involved in the killing. A Human Rights Watch study on how the violence escalated identifies the Rwandan media as a key instigator of violence. In the newspapers and on radio, Hutu Rwandans were bombarded with the message that their existence was under threat from the Tutsis and it was their duty to defend themselves. Graphic cartoons often accompanied such messages, making it clear what was intended. False information was sometimes broadcast at a time when independent verification was difficult.
As can be seen from the Rwandan experience, it is no small thing for a government to use the media for its own narrow political ends. We can only speculate how differently it would have turned out in Rwanda if the media had taken the government to task for its genocidal messages instead of disseminating them.
And, in Malaysia, imagine how different it would be if our media could hold our government accountable for its misuse of power, instead of feeding disinformation and playing up imagined fears.
So who's really destabilising the government? It is the Barisan Nasional government itself. How so? Its selective prosecution, discrediting and undermining of state agencies, threats to civil society, and corrupting of the media are surefire ways of causing disenchantment and anger with the government.
The focus may now be on Suaram, and its ability to defend itself and survive the current government harassment. But the long-term casualties of the government's recent actions may not in fact be Suaram. Those who stand to lose in the long term are state agencies, the traditional media, and citizens in our troubled democracy. 

Suara Sri Andalas

Posted: 08 Oct 2012 11:20 PM PDT

Suara Sri Andalas

Muhyiddin Dan Peter Chin Gagal Fahami Kepentingan Penstrukturan Semula Air Selangor

Posted: 08 Oct 2012 02:30 AM PDT

KUALA LUMPUR, 8 OKT : Proses penstrukturan semula industri air Selangor telah dimulakan pada tahun 2006, semasa pentadbiran Kerajaan Pusat Umno-BN sendiri, namun fakta ini gagal diterima pemimpin gagasan itu sekarang.

Perkara ini gagal difahami oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dan Menteri Teknologi Hijau, Tenaga dan Air, (Kettha) Datuk Peter Chin kata MP Bandar Tun Razak, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.

Berkata, usaha ini telah dilakukan apabila Parlimen, yang dulu dikuasai Umno-BN meluluskan undang-undang penyusunan semula industri air.

"Saya mendpati TPM (Muhyiddin) dan Menteri KETTHA (Peter Chin) tidak faham kerana usaha ini (penstrukturan semula industri air) berlaku pada tahun 2006 semasa Parlimen meluluskan undang-undang penyusunan semula air.

"Tujuannya adalah supaya perkara-perkara ini dapat dimiliki negeri kerana negeri bersifat membangunkan dan tidak mementingkan kepada keuntungan sebaliknya mengutamakan kecekapan pengurusan," katanya yang juga Menteri Besar Selangor.

Bercakap pada sesi Perbahasan Bajet 2013 di Dewan Rakyat, Abdul Khalid menegaskan, penstrukturan semula industri air penting untuk pertumbuhan ekonomi Selangor.

"Dengan cara ini kita akan dapat menentukan harga-harga utiliti dibuat pada kadar yang terbaik dan rakyat akan dapat," katanya.

Kemelut penstrukturan semula industri air telah berlarutan lebih tiga tahun apabila kerajaan pusat berlengah-lengah untuk membenarkan kerajaan Selangor mengambil alih operasi air terawat daripada Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (Syabas).

Sumber: Selangorku

MB: Muhyiddin Tidak Pandai Baca Angka

Posted: 08 Oct 2012 01:30 AM PDT

KUALA SELANGOR 08 OKT : Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim hari ini membidas Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yaasin yang sebelum ini mendakwa pentadbiran negeri di bawah Umno-BN adalah 'terbaik' berbanding Pakatan Rakyat.

Sebaliknya, Abdul Khalid berkata di bawah pimpinan Pakatan, ekonomi dan pembangunan negeri menjadi semakin baik serta maju berbanding Umno-BN.

Ini dibuktikan dengan simpanan rizab negeri yang meningkat setiap tahun, masalah rumah terbengkalai yang diselamatkan, hutang syarikat Talam yang dikutip dan hasil negeri yang dipulangkan kepada rakyat.

"Beliau (Muhyiddin) cakap PR memerintah Selangor tidak baik maknanya beliau tidak pandai baca angka.

"Kalau beliau terus menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri, nampaknya teruklah negara kita," sindir Abdul Khalid dalam ucapan perasmian mesyuarat agung tahunan PKR Cabang Kuala Selangor, di Ijok di sini semalam.

Katanya, di bawah Umno-BN hanya RM 100 juta diagihkan kepada rakyat dan ia berbeza dengan pentadbiran Pakatan yang mengagihkan RM 700 juta.

"Pada 2005 hingga 2007, harta Selangor dulu hanya empat peratus, tetapi PR kerja keras untuk dapatkan kembali dengan menyelesaikan banyak masalah yang ditinggalkan Umno-BN, contohnya hutang Talam dan projek perumahan terbengkalai.

"Kalau beliau kata Selangor tidak baik atau bagus bawah PR, maka bawah Umno-BN lagi tidak baik," katanya.

Jelasnya, Selangor merupakan negeri yang paling banyak sumbangannya kepada negara.

"Pada 2008, ekonomi Malaysia bertumbuh tujuh peratus manakala Selangor sebanyak sembilan peratus.

"Manakala pada 2009, ekonomi negara jatuh sehingga tiga peratus dan Selangor hanya jatuh kepada satu peratus. Kini, negara lima peratus, Selangor tujuh peratus. Kalau beliau masih kata tidak baik, saya tidak tahulah," katanya.

Sumber: Selangorku

Anwar Ibrahim

Posted: 08 Oct 2012 07:26 PM PDT

Anwar Ibrahim

Jelajah Merdeka Rakyat, Simpang Pulai, Perak 07/10/2012

Posted: 08 Oct 2012 08:09 AM PDT

Stop The Theatrics: Malaysia Has Become Corrupt To The Core Under BN

Posted: 08 Oct 2012 02:40 AM PDT

Malaysia Chronicle

It was so kind of Prime Minister Najib Razak to contribute RM1 million to the Vienna-based International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA). But to some critics, this move was just to "pull wool over the people's eyes".

To the critics, corruption must first be mopped up at home. They feel that some local NGOs deserve the money more when they are making serious efforts to rein in corruption in the country.

There is certainly something wrong when a leader blames everyone else and yet does not observe the corrupt behaviour of his own team.

The people's perception is that there is a mass-scale corruption at all levels in the country. The people cannot anymore be oblivious to the effects of corruption, as its impacts have become obvious on their everyday life.

Corrupt to the core

People are leaving the Barisan coalition and their reason, among others, is that they just cannot tolerate the level of corruption in the government anymore. Their view seems to be that the government of today is corrupt to the core.

This opinion has hurt Barisan most in the past 30 years – right from the day Mahathir Muhamad took over as prime minister.

Corruption is today seen as corroding the country. The people see the abuse of power by leaders more for their personal advantage. This is disconcerting the minds of voters who depend on the integrity of people in a position of authority.

Looking at the Corruption Perceptions Index of 2011, Malaysia ranked number 60 out of 183 countries with a score of 4.3/10 (hovering at 4 to 5 in the past 10 years).

The country's one time partner – Singapore that left Malaysia in 1965 – was ranked number 5 with a score of 9.2/10 (hovering at 9 to 9.5 in the past 10 years).

Singapore's success

Singapore does not make "theology "an overt precept in governance, though. But the administration is based more on the moral foundation of humanity – sturdy principles, integrity, transparency and accountability. This is their recipe for success in bringing down corruption.

The top 10 – the world’s least corrupt countries – has remained virtually unchanged for the past 10 years with Finland, Iceland and New Zealand tied for the lead, followed closely by Denmark, Singapore and Sweden.

Malaysia on the other hand seems to be evasive when it comes to taking efforts to appraise the degree of control they have on corruption such as the Transparency Index, the Open Budget Index, Financial Secrecy Index and their Bribe Payers' Index.

The people are totally blurry on the country's indexes on Global Competitiveness, Judicial Independence, Human Development, the Rule of Law, Press Freedom, Accountability and the Election Processes.

The government-controlled media and Barisan politicians have failed to sincerely appraise these crucial realms for people's consumption. What the people merely hear are political rhetoric, dubious statistics given by politicians and all these being spun by the media to sound that "all is well" with the country.

They are leaving Barisan

George Washington said in 1789, "It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favours".

Those "fearing God" feel that corruption is a plague to the people. Uninhibited corruption which has not abated but increased – in their opinion – is fermenting their hatred for the government. This is one of the many reasons why many former government servants, artistes, academicians, students are today giving their support to PAS and the Opposition.

Even the non-Muslims have no qualms whatsoever about supporting PAS. The simple reason is that they are against corruption. They too have the view that a God-fearing government can help rein in corruption better in the country.

The fervour for religion is becoming more important in the psyche of many Malaysians today. DAP and PKR are not religion-based parties but they are allies to PAS and share the common views that there must be social justice for the people and that corruption is immoral and can destabilise the nation.

When leaders are corrupt the people tend to resort to more religious awareness. The voters are not oblivious to the fact that corruption affects the poorest the most.


In fact all elements of society are affected in some way as corruption undermines political development, democracy, economic development, the environment, people's health, education and so forth.

As in the old sayings, “Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it”. Being too long in power breeds complacency and corruption. The powerful, wealthy leaders who have been serving long in government could inevitably become corrupt.

Many can be seen living a debauched lifestyle when the poor are getting poorer.

Some have their wealth and interests conveniently stashed overseas and become the "untouchables" in their own country because of their strong political connection.

Corruption is going to cause a decline in morals, affecting both the rich upper classes and the poor, and this is becoming a continuous threat to the country. Corruption is going to cost of defending the country spiral out of control, the economy falling, taxation heavy and inflation high. These will be the symptoms for early bankruptcy for the country.

The majority of the rich are not sharing their "inconceivable" wealth and prosperity with the have-nots in the country and this is widening the gap between the poor and the rich, especially in states like Sarawak and Sabah.

Not perceived as "clean"

Corruption started to rear its ugly head right during Mahathir's days as prime minister. His infamous description that corruption is "a lubricant that can get things done faster" must have been the wrong dose he prescribed that has made corruption opportunely "acceptable".

Abdullah Badawi who took over as prime minister from Mahathir in 2003 could not do much in battling corruption just because this immoral habit had already become ingrained in the Malaysian culture. And today Najib is too weak to steer the country out of this baggage.

The present government and its leaders are not perceived as "clean" either when it comes to corruption. It has become an unceasing baggage that has affected almost all those in power.

Thus corruption apparently has become a way of life in the Malaysian society. People are dealing with societies where corruption filters into their everyday life. This culture no doubt is corroding the nation.

A change of government

A change of government may not be the ultimate solution to some voters but many feel that this is the only viable way to stop the menace of corruption from continuing unabated. It's never too late though to have a new government in the two-party system the country now has.

Corruption is both a major cause and a result of poverty in most countries with unscrupulous leadership. It occurs at all levels of society, from local and national governments, civil society, judiciary functions, businesses, military and other services and so forth.

It is not only in the government that corruption is found. It's now pervading the society in most countries with poor and ineffective leadership.

Negotiated tenders, for instance, can create conditions whereby corruption can flourish and aggravate the conditions of people. It habitually involves diversion of a percentage of funds from critical projects into the pockets of political parties, politicians, senior government officials or their families.

But the media and haughty politicians would irresponsibly stop effective participation and representation of people in society such as the NGOs from voicing out their displeasures and this has further helped encourage corruption and the collapse of nations.

Corrupt government

Those who are leaving Barisan among them are those who do not believe in the credibility, integrity, professionalism and independence of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

It was mentioned in a recently released report by Swiss-based NGO Bruno Manser Fund, that the Taib (Sarawak Chief Minister) family’s total assets to be worth US$21 billion (RM64 billion), with a personal wealth of US$15 billion (RM46 billion), making him Malaysia's richest man.

The people only want to know the truth but as reported, Najib was trying to be evasive about the whole thing.

The people also want to know the truth about other prominent leaders and those in high positions in the administration who are perceived to be highly corrupted. But unfortunately, the present incumbent government lacks the political will to face the bull by its horns.

Corruption will destroy the nation

It looks like corruption is not getting much better and, indeed, is intensifying – affecting virtually every aspect of life among peoples in the country.

They perceive that corruption is taking on a host of different forms. It involves the police and judicial systems, including disputed enforcement of business contracts and other commercial litigation.

A leader must show his abhorrence of corruption by example not just by telling others to stay away from this evil when the government he leads is amassed with alleged corruption.

A corrupt nation usually has an extremely weak institutional setting and this is due to political parties and their leaders holding on to power for too long causing smugness to set in.

The droves of people leaving Barisan to be with PAS and the Opposition today is clear sign that they want to see a change in government to curb corruption – the thorn in the flesh – that is corroding the nation.

Mahatma Gandhi said: “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Isu Undi: Mahathir Cemas, Takut Nasib Serupa Gaddafi, Mubarak

Posted: 08 Oct 2012 01:33 AM PDT



Mantan Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad panik nasibnya akan serupa seperti Muammar Gaddafi dan Hosni Mubarak jika kerajaan Umno BN digulingkan pada pilihan raya umum (PRU) nanti.

Naib Presiden KEADILAN, Nurul Izzah Anwar berkata, PRU kali ini paling ditakuti Mahathir kerana bimbang kekayaan yang dikaut bersama anak-anaknya dalam Umno BN terhapus jika rakyat memilih Pakatan.

"Pilihan raya nanti bukan saja menentukan hidup mati kerajaan Umno BN tetapi menentukan apakah nasib Dr Mahathir.

"Sebab itu beliau terdesak mempertahankan diri dan anak-anaknya bagi memastikan empayar politik dan ekonomi
keluarga bersama kekayaan mereka terjamin," katanya kepada Keadilan Daily.

Tambah Ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai itu, tuduhan Mahathir bahawa mengundi Pakatan Rakyat umpama menyokong George Soros sebagai reaksi panik kerana takut penyelewengan dan pemusatan harta kekayaan dipersoal rakyat.

"Tuduhan (undi Pakatan bermakna undi Soros) adalah percubaan untuk melepaskan diri dan bersiap sedia untuk 'menyerang' seperti dulu," katanya.

"Sekarang apa yang lebih utama, kita ingin mendesak satu (tribunal) siasatan ditubuhkan untuk menyiasat semua anugerah projek kepada anak-anaknya. Tidakkah dia sedar, tindakan itu boleh menyebabkan Malaysia bankrap?" soal Izzah.

Sementara itu, Ahli Parlimen Balik Pulau, Yusmadi Yusoff berkata, Mahathir hipokrit kerana berdiam apabila menerima dana dari Open Society Institute (OSI) yang dimiliki Soros.

"Dr Mahathir hipokrit. Kalau Soros bantu, dia akan diam. Bila Soros tak respon (permohonan biaya dana), dia melenting. Dalam sekelip mata dia menuduh Soros menjadi dalang (kerosakan ekonomi)," kata Yusmadi ketika ditemui di lobi Parlimen, hari ini.

Jelas Yusmadi, Soros lebih objektif dalam gerakan keamanan antarabangsa, berbanding Mahathir yang pura-pura menjadi jaguh menentang jenayah perang, hakikatnya takut dihumban ke penjara atas jenayah yang dilakukan terhadap rakyat.

"Dr Mahathir pentingkan diri sendiri. Dia hanya bercakap atas kepentingan dan agendanya sahaja. Dia tidak memikirkan hal negara dan rakyat.

"Ini hanya percubaan serangan seperti mana dahulu. Dia tidak sedar bahawa NGO (diterajui) anaknya sendiri (Marina Mahathir) menerima dana OSI," kata Yusmadi merujuk pertemuan dua kapitalis itu di Kuala Lumpur pada 2006.

Biro Antarabangsa KEADILAN itu berkata, jika Mahathir berprinsip, pasti dia akan menyelar tindakan anaknya kerana pernah menerajui Majlis AIDS Malaysia yang mendapat dana OSI.

"Saya sendiri hadir ke program penerangan tentang polisi menangani isu dadah Malaysia di Universiti Sains Malaysia pada tahun 2011. Mengapa (Mahathir) tak persoal?" kata Yusmadi.

[Video] Kenapa Najib Marah Saya Jumpa Peguam Perancis?

Posted: 07 Oct 2012 09:27 PM PDT

PKR DUN 19 Kepayan P174 Penampang, Sabah.

Posted: 08 Oct 2012 11:55 AM PDT

PKR DUN 19 Kepayan P174 Penampang, Sabah.

See Hua News: 07 October 2012

Posted: 08 Oct 2012 03:02 AM PDT

Anak Muda Kampung Nak Senang

Posted: 08 Oct 2012 11:12 AM PDT

Anak Muda Kampung Nak Senang


Posted: 08 Oct 2012 01:59 AM PDT

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