Rabu, 13 Julai 2011



Anwar Ibrahim

Posted: 12 Jul 2011 07:24 PM PDT

Anwar Ibrahim

Saksi BERSIH Mengadu Pada Suhakam

Posted: 12 Jul 2011 06:37 PM PDT


Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia (Suhakam) hari ini mendengar aduan daripada beberapa orang awam yang mendakwa terdapat keganasan polis dalam perhimpunan BERSIH 2.0 Sabtu lalu.

Hadir bersama pemimpin Pemuda PAS, beberapa saksi kejadian tampil menceritakan pengalaman mereka kepada suruhanjaya itu.

Menurut seorang pembantu doktor Abu Bakar Abdul Rahman, dalam perhimpunan itu, beliau menyaksikan sendiri berlakunya polis menyalahgunakan kuasa mereka.

Dengan sebak, pengamal perubatan itu berkata, terdapat peserta yang sedang “bersujud” di atas jalan raya ditendang oleh polis dengan sengaja.

"Saya tidak nampak apa kesalahan yang dia buat, saya rasa dia (polis) hilang ingatan masa itu," dakwanya.

Dakwanya, beliau juga melihat beberapa peserta perhimpunan yang dibelasah sehingga patah kaki dan tidak mendapat sebarang bantuan daripada polis.

Minta nyawa

Sementara itu Pengerusi Angkatan Warga Aman Malaysia (AMAN) Rajaretinam Armuggan pula menceritakan detik-detik terakhirnya berada di sisi Baharuddin Ahmad yang dilaporkan meninggal dunia selepas hadir ke perhimpunan itu.

“Saya nampak dia pegang dada dia. Ada dua pegawai polis di depan. Saya merayu tapi mereka menolak untuk bercakap (dengan saya),” katanya.
“Kesilapan saya tidak ambil nombor (baju) polis tersebut.”

Seorang lagi saksi Nurpais Ismail mendakwa pihak polis melemparkan banyak tembakan gas pemedih mata ketika orang ramai berkumpul di Masjid Jamek sehingga menyebabkan seorang warga emas sesak nafas.

“Ada mak cik, pak cik, saya lihat ada seorang mak cik seolah-olah meminta nyawa (sukar bernafas),” katanya yang turut ditahan polis tanpa dimaklumkan kesalahan yang dilakukan.

Sementara seorang peguam PAS Mazwan Johar yang bertugas memantau keadaan di balai polis Jinjang pada Sabtu lalu mengesyaki polis ingin menyembunyikan sesuatu apabila kebanyakan mereka memakai jaket yang menutup nombor bajunya.

Halang kebebasan agama

“Jaket tersebut menutup tanda nama dan pangkat mereka. Kami sebagai peguam yang tahu apa yang perlu dibuat pun, tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa (sebab tidak tahu identiti polis itu),” katanya.

Sementara itu, Pengarah Jabatan Undang-undang dan Hak Asasi Malaysia (Juham), Ahmad Zamri Asa’ad Khuzaimi mendakwa anggota Unit Simpanan Persekutuan (FRU) menggunakan “kekerasaan yang tidak munasabah” untuk menyuraikan peserta.

Beliau juga mendakwa, tindakan polis menghalang peserta perhimpunan memasuki dua masjid utama di Kuala Lumpur – Masjid Negara dan Masjid Jamek – menghalang kebebasan beragama seperti dijamin dalam perlembagaan.

“Masjid Jamek dan masjid negara telah dikunci oleh pihak polis. Mereka (peserta himpunan) terpaksa sembahyang di kaki-kaki lima, di bawah pokok seperti keadaan di luar negara,” katanya.

Sementara itu, Ketua Pemuda PAS Nasrudin Hassan menyerahkan memorandum kepada Suhakam yang mendakwa polis menafikan akses peguam kepada peserta yang ditahan.

Memorandum enam helai itu diterima oleh Naib Pengerusi Suhakam Prof Datuk Dr Khaw Lake Tee. Kira-kira 50 penyokong PAS dan aktivis NGO turut hadir memberikan sokongan

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Bar Council: Tung Shin Hospital Was Hit

Posted: 12 Jul 2011 06:28 PM PDT


Even with Health Minister Liow Tiong Lai vehemently denying that the police had fired tear gas and chemical-laced water into Tung Shin Hospital during last Saturday’s rally, the Bar Council monitoring team is backing the many witness accounts that this did happen.

Presenting the observation report compiled from some 100 observers deployed during the rally, Bar Council president Lim Chee Wee said police had used indiscriminate and excessive tear gas and water cannons against peaceful protesters.

Water from the cannons fired by the police, Lim told a press conference at Bar Council office in Kuala Lumpur today, went into the compound of Tung Shin Hospital, and according to eyewitness accounts, tear gas canisters also landed in the compound.
“Although we don’t have any footage from our monitoring team, accounts from our eyewitnesses say ‘yes, tear gas was launched and canisters did land in the Tung Shin premises’.”

Lim also screened footage taken by an observer, showing the hospital being hit by water cannons during the rally

According to the report, the participants were hit by water cannons while the rally organisers were negotiating with the police.

“Some monitors noted that the police did give warnings prior to using the tear gas and water cannons. However, it was difficult for the huge crowd to hear what the police commandants said via their loud hailers, except for participants who were situated near the police,” the report says.

Elaborating on the Bar Council report, Lim said the use of tear gas and water cannons was “wholly unnecessary” in many locations when the crowd was stationary and showed no indication that they would charge the police or create any havoc.

No warning, not enough time to disperse

He also said that police either did not give any warning or sufficient time for the crowd to disperse before unleashing tear gas and the water cannons, resulting in chaos and injuries.

“What we found was that throughout Kuala Lumpur, there had been a mismanagement by the police in terms of crowd control.”

Another footage screened during the press conference showed police, without any provocation, firing tear gas at a group of protesters holding their position in front of the Agro Bank on Leboh Pasar Besar.

Lim then cited the example of the crowd behind Dayabumi, where tear gas was fired at them from both ends.

“The crowd was actually squeezed in on both ends by the launching of the tear gas. When you launch tear gas, it is with the aim of dispersing a crowd. You do not launch tear gas at both ends, without any exit routes for the crowd. This also happened in the Puduraya area.”

He noted that the tear gas was fired towards the crowdat the human height level, instead of being fired up in the air, which is the universal standard.

Apart from the use of tear gas and water cannons, Lim also condemned the random and arbitrary arrests by police during the rally.

“We ourselves, the office-bearers, saw with our own eyes, as the crowd was dispersing, the FRU moving forward into the crowd with plainclothes policemen behind them, who then ran out and started arresting people at random. There was no need for this, as the people were already dispersing.”

Lim urged the police to adopt the recommendations made by the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) on engagement with the leaders of a demonstration to find out the intention of the group and to give sufficient time for them to disperse before resorting to the use of non-lethal weapons.

Nevertheless, he said, an exemplary model had been shown by the police on Jalan Hang Jebat, where the crowd was allowed to gather and listen to short speeches from their leaders just beyond the barricades after the organisers, including PKR’s Chua Jui Meng, negotiated with the police.

“There was no use of tear gas or water cannons, nor was there any arbitrary arrest after or during the dispersal of the crowd. That is how crowd control should have been done throughout Kuala Lumpur.”

He reminded the government that Suhakam had conducted at least two inquiries into public rallies and had come out with various recommendations to the government.

“We cannot understand why the government has not taken heed of the recommendations and suggestions of Suhakam,” he added.

Malaysians mature and peace-loving

On the participants of rally, the report states that they generally behaved in a peaceful and calm manner, except for a few untoward incidents at Jalan Hang Jebat:

One protester threw a bottle of water at a news reporter while he was up on the stairs leading to a basketball court hall, reporting live, but the reporter managed to evade it. Some of the crowd showed their middle fingers at the police and chanted “menyebuk” (troublemakers);
At one point, the crowd booed the TV3 crew inside the building. As they chanted “penipu” (liars), some threw a few plastic bottles at the cameraman. None hit. Rally marshals told crowd to keep walking. No uniformed police personnel were present.
The report concluded that the rally had demonstrated that the people of Malaysia are mature and peace-loving when championing a cause they believe in.

“Most importantly, we witnessed that people from a wide variety of backgrounds across Malaysia participated in this rally, without any conflict.

“This is contrary to the fear of possible racial disharmony or riots expressed by certain irresponsible public figures,” the report says.

Added Lim: “On that day, a lot of members of our monitoring team saw friends and acquaintances who are not aligned to any political party, whom they would categorise as very conservative people, but they were out there in the streets that Saturday because they are outraged by the way in which the government mismanaged this entire situation.”

The Bar Council full observation report on the Bersih 2.0 rally can be accessed here

Program Naib Presiden-YB Nurul Izzah Anwar [ 15-23 JULAI 2011 ]

Posted: 12 Jul 2011 06:17 PM PDT

1) Ceramah di Cabang Keadilan Kuala Kangsar, Perak pada 15 Jun 2011 ( Jumaat )

Tarikh : 15 Jun 2011 ( Jumaat )
Masa : 7.00 hingga 12.00 malam
Tempat : Kampong Bendang Kering, Kuala Kangsar, Perak

7.00 Malam Berkumpul di Masjid Bendang Kering
7.30 Malam Solat Jemaah Maghrib
7.50 Malam Kuliah Maghrib AF Ustaz Munawir
8.50 Malam Solat Isyak
9.10 Malam Jamuan Malam
9.30 Malam Ceramah Umum

Penceramah :

1) Ust Zulkipli Ibrahim,Ketua Penerangan PKR Perak

2) Dr.Raja Iskandar,YDP PAS Kawasan

3) YB Nurul Izzah, Naib Presiden PKR merangkap Ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai

4) Dr Mohd Nor Manuty,Pengerusi MPN Perak merangkap Pengarah Penerangan PKR Pusat.

Program Penyerahan Keahlian Baru dan Sumbangan untuk Golongan Miskin oleh YB Nurul Izzah Anwar

1145 malam Program berakhir

2) Ceramah di Cabang Keadilan Tambun, Perak Darul Ridzuan pada 15 Julai 2011 ( Jumaat )

Tarikh : 15 Julai 2011 ( Jumaat )
Masa : 10.30 malam
Tempat : Taman Meru 2C, Tambun, Perak Darul Ridzuan

Penceramah :
1) Pak Jabit

2) Asmuni Awi (AJK Pas Pusat)

3) Ustaz Zulkifly Ibrahim

4) YB Nurul Izzah Anwar-Naib Presiden Keadilan

3) Ceramah Umum di Taman Melewar, Gombak pada 16 Julai 2011 ( Sabtu )

Tarikh : 16 Julai 2011 ( Sabtu )
Masa : 9.00 malam hingga 12.00 malam
Tempat : Pusat Tarbiyyah PAS Taman Melewar, Gombak
Anjuran : PAS Wilayah Persekutuan

Penceramah :

1) YB Nurul Izzah Anwar- Naib Presiden Keadilan

2) A. Samad Said

3) Datuk Mahfuz Omar- Naib Presiden PAS

4) Fundraising Dinner Parlimen Batu pada 17 Julai 2011 ( Ahad )

Tarikh : 17 Julai 2011 ( Ahad )
Masa : 7.30 malam
Tempat : Kelab Golf Peransang, Jalan Kuching, Kuala Lumpur

Penceramah :

1) YB Tian Chua- Naib Presiden Keadilan

2) YB Nurul Izzah Anwar- Naib Presiden Keadilan

5) Ceramah Umum anjuran PAS Pandan pada 17 Julai 2011 ( Ahad )

Tarikh : 17 Julai 2011 ( Ahad )
Masa : 9.00 hingga 12.00 malam
Tempat : Gelanggang Bola Keranjang, Jalan Belia / Jalan Merdeka, Kampung Baru Ampang, Selangor.

Anjuran : Parti Islam Se Malaysia (PAS) Kawasan Pandan dengan kerjasama Ahli Majlis MPAJ Cik Jean Lee Shok Jing ( Zon 17 PKR) dan Pejabat DAP Cawangan Kampung Baru Ampang, Selangor.

Aturcara Majlis:

9.00 malam – Majlis Ceramah bermula

1. Ucapan aluan Pengerusi Majlis

2. Ucapan YB Iskandar bin Abdul Samad, YDP PAS Kawasan Pandan / Ahli Dewan Negeri Chempaka / Exco Kerajaan Negeri Selangor

3. Ucapan YB Dr Tan Seng Giaw, Timbalan Pengerusi DAP Malaysia / Ahli Parlimen Kepong

4. Ucapan YB Pn Nurul Izzah Anwar, Naib Presiden PKR / Ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai

12.00 malam – Majlis tamat dan bersurai

6) Seminar Idealisme Perjuangan Mahasiswa pada 21 Julai 2011 ( Khamis )

Tarikh : 21 Julai 2011 ( Khamis )
Masa : 9.00 pagi hingga 2.00 petang
Tempat : Carlton Hotel Shah Alam
Anjuran : Biro Pendidikan Keadilan

Panel :
1) YB Nurul Izzah Anwar ( Ucaptama/ Peranan Mahasiswa )

2) Sdr Mohd Rafizi Ramli ( Isu-isu Semasa )

3) Sdr Zulrushdi Mohamad Hol ( PRN Sarawak )

4) Tuan Haji Suhaimi Said ( Isu Felda )

7) Fundraising Dinner SUARAM pada 22 Julai 2011 ( Jumaat )

Tarikh : 22 Julai 2011 ( Jumaat )
Masa : 8.00 hingga 11.00 malam
Tempat : Dewan Sivik, Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya (MBPJ), Petaling Jaya

Penceramah :

1) YB Nurul Izzah Anwar- Naib Presiden Keadilan

2) YB Teresa Kok- Ahli Parlimen Seputeh

3) Tuan Haji Mohd Sabu- Timbalan Presiden PAS

8) Fundraising Dinner Ranting Bangsar Baru, Cabang Lembah Pantai pada 23 Julai 2011 ( Sabtu )

Tarikh : 23 Julai 2011 ( Sabtu )
Masa : 9.00 hingga 12.00 malam
Tempat : Restoran Bangsar Seafood

Jemputan :

1) Y.A.B Tuan Lim Guan Eng, Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang

2) YB Saifudin Nasution, Setiausaha Agung Keadilan

3) YB Nurul Izzah Anwar, Naib Presiden Keadilan

4) YB Sallehuddin Ayob, Naib Presiden PAS

Amnesty Iinternational: Jangan Bentang Permaidani Merah Bagi Najib

Posted: 12 Jul 2011 01:57 AM PDT

Amnesty International hari ini menggesa Perdana Menteri Britain David Cameron dan Pope Benedict supaya tidak membentangkan ‘permaidani merah’ kepada Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak kerana layanan buruk dan tindakan kejam kerajaan pimpinannya terhadap perhimpunan aman rakyat Sabtu lalu.

NONEMenurut badan hak asasi dunia itu, Cameron (kanan) khususnya perlu memberitahu Najib yang bakal dalam rangka lawatan empat hari ke UK bermula hari ini bahawa pencabulan hak asasi seumpama itu tidak dapat diterima.

Hujah Amnesty berdasarkan beberapa laporan, gambar, video yang terus disebarkan oleh pelbagai pihak memaparkan polis memukul, menendang dan melepaskan gas pemedih mata secara terus ke arah rakyat yang berhimpun secara aman menuntut pilihan raya yang bersih dan adil.

"Kerajaan Britain tidak harus memberi ganjaran keganasan itu dengan membentangkan permaidani merah kepada perdana menteri Malaysia," kata Timbalan Pengarah Amnesty International bagi Asia Pasifik, Donna Guest.

bersih rally 090711 police kick protestor story image"David Cameron seharusnya memberitahu Perdana Menteri Najib bahawa pencabulan hak asasi manusi terhadap penunjuk perasaan yang aman tidak boleh diterima.

"Kerajaan Najib mengasari ribuan rakyat Malaysia yang bertindak melaksanakan hak mereka untuk menunjuk perasaan secara aman," katanya.

Ramai dikasari

Selain menahan peserta perhimpunan, pihak keselamatan turut melepaskan gas pemedih mata secara terus kepada orang ramai dan dalam kawasan hospital sebagai usaha menggagalkan perarakan ke Stadium Merdeka.

Malah Guest berkata ramai peserta yang telah dikasari.

NONE"Terdapat rakaman video di YouTube menunjukkan anggota polis berpakaian preman menendang seorang peserta yang terbaring di atas jalan sementara polis yang berpakaian seragam hanya melihat.

"Pihak keselamatan juga menembak gas pemedih mata terhadap peserta perhimpunan termasuk Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang telah tercedera dan Khalid Samad (ahli parlimen Shah Alam) yang turut mengalami kecederaan," katanya.

Selain itu, kata Guest, beliau juga berharap pihak Vatican dapat memberi tekanan kepada Najib supaya menghormati hak asasi manusia ketika Najib melawat Rom minggu ini.

NONEPada perhimpunan BERSIH 2.0, 1,667 telah ditahan termasuk pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat.

Bagaimanapun semua mereka dibebaskan dengan jaminan polis dan Peguam Negara akan menentukan tindakan ke atas mereka.

"Penggunaan keganasan oleh pihak keselamatan secara berlebihan ini sepatutnya tidak perlu kerana ia akan menakutkan rakyat," kata Guest lagi.

Laporan Media Jepun Tentang Himpunan BERSIH 2.0

Posted: 11 Jul 2011 08:02 PM PDT

anjung setiawangsa

Posted: 12 Jul 2011 03:16 PM PDT

anjung setiawangsa


Posted: 12 Jul 2011 02:28 AM PDT

Terus terang ingin dikatakan bahawa semangatnya telah membuatkan gurkah-gurkah politik begitu sebak dan hiba. Pagi-pagi buta lagi dia naik bas dari Setapak berseorangan dan berhenti di Hospital Besar sebab jalan menuju ke bandaraya telah disekat. Dia berjalan kaki ke Chow Kit, Maju Junction kemudian melalui lorong belakang di little India melepasi Masjid Jamek untuk mengelakan diri dari sekatan polis, menuju ke Mesjid Negara tetapi telah di tahan olih seorang anggota polis berunifom dan empat mata-mata gelap ketika di Dayabumi. 

Mereka meminta dia menunjukan kad pengenalan dan mengambil 'statement', kemudian dia disoal "kenapa pakai baju warna kuning?".  Mata-mata gelap tu silap banyak sebab aunty ini berpuluh tahun menjadi cikgu sekolah yang mengajar bahasa inggeris. "Apa pasal saya tak boleh pakai baju warna kuning?". Jawapan dari cikgu pencen ini terhadap soalan-soalan bodoh dari mata-mata gelap tadi benar-benar membuatkan gurkah-gurkah ini cukup bangga dan jawapan begitulah yang sepatutnya semua rakyat kena jawab sebab Malaysia kita adalah sebuah negara demokrasi, dan gurkah-gurkah ini kata lagi..ini baru lah 'iron lady' sebab ketika ramai yang berlari untuk berlindung dari tembakan gas pemedih mata, dia juga yang menjerit-jerit supaya tunggu, kita mara dan jangan lari.

Dia adalah antara orang-orang yang berani dan bersemangat, mempertaruhkan kesihatan  dan keselamatannya bersama-sama dengan puluhan ribu yang lain turun ke jalan raya untuk 'walk for democracy' dengan berbaju kuning, biarpun awal-awal lagi polis telah memberi amaran yang sesiapa yang berbaju warna kuning akan ditangkap kerana disyaki menyokong perhimpunan bersih-2.

Sebagai menghargai semangatnya gurkah-gurkah telah berdiri dan salut.

Cilok dari blog dollah yankee


Posted: 12 Jul 2011 01:55 AM PDT

Prof Atory komen kata orang Cina tidak ambil peduli tentang BERSIH 2.0. Kalau dia hadir ke perhimpunan tersebut dan membuka mindanya dengan ikhlas pasti dia akan akui..... BERSIH 2.0 telah melahirkan 1MALAYSIA yang tulen! Bacalah salah satu kisah yang dipaparkan ,......

Tanah tumpahnya darahku — Esther Goh

July 12, 2011
JULY 12 — "Are you ready to die for the country?" I asked as I walked together with Simeon heading from Mirama Hotel on Jalan Maharajalela to Petaling Street.
My honest answer to my own question was, "No. I don't believe I should die now. When I'm only 24. There is so much more that I want and believe I can do for my country."
"But what if it takes bloodshed for people to wake up? What if we were the ones to go — so that people will finally realise the need for change?" was Simeon's reply.
I was driving home on Thursday night when this motorcyclist, thinking I was endangering his life, rode very fast... honking the whole way. And as he approached my car, he bent over and shouted at the top of his lungs at me.
Wow, I thought. If this was how it's like when there's NO rally, I cannot imagine what would happen on July 9th.
I thought of chickening out.
I flip-flopped the entire July 8th. To go, or not to go? Every time somebody asked me if I was going, I flashed them a nervous smile.
What if I die? What if I don't die... but end up with a disability? Gaahhh.
I knocked on the door of 608. And after a request for the "Secret Password", the door was opened to 13 other people. Young people. People I call friends.
I sat amongst them, and we talked late into the night. Of our game plan. How we would run. What we would need to counter the possible attacks we would face.
We slept. And woke to the sound of FRU trucks moving into the city.
You would have thought it was World War III.
We packed salt. Prepared bi-carb soda solution. Soaked our towels in vinegar. Prayed. And left in twos and threes.
We walked towards Petaling Street. People we met along the way were silent.. It was the calm before the storm. Grim. None of us knowing what would happen.
As we walked further into the heart of the city, we heard chants.
"Hidup, hidup! Hidup Bersih! Hidup, hidup! Hidup Rakyat!"
And something in me started. It was a growing excitement.
We followed the crowd. Chanting as we walked along.
Deep inside me, I was still afraid. I looked around me. Most people do not have the same colour skin as me. If a riot was to break out, I would have been Peking duck in two seconds.
We looked on. And strategized to join the crowd and be in the middle. Lest anything should happen, at least we were not in the vulnerable fringes.
Menara Maybank.
1 Malaysia #1. I met an elderly Chinese auntie. This was not her first rally. The Anti-ISA rally was her first. She was doing it for her children, she said.
Tear Gas #1. We ran helter-skelter.
Tung Shin Hospital.
We were waiting with the rest to march to the stadium. But the Men in Blue gave us no rest.
Tear Gas #2. We ran helter-skelter again.
We ran into the shelter, eyes, nose and throat hurting from the gas.
1 Malaysia #2. We ran into the shelter. Eyes still stinging.
Four Malay boys who were standing around offered us salt.
"Rub it around your eyes and put some in the roof of your mouth," Arif said. "Take this bag of salt, give it to those who need it."
"Thank you, and please, please, please take care," we bade him.
Still in Tung Shin Hospital grounds.
We ran helter-skelter. And we saw a wall. There was nowhere else to run, as police were chasing with their batons.
1 Malaysia #3. An elderly Chinese uncle stood by the wall.
"Uncle, go first.. go first," I told him.
"No, no... after you!" And he helped me over the wall. And on the other side of the wall, was another Malay uncle... standing and giving a hand to all of us who were running.
We continued running.
1 Malaysia #4. I came to another wall. This time, this wall had a metal fence. With sharp pointers.
I climbed up the wall. And looked down. There was no way I was going to make it down there unscathed.
A young Malay chap climbed up to where I was. Lifted me, and lowered me down the other side.. his stomach pressing against the sharp metal pointers as he was doing so.
"Are you okay?" I turned back and asked.
"Yes, just run," was his reply.
After having survived three rounds of tear gas... we were still dissatisfied.
This rally is not over!
We heard chants from afar, and decided we would join our fellow comrades in the march to Stadium Merdeka.
1 Malaysia #5. As we were heading towards the crowd, we saw three Chinese aunties.
They warned us against heading in that direction, because they just saw the FRUs and the police beating people up with batons.
"Thank you for coming, auntie. For doing this for our generation," I said.
She looked at me with bewilderment. Took off her hat, and said to me, "Why do you thank me? My father didn't do this for me. Now I will do it for my children. For my grandchildren. I will march in every state every week — until I see change happen."
We found the crowd. And marched on to KLCC.
"Rasa sayang, hey! Rasa sayang sayang hey! Hey..." was what we heard the crowd singing.
We arrived in KLCC. Sat. Made a few more friends.
And ran. Because the police were after us again.
As we ran for our lives, I saw two other people in front of me.
In running, they hit and toppled the barricades that were around KLCC. And to my utter amazement, they stopped, picked up the barricades, arranged it to be how it was like before, and continued running.
9th of July, 2011.
I am proud.
Proud to have friends — students and white-collared workers, who would risk being detained and being treated inhumanely to stand for what is right.
Proud to have Malaysian brothers and sisters — this is my pledge. That this will be the last time I refer to anybody by race. Because of the kindness you showed me and my friends today, you showed me that we are CAPABLE, of being COLOUR BLIND.
Proud of the way we behaved during the rally. We were not violent. We were courteous. We helped each other. We pushed on despite being treated like dogs because we kept in mind -- the next generation that is to come after us.
Proud that we showed kindness instead of retaliating when we were provoked.
Proud that now, nobody can call us Third World — because we did not react the way the Middle East did.
Negaraku, tanah tumpahnya darahku.
9th July 2011. The day I am so proud of my fellow Malaysian friends.


Posted: 12 Jul 2011 01:11 AM PDT


Khalid Samad ketuk kepala sendiri......


Mat Sabu saja sepak tembok jalan .....

Mungkin inilah yang akan diwar-warkan oleh orang-orang yang BONGOK!


Posted: 12 Jul 2011 12:55 AM PDT

Pua: Liow 'lying through his teeth' on hospital attack

By Clara Chooi
July 12, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider
KUALA LUMPUR, July 12 — DAP MP Tony Pua today accused MCA deputy president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai of "lying through his teeth" when the latter denied that police had fired tear gas and water cannons into the Tung Shin Maternity Hospital on Saturday.
The Petaling Jaya Utara MP, who was among the group seeking refuge in the hospital during the chemical bombardment, demanded that the health minister apologise to the hospital authorities and Malaysians for his statement.
Calling Liow's defence of the police "lame and pathetic" and a "disgrace" to a man of his stature, Pua (picture) pointed out that the numerous "irrefutable" videos, pictures and scores of eyewitness accounts that emerged after the incident have already disproved Liow's claim.
"Liow has denied outright that the police fired tear gas into the compound, claiming that it was shot onto the main road, and blamed the wind for blowing the gas into the hospital compound," Pua said in a statement.
"He further argued that the water cannon only 'brushed' the edges of the hospital walls, and was not shot directly into the compound."
Pua said it was impossible that the police had only fired the chemicals onto the main road as at the time, Bersih 2.0 protestors had already dispersed to find shelter, including even in the hospital compound.
"Liow's attempt to blame the supporters for seeking refuge in the hospital is also mischievous because they were being attacked by the police from both ends of Jalan Pudu, making the hospital compound the only possible escape from the relentless firing of tear gas and chemical-laced water," he added.
Pua urged Liow, as the health minister, to visit the hospital and apologise on behalf of the Najib administration for the police's actions on Saturday, saying they had showed disrespect to the sanctity of hospitals at a time of unrest.
He pointed out that DAP leaders had done the same on Sunday and had expressed thanks and gratitude to the hospital management for allowing supporters to seek refuse in its compound.
"Instead, Liow proceeded to deny and lie about what is the obvious truth in order to defend the police force, demonstrating the recalcitrance of the Barisan Nasional (BN) government and a complete lack of respect for the hospitals under his purview and Malaysians at large.
"His actions proved that MCA is only an apologist for the BN coalition, and disgraced himself and his party for not having spoken up for Malaysians," said Pua.
Since Saturday's chaotic events, a debate has been escalating between Bersih 2.0 supporters and the Najib administration over whether the police had fired tear gas and water cannons into the Tung Shin Hospital.
Liow, in denying the attacks, also slammed protestors yesterday after meeting with hospital authorities, saying they had "ambushed" the compound when they used its compound to escape the bombardment.


Posted: 11 Jul 2011 10:50 PM PDT


Rosni binti Malan
Maybank Acc# 1640-5232-3091


Posted: 11 Jul 2011 10:25 PM PDT


Posted: 11 Jul 2011 10:20 PM PDT


Posted: 11 Jul 2011 10:13 PM PDT


Posted: 11 Jul 2011 10:07 PM PDT

Sapa la agak-agaknya yang upah Auntie ni Zahrain oiiiiii!

Marina Mahathirpun makan upah juga ke Zahrain?

Begitu celupar Zahrain Katak mengatakan peserta-peserta BERSIH 2.0 dibayar upah. Yela.....nak buat macam mana sebab dia bercakap dari pengalaman kot sebab diupah untuk menjadi seekor sang katak.


Posted: 11 Jul 2011 09:56 PM PDT

Tengok betul-betul gambar di atas, ke mana dihalakan tembakan itu, bukankah tepat ke kewasan hospital. Signboard di depannya jelas menunjukkan HOSPITAL TUNG SHIN. Lagi mahu tipu rakyat!

Anak Muda Kampung Nak Senang

Posted: 12 Jul 2011 11:39 AM PDT

Anak Muda Kampung Nak Senang

Ceramah Menjelang RAMADHAN 17 Julai 2011

Posted: 12 Jul 2011 12:47 AM PDT

Tarikh : 17 Julai 2011
Hari : Ahad
Masa : 8.45 mlm
Tempat : Dataran Senawang, N.Sembilan

Penceramah :
Ustaz Dr Mujahid Rawa
Ustaz Norazman Mohamad
YB Hj Taufek

Penampilan istimewa : Azhan Atan, Juara Akademi Nasyid TV9

Pertanyaan : 0123696474 (Azizi)

Semua dijemput hadir

Pemuda Amal kecam akhbar ubah suai gambar

Posted: 11 Jul 2011 04:58 PM PDT

TEMERLOH, 11 Julai: Seorang Pemuda Amal PAS kawasan ini mengecam tindakan sebuah akhbar harian semalam yang menyiarkan gambarnya dengan imej "pemuda bertopeng" semasa perhimpunan Bersih Sabtu lalu yang telah diubah suai bagi menggambarkan keganasan.

(Gambar yang disiarkan oleh sebuah akhbar yang tidak membayangkan hal sebenarnya dan membuat dakwaan palsu iaitu memegang pisau padahal bendera Malaysia sebenarnya.)

Sebaliknya beliau yang hanya mahu dikenali sebagai Ajak, berkata tangannya memegang bendera jalur gemilang bukannya pisau sebagaimana mahu digambarkan akhbar berkenaan.

Serentak dengan itu, beliau yang menganggap akhbar kawalan Umno itu berniat jahat dan menipu rakyat negara ini menggesa jurufoto yang menggambil gambarnya itu menyiarkan gambar yang sebenar atau berdepan dengan tindakan undang-undang.

"Saya turun ke Kuala Lumpur sebagai anggota Amal PAS yang mengawal keselamatan dan saya berada di hadapan Maybank bersama puluhan ribu rakyat ketika itu dan saya berada di depan sekali. Antara pimpinan yang ada ialah Dr Mohamad Hatta Ramli.

"Pada masa itu Polis Simpanan Persekutuan (FRU) melepaskan gas pemedih mata. Bagi mengawal pemimpin, saya sempat mengutip kelongsong gas yang masih berasap itu lalu membalingnya ke atas rumput bukannya ke arah polis," ujarnya.

Tambahnya, gambar yang masih disiarkan akhbar berkenaan seolah-olah memegang pisau dan membaling batu sedangkan beliau memegang bendera jalur gemilang dan membaling kelongsong gas kosong ke tepi.

Katanya, anggota Amal diajar dengan disiplin yang tinggi dan jika beliau memiliki pisau sudah lama ditangkap polis kerana perjalanan dari Pahang ke Kuala Lumpur terpaksa menempuh banyak sekatan polis.

(Gambar sebenar Ajak dengan bendera Malaysia yang dikatakan pisau oleh akhbar berkenaan disiarkan oleh sebuah akhbar bahasa Inggeris hari ini. Akhbar itu mahu buktikan ia gambar sebenar dalam demo itu bukannya gambar luar negara tetapi berikan bukti untuk Ajak menyaman akhbar bahasa Malaysia itu)

"Malangnya gambar tersebut telah diubah suai dengan niat jahat, menipu dan mengaibkan peserta himpunan menuntut pembaikan proses pilihan raya itu.

"Kenapa keluar gambar saya seorang, mana puluhan ribu lagi rakyat yang berarak dari Jalan Pudu hingga ke Maybank itu? Saya cabar akhbar itu siarkan gambar sebenar," katanya.

Mengenai pemakaian topeng, beliau berkata itu bagi mengelakkan terhidu gas berasid yang boleh memudaratkan kerana beliau sudah bepengalaman acap kali menyertai demonstrasi.

Dalam pada itu beliau sedang berbincang dengan seorang peguam terkenal di sini bagi membawa kesnya itu ke mahkamah kerana beliau sudah mula menjadi tumpuan umum akibat gambar yang mengaibkannya disiarkan secara berleluasa.


PKR DUN 19 Kepayan P174 Penampang, Sabah.

Posted: 12 Jul 2011 11:16 AM PDT

PKR DUN 19 Kepayan P174 Penampang, Sabah.


Posted: 12 Jul 2011 04:09 AM PDT


PKR Supreme Council Member –cum PKR Sabah Secretary Dr Roland Chia Ming Shen is very disappointed with the total amount contributed by Petronas in the Petronas Education Sponsorship Programme (PESP) on the people of Sabah. A mere spending of RM47million from 1975 to 2011 ( over a period of 36 years i.e RM1.3 Million a year) is a total humiliation to the rakyat of Sabah; given that the billions of revenue that Sabah has contributed to the coffers of PETRONAS over the last 36 years.

On the other hand, PKR Sabah has got the priorities right for the rakyat that in the 1st 100 days when PR comes into power as stated in Buku Jingga Sabah.

a. RM1 Billion to be set aside as Sabah Heritage Fund - to assist the poor whose income is less than RM1500.

b. RM1 Billion to be set aside for formation of PetroSabah to capitulate this Sabahan company into an International conglomerate in providing jobs opportunity for Sabahans and attract back the brain drain of Sabahans back to Sabah.

PESP which was started in 1975 – a sponsorship programme to provide educational opportunities to deserving students, to help realize their academic potential. It seeks to develop a pool of professionals to meet Petronas Manpower and business growth needs.

To add salt into injury, Petronas had declared that it will spend RM50 billion to RM55 billion a year within the next five years for the replacement of its ageing assets in order to maintain sustainable growth going forward ; as reported in their recent announcement of their pretax profit ended December 31, 2010.

This is utterly ridiculous without taking onto consideration of the plight of the rakyat especially Sabahans whose poverty rate in the 2nd highest in the country , Malaysia.

Petronas under the BN government has absolutely got their priorities wrong, that will only benefits certain individuals and not the rakyat as a whole. Petronas can spend billions in investing in F1 – Circuit and sponsors fast cars to participate in F1- circuit , and yet fail to fulfill their corporate social responsibility (CSR) to the very own home country that contributed to their wealth.

Sabah being the largest gas producer and the fourth largest crude oil producer state in the country,never reaped the benefits from this GLC instead being robbed of the very resources to the core.

In addition, Petronas in its CSR effort should invest in free community buses (transportation) to the rural school kids in Sabah & Sarwak – for many of them who at times had to walk 10- 20 kms to reach the nearest primary and secondary school, thus depriving them of the basic availability of a decent education.

The PKR Sabah wishes to convey our utmost condolences to the family of the late Mr. Baharudin Ahmad who died a martyr for the sake of the nation in the recent BERSIH2.0 in Kuala Lumpur- PKR Central Supreme Council Member cum PKR Sabah Secretary Dr Roland Chia Ming Shen conveyed in a press statement today.

Posted: 12 Jul 2011 04:06 AM PDT

Dr Roland Chia

PKR Central Supreme Council Member cum PKR Sabah Secretary

Dr Roland Chia Ming Shen conveyed in a press statement today.

burhanudin ahmad

The family of the late Baharudin Ahmad 56, one of the protesters at Bersih's massive rally on Saturday whose funeral was attended by Pakatan Rakyat top leaders on Sunday has disputed claims by police that he had died of heart problems.

There were reports said the deceased had suffered difficulty in breathing after the police charged tear gas towards him to disperse crowd of people near KLCC. He then collapsed, but was denied immediate care due to ambulance being prevented from arrival. A nephew of Baharudin, Azhar Kassim when contacted told us that "Four of his chest bones were broken and 3 teeth were also broken, he has no asthma, heart problem nor diabetic, he only had high blood pressure. He was healthy," he added.

PKR Sabah questioned the need for the Government's to be so over-zealous and excessive in showing of power by sheer determination to crush the Rakyat freedom to exercise of their Constitutionally-guaranteed fundamental rights.  According to media and eyewitness accounts, the police used arbitrary, improper and disproportionate physical force, including assaulting some participants physically, wantonly arresting hundreds of individuals and recklessly using tear gas and water cannons on unarmed participants who were gathered in a peaceful and disciplined manner.  In Sabah , there were intimidation of dry-run exercise of riot control, in addition there were excessive roadblocks entering the city of Kota Kinabalu & Penampang on 9 July 2011 followed by surveillance of helicopters covering the skyline of the city. This was also compounded by the arrest of 7 Pakatan Youths a week earlier on 2 July 2011 for having breakfast in Kota Kinabalu. We seek for wisdom and restrain from the Police for the sake of our nation.

We call on the Home Ministry to adhere to the United Nations ("UN") Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials, adopted in 1979 by the UN General Assembly, of which Malaysia is a member.  Article 3 provides that "[l]aw enforcement officials may use force only when strictly necessary and to the extent required for the performance of their duty".  Furthermore, in 1990 Malaysia adopted the UN Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials, which mandate that law enforcement officials "shall, as far as possible, apply non-violent means before resorting to the use of force", and may use force "only if other means remain ineffective".  Even when the use of lawful force is unavoidable, law enforcement officials must "exercise restraint in such use and act in proportion to the seriousness to the offence.

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