Ahad, 26 Jun 2011



Zulkifli Noordin

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 09:17 PM PDT

Zulkifli Noordin


Posted: 25 Jun 2011 03:36 AM PDT

(Lee Kuan Yew pernah mendedahkan bahawa Bahagian Risikan Singapura mempunyai "bukti teknikal" kegiatan Anwar dan "Anwar walks into the trap!!!)

Salam 2 all.

Siapa sebenarnya yang merakamkan videoklip adengan "kondang-kondi" Anwar Ibrahim dengan China-Doll itu? Itulah persoalan besar yang bermain dalam fikiran rakyat. Prosiding perbicaraan Datuk Trio semalam, walaupun jelas membuktikan Jantan-X sebagai Anwar Ibrahim, tetapi meninggalkan persoalan besar; siapa dalang yang membikin rakaman tersebut? Kerana Mahkamah dimaklumkan bahawa dalang pembuat video itu tidak diketahui lagi!

Teman menerima banyak pertanyaan mengenai kemusykilan itu. Yang nyata, Datuk Eskay, rakan baik Anwar, tidak membuat rakaman tersebut. Beliau menjumpai alat perakam dan videoklip itu. Datuk Shuib dan Tan Sri Rahim lagi lah takde kena mengena, sebab prosiding semalam membuktikan mereka sekadar membantu menyiarkan videoklip tersebut. Jadi siapa dalang yang membuat rakaman tersebut?

Apa yang jelas ialah dalang pembuat rakaman tersebut sudah tentu bukan calang-calang orang, atau kumpulan, kerana:

1. sudah pasti mereka mempunyai maklumat tentang lokasi kegiatan Anwar;
2. mereka mempunyai akses ke bilik kegiatan tersebut;
3. mereka mempunyai kepakaran dan dana yang cukup untuk melaksanakan operasi.

Teman cukup yakin orang atau kumpulan yang melaksanakan operasi tersebut adalah agen-agen negara asing kerana:

1. sudah pasti mereka yang memasang alat perakam tersebut sudah tahu Anwar Ibrahim akan membuat "taklimat pelaburan" didalam bilik tersebut; maka mereka memasangnya didalam bilik itu. Ini menimbulkan persoalan, bagaimana mereka tahu Anwar akan "bercucuk-tanam" dalam bilik tersebut.

2. mengikut maklumat yang diperolehi, Anwar telah beberapa kali menggunakan bilik atau lokasi yang sama untuk tujuan "main kondang-kondi" ni. Bermakna samada pembawa Anwar, iaitu rakan baiknya Datuk Eskay yang bocorkan maklumat, atau kakitangan apartment yang membocorkan kegiatan Anwar disitu. Atau ada pihak yang sudah memang sedia memantau dan mengekori Anwar. Datuk Eskay langsung tidak mengetahui tentang adanya alat video perakam itu, jadi kemungkinan besarnya bukan Datuk Eskay. Mungkinkah kakitangan apartment itu sendiri?

3. Atau adakah agen negara asing sudah mengetahui tentang kegiatan Anwar ini? Dan memantau serta merakam "adengan kondang-kondi' Anwar itu? Kalau benar, apa matlamat mereka? Apa kepentingan mereka?

4. Kita perlu ingat bila Anwar sudah beberapa kali pergi ke lokasi yang sama, atau kegiatannya dilokasi yang sama sudah dibocorkan, maka mudah lah pihak agen asing yang memantau kegiatan Anwar melaksanakan operasi mereka.

5. Kita juga perlu ingat bukan mudah hendak memasang empat (4) buah alat perakam video "high-definition camera" didalam sebuah bilik yang disewakan saperti hotel atau servis apartment. Bermakna kumpulan agen asing ini sudah tahu Anwar akan ada disitu, dan mempunyai banyak masa untuk memasang alat perakam video itu.

6. Dan kita perlu ingat, untuk melaksanakan operasi saperti ini memerlukan kos yang sangat tinggi. Peralatan perakam yang canggih saperti yang digunakan sangat mahal. Untuk menampung anggota risikan yang melaksanakan operasi bukan murah yop. Nak membayar pemberi maklumat, tempat penginapan, mereka yang memberi akses kepada agen-agen ini masuk ke bilik adengan untuk memasang perakam video tersebut, kos logistik dan banyak lagi. Pendek cerita, bukan murah yop.

7. Oh ya, jangan lupa lokasi tempat adengan "kondang-kondi China-Doll" itu berlaku ada kedutaan negara asing yang berdekatan. Mike tahu kedutaan apa tu yop? Cuba mike lalu kat depan loksai tu dan tengok, jelas tertulis kedutaan negara mana!!!

Bila mengimbas kembali pendedahan oleh portal WikiLeaks, berderaulah darah teman! Kita jangan lupa dalam pendedahan yang menggegarkan dunia risikan, WikiLeaks antara lain pernah mendedahkan kabel pertukaran maklumat diantara mantan Perdana Menteri Singapura Lee Kuan Yew, Bahagian Risikan Singapura/ Australia dengan Bahagian Risikan Amerika Syarikat.

Antara yang didedahkan ialah, Bahagian Risikan Singapura/ Australia mendedahkan bahawa "mereka mempunyai bukti & keterangan teknikal" tentang kegiatan Anwar Ibrahim. Apa dia "bukti teknikal" itu? Adakah ianya termasuk rakaman video Anwar Ibrahim. Kita perlu ingat yang perakam video dan rakaman videoklip yang dijumpai oleh Datuk Eskay, kawan baik Anwar itu hanyalah secara kebetulan beliau terjumpa. Persoalannya, adakah mereka, iaitu kumpulan agen asing ini sudah mempunyai rakaman-rakaman lain sebelum daripada itu?

Yang lebih parah, mantan Perdana Menteri Singapura Lee Kuan Yew menyatakan dalam pendedahan WikiLeaks itu, bahawa bukan sahaja Bahagian Risikan Singapura mempunyai "bukti teknikal" mengenai kegiatan Anwar, malah beliau dengan jelas menyebut "Anwar termasuk didalam perangkap tersebut"!!! Apa perangkap yang dimaksudkan oleh Lee Kuan Yew? Adakah termasuk rakaman video 'adengan kondang-kondi dengan China-Doll" ini atau adengan lain-lain?

Teman teringat semasa lawatan Lee Kuan Yew ke Malaysia selepas pilihanraya 2008, beliau menemui beberapa pemimpin Pakatan pembangkang terutamanya dikalangan pimpinan PAS dan DAP, dan beliau langsung tidak menemui Anwar. Dan teman masih ingat kenyataan yang disampaikan kepada kami oleh pimpinan yang berjumpa Lee Kuan Yew mengenai apa yang telah disebut oleh Lee Kuan Yew, "everytime Anwar touchdown in Singapura, we have cameras monitoring him, and we know his activities. Be careful!".

Kalau tak percaya, cuba tanya beberapa kepimpinan Pakatan pembangkang. Malah antara mereka pernah membuat komen selepas pendedahan Lee Kuan Yew itu, "tak habis-habislah Anwar ni". Tak percaya cuba tanya dema yop! Itupun kalau dema masih nak bercakap benar lah. Paham-pahamlah kalau perjungan Negara Islam pun mereka boleh campak ke longkang kerana ugutan seorang punjabi tak berturban, bayangkanlah apa yang mereka mampu buat!!!

Jadi yop, persoalan besar yang rakyat perlu tanya sekarang ini ialah, apakah Bahagian Risikan Singapura mempunyai "bukti teknikal" kegiatan "kondang-kondi" Anwar Ibrahim? Dan berapa banyak bukti teknikal yang mereka ada tu? Apakah bukti teknikal itu boleh memudaratkan kedaulatan Malaysia dan mengamcam keselamatan negara?

Kalau benar mereka ada bukti teknikal berkenaan Anwar Ibrahim, mike tak nampak ke bahaya yang sedang negara hadapi? Kita semua tahu Singapura semakin terdesak dengan isu pembekalan air bersih dan perluasan tanah untuk penduduknya. Kontrak pembekalan air dari Malaysia ke Singapura akan tamat tidak lama lagi. Kesempitan tanah memaksa Singapura mendapatkan bekalan pasir untuk usaha penebusan dan tambakan laut, hinggakan aktiviti penyeludupan pasir dari Malaysia semakin berleluasa!

Dalam keadaan itu, cuba mike bayang kalau Anwar Ibrahim menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia! Orang yang paling tersenyum besar ialah Lee Kuan Yew dan kekawan dia. Sebab, semua masalah besar Singapura itu tadi akan selesai. Apa susah, dengan menggunakan "bukti teknikal" yang mereka ada, mudah sangat bagi mereka "memeras" dan "mengugut" Anwar Ibrahim.

Jangan lupa Anwar Ibrahim hampir memusnahkan negara dahulu apabila beriya-iya mahu melaksanakan preskripsi IMF dalam menangani krisis kewangan dan ekonomi 1998. Bayang apa akan jadi jika Anwar berjaya; kita akan jadi hamba IMF selama-lamanya. Persoalannya, adakah pihak asing tersebut mempunyai apap-apa "bukti" atau "bahan" untuk memeras Anwar, sehingga dia sanggup tunduk kepada telunjuk negara Barat dan IMF dengan prsekripsi yang boleh memperhambakan Malaysia kepada telunjuk asing?

Alhamdulillah Tun Dr. Mahathir bertindak pantas memintas dan mencantas Anwar; dan negara kita bukan sahaja terselamat, malah masih punya maruah dan harga diri kerana kita berjaya menyelesaikan masalah kita mengikut cara kita sendiri, tanpa bergantung atau tunduk kepada sesiapa.

Oleh itu jawapannya mudah yop; Anwar Ibrahim, manusia yang ditabal bininya sendiri sebagai anugerah tuhan wajib dipintas, wajib dicantas; sebelum negara kita tergadai, dan diletakkan dibawah ransom dan tebusan oleh negara asing!!!

Tepuk dada tanyalah iman masing-masing yop. Gunakanlah otak yang ALLAH beri itu untuk berfikir, bukan untuk dibuat sup otak masak lemak cili padi. Dan bila berfikir, tengoklah wajah anak zuriat masing-masing; apa nak jadi dengan masa depan mereka jika ini semua terjadi. Jangan nanti sampai ke peringkat anak cucu mike kencing diatas kubur mike yop; kerana mike menggadai masa depan mereka hanya kerana ketaksuban melampau kepada seorang manusia!!!

Kita bukan gila kuasa, tetapi kita nak halang orang gila daripada berkuasa!!! ALLAH huakbar
..ALLAH huakbar..ALLAH huakbar..!!!

Adios amigos, grasias senor.

Wallahua'lam & wassalam.

Zulkifli Bin Noordin
23 Rejab 1432
25 Jun 2011

Anwar Ibrahim

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 07:36 PM PDT

Anwar Ibrahim

Something Rotten At The Duta Courts

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 07:15 AM PDT

From Malaysiakini

Shakespeare wrote in the play ‘Hamlet’ that “something is rotten in the state of Denmark”. Court of Appeal judge NH Chan had also made similar remarks when he wrote the Ayer Molek Rubber Co Bhd vs Insas Bhd judgment in 1995, where he described the case he was presiding over as being about an injustice perpetrated by a court of law.

Can yesterday’s conviction of the infamous ‘Datuk T’ trio be said a travesty of justice deserving the local version that goes “something is rotten in Duta courts” resulting in possibly another charge looming over Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim?

Anwar had yesterday maintained the government’s conspiracy in the matter, asking how can one respect a government when its instruments are so blatantly used politically.

Let’s back-track a bit before returning to the conviction. The video was screened on March 21 at the posh and historical Carcosa Seri Negara Hotel by the Datuk T for several invited editors and journalists in a room booked under the name of former Malacca chief minister Abdul Rahim Thamby Chik, who is also Risda chairperson.

Rahim is part of the Datuk T trio that also comprised businessperson Shazryl Eskay Abdullah and former MP Shuib Lazim – all three later claimed responsibility for the event. The three protagonists had called on Anwar to resign.

This led to Anwar issuing a statement on the same day, March 21, denying that he was the man in the video and lodged a police report the next day.

As a result, the trio was called in and it was during this time Eskay said he had handed the only copy of the sex tape to the police.

However, parts of the clip made their way online just before the Sarawak state elections, only to resurface last month, this time in full. It also made its way to the homes of village headmen and politicians via post.

After a period of silence, Eskay took a religious oath at a Sentul mosque – complete with bullet-proof vest – to swear that Anwar was the man in the video.
He repeated himself yesterday when the facts of the case were being read out in court, telling the court that the man in the video who resembles Anwar, was indeed the politician.

Subsequently the trio pleaded guilty to be fined a total of RM5,500.

Discrepancy before yesterday

When Eskay told reporters on Wednesday that he would be charged on Friday, several parliament reporters claimed that they spotted Rahim apparently meeting Prime Minister Najib Razak in the august House.

While Najib denied the meeting took place, Anwar maintains it did indeed happen, suggesting that it would probably lead to the charge being reduced, thus adding muscle to his assertion of a political conspiracy.

The trio – Eskay, Rahim and Shuib – were the main actors along with DPPs Kamaludin Md Said and Mohd Hanafiah Zakaria and respected lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah as well as two other defence lawyers.

Another bombshell dropped before the Datuk T trio were charged was when Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia published a story yesterday quoting Eskay as saying he was ready for any outcome with the article aptly titled ‘Kami sedia apa saja hukuman’ (We are prepared to face any punishment).

So Utusan had a scoop, probably because they knew the high possibility of all three preparing to plead guilty.

The same report stated that the trio would be charged under Section 5 of the Film Censorship Act, for circulating, exhibiting, distributing and displaying an obscene film, which is punishable by a fine of not less than RM10,000 and not more than RM50,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or both.

Utusan however got that charge wrong when prosecution filed a lesser charge against Datuk T. Anwar pounced on this to back his political conspiracy accusation.

Proceedings in court

Before the arrival of the accused, reporters somehow knew in advance that the case would be heard at magistrate’s court three and rushed up there.

Normally, a case would have to be registered first, only then will the courtroom be known. That is the normal procedure any lawyer will tell you to ensure that there is no fixing of judge or magistrate.

It could not be determined if the case had been registered first when the counter opened at 8am and that Eskay and co were told to arrive at that time, but they instead presented themselves sometime around 9.15am in court.

According to reporters covering the trial, two widescreen televisions were already placed in court as a possible prelude to the video being screened.

Some lawyers who were not watching the case but were in the massive court complex were heard murmuring that the protests outside the court in support of Datuk T and the charging were merely a sideshow – a show which has entranced and held the whole nation captive as the three-and-a-half hour proceedings rolled on.

Another point of oddity was when the charge was read out under section 292 of the Penal Code, all three had asked for a break to consult their counsel, as this was “a new charge”.

When the case was recalled, they pleaded guilty and suprisingly, the facts of case had already been conveniently prepared.

The normal proceedings in such cases in a magistrate’s court is that when a person pleads guilty, the prosecutors would seek more time – usually a few hours or in the afternoon and sometimes the next day to prepare the statement.

However, in this case, after a 45-minute interval, the charge was read again and all three entered their plea with the statement of facts ready to be read out in court.

The five-page fact sheet appeared to have been carefully crafted to implicate Anwar in the video as his name was mentioned at least five times right from the first paragraph.

Then came the real jolt when Shafee and not the prosecution told the magistrate that according to case laws, many such cases had been thrown out on appeal because the obscene material had not been screened.

He then applied for the 20-minute sex-clip to be shown in court. The prosecution and other defence counsel raised no objections.

The tape then appeared on the two big screens, which had been been placed there earlier.

Then Shafee began his lengthy submission in mitigation, representing the third defendant, Rahim.

He stated that the revelation of video was made in the defence of the public good and his client’s role was merely booking the hotel room. The other two counsel then delivered their submissions.

Merely coincidences or conspiracy

Putting together all the incidents, what is a sane person to assume – that they were merely coincidences or a meticulously crafted consipiracy as claimed by Anwar?

This despite the foreign expert findings that the person performing the sex act resembled the opposition leader.

The tape was shot before the crucial Sarawak election and the other point is that Anwar, who is facing an ongoing sodomy trial at that time, had successful block the admission of three crucial evidence retrieved in the police lock-up – the toothbrush, the mineral water bottle and white towel.

The other point not mentioned earlier is that Eskay himself was embroiled in a legal battle involving a RM20 million suit he filed against Merong Mahawangsa Sdn Bhd and one of its directors, over the construction of the Johor Baru crooked bridge. The High Court ruled against him.

It is strange that the sex tape investigations took three months as according to a retired senior police officer, in such cases the person caught would be charged within a week. The clip was also widely distributed after Eskay had handed what he claimed as the only copy to the police.

Were hidden hands at work when what was reportedly a charge under the Film Censorship Act as was highlighted in Utusan was reduced to a lesser offence under the Penal Code?

Is it a coincidence that big screen televisions were placed in court before the start of proceedings and the facts of case conveniently prepared.

As the facts present themselves, the readers can decide whether something rotten really happened at the Duta Court yesterday.

‘Larangan Polis Tak Sah, Langgar Perlembagaan’

Posted: 24 Jun 2011 10:39 PM PDT

Dari Malaysiakini

Pakar perlembagaan Abdul Aziz Bari berpendapat tindakan pihak polis malarang perhimpunan BERSIH pada 9 Julai depan bukan sahaya tidak sah, malah melanggar perlembagaan.

“Mereka bertindak secara tidak sah apabila secara umum memaklumkan tidak akan mengeluarkan permit.

“Sebagai pihak berkuasa awam, mereka hanya boleh membuat keputusan apabila permohonan dibuat,” kata pensyarah Universiti Islam Antarabangsa itu kepada Malaysiakini.

Abdul Aziz (kanan) menjelaskan, bawah perlembagaan, polis perlu menimbangkan setiap permohonan permit dan tidak patut membuat sebarang pertimbangan tidak wajar.

Beliau berhujah, polis membuat penghakiman awal berhubung perkara itu dan sekali gus menentang undang-undang.

Paling teruk apabila ia bertentangan dengan hak yang dijamin dalam perlembagaan.

Katanya, mengikut Perkara 10(1)(b) Perlembagaan Perskutuan, polis tiada sebarang hak melarang perhimpunan aman yang dijamin.

“Hatta mahkamah juga tidak boleh melakukannya,” kata pensyarah undang-undang itu.

Bar Council Says ‘Shocked’ With Sex Video Screening In Court

Posted: 24 Jun 2011 09:42 PM PDT

From The Malaysian Insider

The magistrate's court should not have screened the sex video allegedly featuring Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yesterday because the "Datuk T" trio had already pleaded guilty to the crime, says the Bar Council.

Bar Council president Lim Chee Wee described that the court's decision in allowing the video to be shown as "shocking" and "extraordinary."

He stressed that there was no reason to do since those accused of screening the video had readily admitted to the crime.

"There is no need to because they have already pleaded guilty; I am surprised why the sex video was shown in court.

"This is an extraordinary procedure, I am shocked as to why it happened… if a person has already pleaded guilty there is no need to (reveal the evidence)," Lim told The Malaysian Insider.

The lawyer said the court's action was inconsistent with standard procedures in such cases, where evidence is only revealed during the course of a full trial and when the accused maintains his or her innocence.

Former Malacca Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Thamby Chik, businessman Datuk Shazryl Eskay Abdullah and former Perkasa treasurer-general Datuk Shuib Lazim, all of whom make up the "Datuk T" trio, were fined yesterday for their involvement in the screening of the sex video at Carcosa Seri Negara Hotel here on March 21.

Abdul Rahim was hit with a RM1,000 fine for abetting Shazryl and Shuib, who were fined RM3,000 and RM1,500 respectively.

Elaborating further, Lim said the punishment meted out was relevant to the offence committed by the three.

"I have no problem with the punishment, it is just the sex video screening which is an issue," he added.

Disgraceful Attack On Anwar Ibrahim By Police & A-G’s Chambers In Datuk T Case

Posted: 24 Jun 2011 08:02 PM PDT

Disgraceful attack on Anwar Ibrahim by police & A-G’s chambers in Datuk T case

After an unexplained delay of 3 months, the notorious ‘Datuk T’ trio were charged and convicted on June 24 for exhibiting an obscene film in public under s.292(a) of the Penal Code. As expected, the trio were let off with ‘a slap on the wrist’. However what is truly shocking is the conduct of the prosecution in court today. The prosecution submitted a statement of facts which alleged that the video recording is authentic and that an expert in the United States had found that the person in the video resembled Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.

Clearly, the authenticity of the video and the alleged identity of the person in it is completely irrelevant to the offence of exhibiting an obscene recording in public. It is highly unusual and against accepted procedure in criminal prosecutions to insert such irrelevant matters into the statement of facts. In short, the representative of the Attorney General went out of his way to smear the reputation of Anwar Ibrahim.

Not being a party to the proceedings, Anwar had no opportunity to defend himself. What happened in court on June 24 was disgraceful and sickening; it is a basic rule of our legal system that court proceedings must never be used to abuse and slander absent third parties.

The events in court on June 24 is clear proof of the involvement of the highest authorities, including the police leadership and the A-G’s Chambers, in the conspiracy to defame and destroy Anwar Ibrahim politically and personally. Their pretence of impartiality and independence is laughable, and widely disbelieved by the Rakyat. It is also very disturbing that the courts have allowed the authorities to misuse court process for unlawful and unjust purposes.


25 June


Posted: 25 Jun 2011 09:07 AM PDT


Video Ceramah Anwar di Gerik: Lagi di tekan lagi ramai yang hadir...Terimakasih Orang Gerik !!!

Posted: 24 Jun 2011 11:29 PM PDT

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